
IMDb member since August 2019
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Worst sci-fi movie so far this year
Unfortunately this left me cold. The acting was rather stale and I just didn't care about any of them. There were two recognisable faces, I think one of them was in the Americans, But the lead actress was just boring.

The biggest flaw was the inconsistencies in the science, we have things floating around in zero-G whilkst at the same time objects sitting on as desk in front of people.

There's alsoi a ridiculous space walk scene where this highly trained aastronaut goes against every training procedure. I actually cheered when he "left"

Do yourselves a favour and skip this one/ there's a lot better out there.

Luther: The Fallen Sun

not sure where to start with this train wreck
If you're a fan of the series, or simply an Idras fan my advice would be avoid like Covid.

Ditto I've only seen one movie this year that surpasses the farcical script and imbecilic plot line. That movie was Michael Flatley's Blackbird.

I can only imagine Idris wishes he'd danced his way off this set.

If you're a fan of the series, or simply an Idras fan my advice would be avoid like Covid.

I've only seen one movie this year that surpasses the farcical script and imbecilic plot line. That movie was Michael Flatley's Blackbird.

I can only imagine Idris wishes he'd danced his way off this set.

The Ark

Horrendous tripe
I watched the first 30 seconds thinkin ok, no intro but ok. Then the next 10 secs thinking what an inefficient way to stack cryogenic pods.

Wow, if that was where it ended i would have been ok.

Effects are 80's style, acting..well..they're all so young bless.

I made it to the 7.00 min mark. Once the child crew had finished slipping around and the pseudo teenage scots guy in the bath appeared, I knew where this was going.

If this was a real Ark, then I'm afraid there was one too many of everyone surviving. Best let this one drown. I'd be shocked to see this air 6 episodes. It's trash.

My advice. Swim for it.

The Infernal Machine

What could have been a good film quickly turns into your usual paranoid writer fare.

I actually fell asleep in the final chapter and on awakening realised i really didn't care how it ended.

You'll figure out pretty quickly who the protagonist is and what's going on about midway and after that it's just silliness.

There's no taking away that Guy Pearce is a great actor and in fact it's the reason I wanted to watch this, but even he couldn't save this slow snooze fest.

My advice, go and watch Memento or The Rover if you need a dose of Guy.

Otherwise give this one a skip, We all have our duds now and again I suppose.

Crow Valley

Poorly written and unoriginal
Sorry to say this didn't provide anything new and the dialogue felt forced and unbelievable. No need to waste your time on this one.

Think Misery meets Psycho with the thrills.

Last Man Down

Probably the worst action film I've seen this decade.
Truly horrific on every level. Terrible script, acting, music, set. Just don't waste your time on this.

Probably slightly better if you watch it with subtitles only.

See: Brothers and Sisters
Episode 1, Season 2

I would rather the queen was mute than blind.
Her accent and her cadence was bad enough in season one but this episode was like nails on a blackboard. Needs to be killed off or muted.


Like Waterworld, but on the beach
Lots of Water, Rust and Beaches and fog. Could do with subtitles here and there but overall a watchable movie.

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Breaking Ground
Episode 1, Season 2

where the water go?
Could it be.... The water went into the ground. I can pour a bucket of water on the ground and it disappears,no mystery.

The phone has a totally cracked screen therefore the touchscreen is malfunctioning. Common issue on iphones. New screen and it won't do that. Duh.


a few issues
Tie shoelaces together, Check, Attach gun belt, Check. Ignore 12 foot scarf. Check.

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