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Kiru ra kiru: KILL la KILL

One Of The Best Experiences You Will Ever Have
If you love fast-paced mature action and comedy, this is one of the best experiences you'll ever have watching any show for sure.

Story - 10/10 Kill la Kill is a story about revenge and acceptance and is executed with a level of perfection that is almost unmatched in the world of anime and TV storytelling. It can be goofy at times but it can also be dark and disturbing. It tackles the issue of blind following in authorities and the unnatural vanity that people possess in modern society. The problem for me in most shows that try to tackle complex subjects or explore a complex story that over a number of episodes leaks more and more context to misteries previously established is that they often take their time to liberally and end up being slow-paced, dragged out, and let's face it - boring. Shows and movies that try to be very "deep" often end up spending too much time on notheing and just look pretentious and even if they do have very intelligent story, what is that all worth if they can't entertain you? Kill la Kill is anything but that to the point where it's near the antithesis of slow, lacking substance pretentious shows. Normally I like longer stories, but this one covers more story in 24 episodes than most dragged out shonens do in 240. It has a solid beginning, middle and end and I would say it even tonally and story wise changes during the middle, creating a distinctly two-arc narrative. The plot slowly drop-feeds you information about Ryuuko's dad's murder and expands the lore of life fibres and Goku/Ultima uniforms and how they came to be in such a way, hidden between great action and restless comedy

Characters - 10/10 While the character set isn't extremely vast, it is just perfect for a short series like this. Ryuuko is one of my favourite protagonists ever, because of how strong-willed she is and how much she clashes with the world she's thrown in, creating the element of chaos in Honnouji academy, despite being less chaotic that most of the people there, showing how isolated they are from the rest of the world. Mako is Ryuuko's big-hearted best friend and is probably the cutest character I've ever seen while simultaneously having many moments throughout the series that prove her awesomeness. The Mankanshoku family are extremely endiering, Satsuki, the student body president, has one of the best redemption arcs ever put to screen, the four devas are just....perfect and the true villains, which I will not spoil, are terrifying. Even more minor characters such as the hit man with a personal vendetta against life fibres are booming with personality.

Music - 10/10 The intros, outros and background songs in this show are mesmorizing and trully elevate the tension at every point. I don't need to say anything else in this department.

Fight Scenes - 10/10 The adrenaline rush from most enemy encounters and even in tournaments kept me not only figuratively but *literally on the edge of my seat the entire time, and past half way through the show there is not a single episode without at least one jaw-dropping major twist that is impossible to predict. Almost every episode of the series has more tension than the climax of most shows and the actual climax episodes are something other-worldly.

Overall - a 10/10 if I've ever seen one. Studio Gainax have been proving since the 90's how well-crafted original anime plots can be and with shows like this now the torch has clearly been passed to Trigger. Seriously, everything these guys make is great. I'd suggest Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt also for people who want more fast-paced comedy + action show with clothing-based power systems. It was the original one I watched years ago that introduced me to these studios and this is just as good, if not better - a more intense and more *complete PSG.

Panti & Sutokkingu with Gâtâberuto

Absolutely Fantastic Anime
Gainax did an AMAZING job with this anime. The animation had a quite limited budget and it really makes every bit of it count with unique artstyle - it's incredibly well stylized and the animation quality downgrades at more mondane scenes and puts all the extra efford and budget into some of the chase/fight scenes, which look incredible at times. Our heroes aren't quite your typical heroes and seem really unlikeable but when you pass more time with them you really grow to love them, not because of character depth but beacuse of how cool they are plain and simple. This show is something that only comes out once or twice a decade. It achieves in 13 episodes what most longer-running shows can't do in hundreds. Simply put, there are very few times I've been invested and interested in a fantasy world setting more than in this one. It doesn't take itself seriously almost at all, but just enough for you to get attached to it, but not so much that it becomes your typical anime hero's jurney story. The story line alternated between episodic with few things slowly connecting together as a loose overall plot and there is definitely some feel of progression, which I think is the absolute perfect combination. Even in the most random, disconnected from reality and traditional continuity episodes, due to the coins the sisters collect after slaying ghosts slowly adding up to the total needed to get back to Heaven, the story progress can be felt at least on a subtle level. I really, really like the setting in Daten city - a city stuck between Heaven and Earth, where the angels that have been consumed by two of the seven deadly sins must defeat ghosts and demons coming from the underworld and save the citizens to prove their worth and go back to their home in Paradise. Each episode does something really unique, often changing artstyles and even genres to fit a certain mood or give you the desired experience. Don't underestimate the plot of this anime just because it's overall pretty nonsensical at first glance - everything actually makes sense, and characters that seem only as filler and support charaters like Brief and Garterbelt become extremely important further on in the story in ways that will surprize you. There is a certain cliffhanger that devestated me when I watched this anime for the first time 4 years ago. I won't spoil what happens at the end but it's both in a sense one of the best and the worst endings I have ever seen in a piece of media - best because it makes me desire to see the next installment more that any other ending has - worst because the installment never came to be. Gainax have become infamous for their inconclusive ending but this may be the worst offender of it. I know that the studio is broke at the moment since most of the staff have moved on to Trigger, another fantastic anime studio, and I know it's been 10 years but this NEEDS to come back at some point in the future. I will wait as long as I have to but it needs to happen eventually. The ending theme is quite somber and contrasting with the rest of the show and watching it after you've finished the show it's quite depressing.

The show is absolutely amazing and strangely perfect for something that went out of its way to be stupid on purpose. While I love it to bits, to say that it's not for everyone is a gigantic understatement, which makes the fact that this show's average rating is not all that impressive actually make sense. Give this a try if you are not someone easily offended and if you turn out to be the very specific type of person that will enjoy this show to the fullest, like myself, this may be one of the best pieces of animation you will ever see. If not, it will most likely still be a lot of mindless fun either way. Oh and I would suggest the dub, while for most anime I prefer subs and the original voice acting is top-notch, the dub is on a whole another level and possibly my favourite dub of forain media in history.

This is an absolute 10/10 for me. The story, characters, soundtrack and setting are just far too perfect for it to be anything less than a ten. Thank you Gainax, please make season 2 or continue the story with an official manga continuation!

Eon Kid

Amazing Underrated/Hidden Gem
You know that feeling when you search for a song you don't know the name of and you find it after months? I had an extreme case of that with this show. I watched this some time around when I was six or seven on TV and recently I'd been seaching exessively for this show's name to find and rewatch it. I finally found it and I'm glad I did. The show is just as good as I remember it and I had an absolute blast binge-rewatching it. I gotta say the animation is not very impressive but that is not the show's fault as it wasn't very mainstream and so it didn't have a huge budget and also TV CGI in the 2000's wasn't very developed. Although the voice acting is pretty decent, the sound design felt a bit off until I realized what I was watching is probably a dub since the show is Korean/Spanish. If that's so, it's one of the best dubs I've ever heard since dubbed voices very rarely match the caracters so perfectly that you wouldn't expect it to be a dub. Although the animation is not impressive the fight scenes and some of the best animation in the show is in the later half of it - either that or I got used to it, and the story telling easily makes up for the CG. This is an exceptionally well-written story in terms of how quickly it introduces us to this robotic world and builds up it's heroes and villains. The character development on both Marty and Ellie is also very well done in such a short time. It's a masterpiece of storytelling.

I strongly recommend giving this a watch if you haven't already, don't get fooled by how childish it seems the first time getting into it. 9.5/10

Kiru ra kiru: KILL la KILL: Hikigane
Episode 5, Season 1

Five Episodes In And This Show Has Already Exceeded My Expectations By An Inconceivable Margin
When I was getting into Kill la Kill I was expecting it to be good but nothing special, however the first episode surprized me by how different it was from what I was expecting. To be honest I was expecting something a little more serious but in hindsight I'm happy it was something so unique (though I will say that this show does seem very similar in tone, pace and power system to Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt)

Anyway, by episode five I was so astonished by how much happened in the series thus far and in just how much is achieved in this one episode alone. We got introduced to the higher-ups in the school and saw them interact with eachother, as well as get built up as a legitimate threat, we saw many lower class groups fight against Ryuuko, giving us a sense of scale, we saw a major antagonist with cool original gear be built up and have his conflict resolved, as well as an emotional bonding between Ryuuko and her costume, as well as getting some backstory to the suit's past, as well as some hilarious comedy, ALL of that in ~20 minutes minus the op and ending songs.

I gotta say, after episode one I wasn't expecting this of all shows to get emotional, but they kind of went there.

Needless to say, 7.6/10 isn't nearly enough for this masterpiece of an episode, especially one this early into a series. 10/10 from me and one of the best anime episodes I've seen. I'm not sure if the things I've listed above count as spoilers.

Adventure Time: Lemonhope Part Two
Episode 51, Season 5

Best Adventure Time Episode
I love Adventure Time. It's easily one of my all-time favourite shows, despite how many I've seen. There are about two dousins of episodes from this show that I can list off the top of my head and call them true masterpieces. Yet, somehow, this one stands out as the best one by a long shot. No matter how many times I see it, I never get tired of it. And while the entirety of the two-parter is great, what makes it the best for me is the song at the end, acompanied by the visuals telling us that Lemonhope has found the way, that hundreds of years into the future, he as an old lemon citizen of a bygone era is roaming the destroyed towns and waiting to finally get a rest...forever. It's such a bautiful scene and it shows us that Adventure Time isn't messing around. There might be "happy ends" to individual episodes of the series, but this walk shows us that long into the future, when all is said and done, everything is in ruins, everyone is gone. It's not a happy end at the true end. It's truly beautiful and if you have seen the ending to this episode and you didn't feel anything, you need to get yourself checked by a doctor, preferably psychiatrist, because you might be completely emotionless.

Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans

Well, that was surprizing! Being a long term TTG fan I highly anticipated the release of this movie, but from the fact that this one was a direct-to-DVD-release with a clearly smaller budget, less advertizing and a trailer that, while not being bad, didn't catch my attention quite as much as the one for the previous movie, I assumed this one was gonna be good, but not nearly as good as TTGTTM. However, Teen Titans Go vs Teen Titans shattered this and many others of my expectations. It might be just that I have just finished watching it, but I am otherwise fairly positive that I prefer this to TTGTTM and is now my favourite superhero/animated film. This film went in a different direction, to the TTGTTM one. That one was a hilarious direct mockery of bigger products in the superhero industry than it, while this one is more like a fan service for the superhero fans of both generations. That movie focused mostly on comedy with some heartfelt moments, while this one had a lot of comedy, but was actually mostly focused on intense fight scenes. That makes perfect sense, as fully-comedic spoofs of the superhero genre is what Teen Titans Go! is all about, and fighting sequences is largely what the old Teen Titans was mostly about.

Being that good wasn't even close to being the only thing that surprized me about TTGvsTT. No, no, no! The majority of the movie's plot is obvious from the trailer, but the way it's executed is what's unexpected to me. For one, I didn't expect this movie to have random musical numbers like in TTGTTM, but as Teen Titans Go! have always been exellent in the music departament it shouldn't be so shocking. Without going into spoiler territory, I will just state that another thing I didn't think was going to happen is the film focusing so much screen and story time on Raven (both of them). While at no point does it feel like an all-out Raven© movie, it definitely is more about her than the other titans. As Raven is by far my favourite titans and superhero, I didn't mind it at all and actually prefer it that way.

There is one factor about the movie that can make it look bad in a spare amount of moments, and that is the animation. The animation in TTGvsTT is....weird. The movie is animated entirely in Flash, as expected from a TTG movie, but the animation of the main characters and the secondary assets is of a very confusing quality. It is definitely more energetic and expressive than the animated series, but it doesn't have the high enough jump in quality that the theatrical release of TTGTTM had in order to look so fantastic. Here the animators are trying to make the characters move around as much as possible, without really having resources than the TV series. Part of why the TTG series animation looks so appealing to me, despite being a person who typpically prefers hand-drawn, is that the characters at any given time are either very still or move really fast and the transitions from one to another are also done as fast as possible, to give it a sort of hand-drawn feel to it. However, here the animation is made to make the movements on the characters more human-realistic, which makes it less... cartoony-realistic. One small quirk I noticed, for example, is TTG Robin's hair and cape moving around as he walks about or makes sharp movements. This is not present in the show. It may make it more realistic, but it makes it look worse in a cartoon sense, as the movements on the cape are too smooth and slow. The original TT characters have almost the same character designs, with minute changes, but move differently as they are now in flash. You get used to it during the runtime and it isn't all that noticeable. Anyway, I spent too much time on a small nitpick.

When I say intense fight scenes, I mean intense fight scenes. Towards the end I seriously felt like I was watching a Dragon Ball movie, it was that intense. I can see how they may have saved some of budget when it came to the first part of the movie to make the last part look as good as possible. I originally went to see "Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse" when it was in theaters and it was meh, better than I expected it, and I can say that the whole alternate-versions concept was done very similarly there first, but it is definitely much better done here.

Overall, I recommend this movie to everyone. It has fantastic action, perfect comedy, great characters, well written story, catchy music and surprizing twists of events. It really does have something for everyone! I encourage you to buy this in DVD or Blu-ray, and support it however you can. If they sell enough copies they might just show this in theaters, which I would definitely see.

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

Favourite Animated Movie
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies is my favourite animated movie of all time as well as my favourite superhero movie of all time. Every joke is funny and done perfectly and every song is catchy and energetic (particularly "My Movie" and "Go!") The best part is that the movie was made for only 10 million dollars, whoch is a small fraction of most big budget Hollywood movies. Just like the Drawn Together Movie, in my opinion this movie proves that you don't need a huge budget to make a good movie as long as the writing is good and the jokes are funny. Slade is also hillarious in this movie and the voice casting overall for the characters could not have been better.

There isn't really all that much more I can say here. I have my favourite parts but I won't mention or spoil anything. I just want you guys to buy this movie and support the creators!

Oh, and I REALLY hope they make a sequal one day. (doesn't necessarily have to be about making movies again, either)

Teen Titans Go!

Possibly My Favourite Cartoon!
I'm honestly very tired of haters of this show, as they never bring actual good points against the show and they always compare it to the mediocre original show, which is of a completely different style, genre and demographic.

Since shortly after it's release in 2013 Teen Titans GO! has displaced Adventure Time as my favourite CN show and is quite possibly my favourite western cartoon of ALL TIME only rivaled by American Dad! TTG is one of the funiest shows I've ever seen, animated or not and it's humour is very unique. The humour in TTG is largely based on references, absurdist humour, character reactions and self-awareness. Some references are very obvious, but others are very "meta" and require rich knowledge of more obscure DC properties. Catching all the easter eggs in the backgrounds of an episode from first viewing is nearly impossible - there are that many of them, which brings me to the next point. The backgrounds are very well-made and the animation is fluid and the designs are very nice. I'm not a huge fan of Adobe Flash animation, but the movement is very smooth. I know the animation is *technically* lower quality compared to the original show, but the character designs are very colorful and nicely stylized and the animators are clearly doing the best with the subpar budget and strict schedules, which is admirable. Finally, the writing. It's my favourite part. Every episode has a very interesting premise. TTG can make very mundane activities like laundry and arguing with your friends over food or movies really funny and even epic sometimes. Other times you won't be getting something mundane, but the opposite, like that time they went to space in a two-part special for instance.

I hate the PPG and Ben 10 2016 remakes and I think TTG is an objectively better show and spinoff on some level, as it tries to be entirely it's own thing, while the other two try to be as much like the originals as possible but are not even close to having the same quality and charm as them and end up not knowing what they want to be. Not knowing how serious or funny they should be and what audience they want to pull. TTG couldn't be more different in that aspect. It knows what it is and what it's supposed to be, it knows who watches the show and knows exactly what it's FANS want (not what the fans of TT want) and delivers perfectly.

Overall I strongly recommend this show to anyone with an open mind who isn't expecting a season 6 of the original. It is enjoyable for both children and adults, it has jokes for general audiences and also for hardcore DC fans, it has a lot of perfect character-based humour and many, many running gags. If you like superhero parodies in general, this show is perfect for you.

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