
IMDb member since August 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 9 months


Bir Nefes Daha

Good old story but with a clever twist
This movie got me with it's non-abusive way of showing how abusive life can get.

It depends on the person watching whether he/she will like the storyline (which sometimes is shaky and inconsistent - e.g. Why didn't anyone get hold of his bonzai earlier if they all knew how important it was to keep him away from it?) Nevertheless, the movie has considerably pictured some of the most unholdable emotions; which are paradoxically revealed in simple conversations, simple places and in the purest way possible; like it was effortless for them to leave me speechless.

This movie is all about: 'not with a bang but a whimper' and that's the reason it communicates with the audience on a different level than most of his 'kind'.


so boring and dull I didn't get to watch the end
I rarely don't watch a movie to its very end, and this was unfortunately the case with this one.

Everything, from the scenography to the characters and the storyline is, in my opinion, very one-layered and easily predictable. The romantic, love part is so cheesy and awkward I couldn't watch it without laughing and cringing.

I feel like some of the frames are really there just to "fill in" the movie and really have no purpouse or art value. For example, filming the city lights or him sitting on three different benches busting from sadness over his life is unnecessary and repetitive.

I could go on ranting over this movie for hours, but I don't care that much and I'm just here to say DON'T SPEND YOUR CORN ON THIS.

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