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Just what the franchise needed
This is by far one of the best entries in the franchise since the original. It didn't try and do too much and didn't get too cute. Just was a raw hunt and predator movie filled with suspense. Amber Midthunder did an amazing job and could be a new action star.

Doctor Sleep

Excellent close to Danny's story
I see the biggest issue people had with this is how dare they try to make a sequel to Kubrick's masterpiece. This film is a beautiful film. It's both dark and terrifying and Rose the Hat was the best movie monster I've seen in years. Even more scary than Pennywise. Some scenes I had to look away from it was so troubling. The climax was perfect and did an amazing job of tying up both movies and both books. Really well done and I hope more people give it a chance.

Into the Dark: Culture Shock
Episode 10, Season 1

Thrilling and All too Real Installment
Living a few hours from the Texas/Mexico border this hit really close to home. I did figure out some of the twist early on, but it was still a thought provoking and troubling movie. What is happening at the border now is bad enough. Something like this isn't too far off too imagine. Great job by Gigi Saul Guerrero in her debut!

One Night of Fear

Fun little slasher movie
I give this a good rating because I take it for what it is. Its a small, indie film in the horror/slasher genre. For what it was, I really enjoyed it. Jessica Sonneborn is one of Hollywood's best kept secrets. She is so beautiful and talented, I'm not sure why we haven't seen her on the big screen yet.

The story moved along well, the gore and effects were well done and the photography was also well done for being low budget. The acting over all was decent and no horror actress can be tortured or killed any better than Mel Heflin. I've never seen an actress put her heart and soul into death scenes the way she does and it shows each time.

So if you're expecting a new Halloween or Texas Chainsaw sized film, you probably won't care for this. If you enjoy indie horror and like seeing a group of actors having fun while making something really gory and crazy, then this is up your alley.


Not your typical love/horror story
This was a really beautiful film. I wasn't sure what to think going into it, but the comparisons of Before Sunrise meets Species are pretty accurate. For one, I want to say, I am a HUGE Augie Duke fan. She is so stunning in this, I wish she had more than just the one scene. The rest of the cast was excellent as well. My only complaint is it dragged for a little bit during the first act, but did make up for that later. With modern horror and movies in general there is so much recycled crap coming out constantly. I'm happy to find rare gems like this one to keep things fresh and fun. My only other issue was it seemed a little confusing at times as to exactly what her "condition" was. She explained it but was a bit vague. Maybe it was just me. I plan on giving it another watch. This one is well worth it and will have you thinking long after.

Lamb Feed

A Total blast
This short film was so much fun to watch. I love the grainy, grind-house feel in indie films. Right away you get the feeling something terrible is about to happen. Sure, its a bit of a trope, but that's what makes it fun.

Luke Church did a great job and was more than believable. Melanie Robel was OK, but needs a lot of work before she's ready to move into bigger projects. I just didn't feel like she believed in her character.

Meghan Chadeayne was incredible. Though she has few lines, she does great as Lana Wicker. She's both seductive, yet creepy at the same time. I've seen her in other things and I think Ms. Chadeayne quite talented, but often gets dismissed just because she is so stunning. Yet she has a natural talent that shines through her character.

Robert Mukes is absolutely horrifying in this film. Besides is monstrous size, the makeup on him was stuff of nightmares.

Michael Wainwright was also creepy as hell, in a good way. He reminded me a bit of Chop Top from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 for some reason.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable film. The gore was realistic and there was plenty of it for a short film, acting was excellent and just all around well done. I hope to see this made into a feature.


Great Body Horror
I really enjoyed this. I'm a fan of body horror already, so this was right up my alley. The acting started off a bit shaky, but everything fell into place about 10 minutes into the film.

Meggie Maddock is a beautiful and talented actress who I hope to see great things from in the future. As crazy as I thought her character, Novella was, her friend really took the cake. I also thought I had Dr. Simon figured out, but that threw me for a loop as well. This film had some really intense moments throughout and her self cannibalism scenes were extremely cringe-worthy. Great film over all and the ending was just insane.

Naked Zombie Girl

Grindhouse classic
This is one of the best shorts I've ever seen. From the title alone, you think this is going to be a piece of boobs and blood schlock, but it is everything but.

Meghan Chadeayne is an absolute goddess. I mean seriously, she is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Not only that but she's a great actress. She could have easily played a brain dead naked chick running from zombies. Instead, her scenes are so intense you almost forget she's naked. That is not an easy feat with someone who looks like Meghan Chadeayne.

There has been talk this might be a full length feature. If that happens, I hope to see Meghan retain the lead role. Either way, this short is definitely worth checking out.

What They Say

Intense and captivating
I watched this recently and I have to say it was incredibly powerful and difficult to watch at times. When I say difficult to watch, I don't mean that in a bad way. Heather Dorff puts on an amazing performance as a troubled and tortured girl. We see many horror films that deal with demon possession. But in What they Say, we see that there are many around us with their own kind of demons, who feel that no one around them cares or wants to even know. Such a great film. My only complains is I wish it were longer.

******************POSSIBLE SPOILERS*************************

As we watch her character struggle, you feel her pain and can sense the struggle and feel it with her. As she cuts herself, inflicting her own pain, you get the feeling she feels some need to punish herself for either not being good enough for others' expectations, or for not standing up for herself. She is trapped in a world of rumors and expectations of those around her and she feels powerless to escape. This is communicated perfectly in this short film.

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