Reviews (2)

  • This series is simply awful. Even the cinematography is false because it wasn't even filmed in India. It's supposed to be about the heated up politics in the Raj before the Brits finally pulled out (or got kicked out) but my goodness, who the heck cares about dull old politics anyway? All the series cares about is the unnatural feelings Ralphie has for his sister and who's sleeping with whom and who's gone off their nutter and shot someone among a dizzying assortment of bizarre characters. None of it makes any sense anyway. The plot line is totally irrational. All I can say is no wonder the series has been canceled. It sure was no Jewel in the Crown which, even though that was made more than thirty years ago, depicted the politics of India pretty well and was even entertaining.
  • I really enjoy DCI Banks having read quite a few of the novels. Peter Robinson is a Canadian though he divides his time between Toronto and Yorkshire. For people who think Thompkinson is miscast I would say that there is nothing in concrete that an actor has to be exactly as described in a book. I think he's great in the role. I have only two quibbles about the series. I wish Banks and Cabbott would either get it on or leave it alone. All they ever do is sexually dither with each other and it's getting boring at this point because it has been going on for so long. No one ever mentions their age difference of course. I mean he must be nearly old enough to be her Dad but in television land that gets swept aside.Secondly I don't think Caroline Catz adds much to the program. All I can see is Doc Martin standing there with Portwen in the distance. I'm afraid Caroline has been typecast past a point. For some reason they have also decided to make her look old and harsh with that vampire lipstick and all black clothing.