
IMDb member since September 2019
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    4 years, 8 months


Suits: One Last Con
Episode 10, Season 9

Thank you, Aaron Korsh! Thank you for an amazing show, an amazing cast of characters, and the perfect series finale. This show will forever go down as my all-time favor and I just can't believe it is over after 9 years. I can't wait to watch the entire series over and over in the years to come. What an unbelievable final episode that checked almost every single bucket.

I am always a a very difficult evaluator of shows and, in particular, series finales. But this one just hit me in a way I didn't know was possible. I cried on and off for 20-30 minutes... and in that last scene, I cried harder than I've ever cried before. Tears of joy, tears of sadness, but most importantly tears of gratitude. Thank you for taking us down memory lane one last time!!

To everyone that helped make Suits great...


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