
IMDb member since September 2019
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Ghost Project

Not bad at all.
This is a professional film. The actots and the direction are pro. Real cinema graphic quality camera shots. Trust me, this no shaky phone camera nonsense. Background music and sounds are perfect, not disjointed at all. All of the actors are at the same intensity. All lines are delivered and received naturally for the characters being portrayed. The editing is smooth and just right in conjunction with the music makes it all rife with suspense. Plenty of scary scenes for everyone. All the actors have foreign accents that's hard to place. This is a quality motion picture. Major studios should be taking a closelr look at these people. Professional in everyday. Not just a shaking camera experience. This isn't videography, it's film making for real.

Alien Vengeance

One of a kind
There is no film in the last 70 years that I know of that is worse than this one. I would venture to say that this is definitely the film you want when you get in together with the Gang for lots of Fun beer and pretzels. There's too much to goof on here. Everything in this film is terrible.

I have never seen anything like it. The acting could not be worse. The script yes is not deserving the bottom of a bird cage. Lousy camera work. Awful continuity, And they even Dress funny. None of the actors looked like they watched their face when they woke up in the morning. There is no make up to speak of. Have fun with the ridiculous intensities that don't match up. Lmao!!!!!

Secrets and Lies

Amazing Juliette
At first I thought that Ms. Lewis was a bad choice to play a detective. Once I started watching, I realized casting was genius in that choice. If you look hard at this series you can see how quirky her character is. As in real life people are quirky. I think that other than actors, homicide detectives are at the top of quirky mountain. I'm talking real detectives not Columbo. Perhaps Joe Kenda, that loveable guy, is an example.

Juliette Lewis is the show. Everyone around her are just acting, she 'is' the detective. She is the consumate professional. Always a joy to watch her on screen. Always been a fan. Now I'm her biggest fan. You go girl.

Columbo: Any Old Port in a Storm
Episode 2, Season 3

Donald Pleasence plays an Italian in this episode. Of course he was one of the finest English actors on this planet. There is a part where Colombo talks about how hot one day got, so hot that he left a picnic. When he returned home he took a beer out of the fridge. Due to unusually hot weather. The beer was warm. And so he remarks to Donald , who is playing an Italian :"I don't know how English people can drink it that way. No offense to your mother." So for 15 seconds, Donald Plesance gets to be English again. This was obviously a mistake made either by Peter Falk or the script supervisor. Naturally I believe they left it in on purpose so that nosey little film terriers like us have something to find. Bravo! AND THANK YOU...all you Columbo people!.

Le scaphandre et le papillon

Horrific and fighting
This film should never been made, the book should never been written, and they should have let that poor man die. Instead of letting that man die he suffered seven years of living hell. Was a horrible nightmare you could never wake up from. I can't think of a more frightening and depressing film and I practically seen them all.

Anger Management: Charlie Catches Jordan in the Act
Episode 57, Season 2

Jordan breaks out in jail!
Never ceases to please. I think I can speak for all of AM's hardcore fans, it's so great to see one of the characters bust out of their respective represt selves and let loose. Go get him Jordan!!! This show is sitcom gold. Every character is solid, and diferent from the others. All of them are a delight. This is the best writing your going to get. A laugh every 10 to 15 seconds, non stop comedy wit. Noreen De Wulf is amazing in everyway. She makes the show what it is. Keeps the beat going. I'll let you guess who had been a strong character actor for fifty years. His sidestep to television is a gift to the medium. Anybody remember WARGAMES? Hint hint.... Bret Butler is icing on the cake( my eternal crush.)! Love it!

Yancey McCord: The Killer That Arizona Forgot About

Total waste of time.
Total waste of time. Couldnt be worse if you tried. Not enough to even goof on. " NOT JUST ANNOTHER STUPID AND POINTLESS VIDEO MOVIE." I GAVE IT ONE DTAR FOR NOT BEING SHAKY.



One hell of a film!
Just when I thought that the world was all zombied out this picture puts a new take on it. It was good. Couldnt believe it was a King novel! Then again I didnt think that Shawshank was either. Most of the movies from King novels and short stories are great. Cant say that for the novels themselves. They are way too painfull and overbearing to read. I've seen this film several times and I'm never disappointed. Good acting all around.


a stellar cast. Cudos everybody for a fun time.
Contrived to a point, but good sport acting all around by a stellar cast. Cudos to you guys for a fun time.

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