
IMDb member since October 2019
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Let Ghostbusters rest.
This. Was not needed. We did not want this we did not need this. Let Ghostbusters rest. There are 2 movies they are both good (exept the seconds on that is mediocre) those are old movies bit now guess what. CGI! SCARY GHOSTS! GADGETS! AWFUL HUMOR! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Why does this need to exist... Of course it has its moments. But....not too much. Now I want to say this movie is not good. If you look at it then the 2 other movies...and they had to make it into a big "awesome" action movie. The old movies all they had we're those backpacks which means they had to stratigize how to defeat the ghosts! But it's gone in this movies... Gadgets...just wow gadgets isn't that awesome! Just. If you watch it and did not watch the first 2 it might be OK. But if you watched the first 2 and then look at this. It's not going to be good. Idk just...i don't like it it's a bad movie in my opinion. That's about it.

Cool Cat Saves the Kids

What the actual hell...
*inhales and exhales deeply* This exists. This is a movie. With paid actors. Paid cameraman. Paid suits. And it sucks. All of it. I don't get how this has a high rating maybe cause of parents who tought that this movie learned their kids something...i don't know. All I want to say is...why Derek. You fought I Hate Everything for a movie that you know is bad. I want to say this the 5 points which is editing acting cinematography cgi and quality. Acting: it's...holy ***t it's if you want to know how terrible this is watch the emoji movie by itself. It's that bad. Cinimatography: the camera man always is present he inhales and exhales and you can hear it like a ASMR video. If you see shadows or windows you can see he is present there. But I give this one a pass. Barely. CGI: it does not exist. But terrible green screens in the start exist! (And it sucks) why do you have drawings like "bullies diner" and a terribly drawn forest of some kind. Quality: it's so bad. Like it's so so bad. If you guys want to teach your kids about bullies or gun safety. Talk to them movies don't have to do all of your work (and so does video games)

So I want to say hell to this movie. Why does it have so many sequels. I just want never to see cool cat. Agian. And hell the the creator. Don't waste your money and I give this movie a big old 1/10 it could be a 0/10 if I can but I can't


This movie is just. One of the worst shark movies EVER
Let me go over to 5 points which is acting, CGI, camera work, editing and the ending Acting: it's so awkward it feels like they never spoke and this is the first time they actually speak to a human being. It actually makes The Room look like God's gift tbh Camera work: this is the best thing about the movie but it still falls flat. Some positions are so akward. Or maybe not it's been a while since I've seen this movie that I know is bloody terrible Editing: what the actual hell. The movie looks like a low budget Micheal Bay movie. Constant explosions, crazy "attack" scenes, always thinking America is the only country etc. CGI: holy Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor the CGI looks like sombody put 2 terrible things put together make it something beautiful then set it in a concentration camp and then drag it out beat it and voila that's the CGI in a nutshell it's actually hurting my eyes the shark looks so DUMB. Ending: so they defeat the "shark" and then when the overused kiss the lover something something. Yeah. So they walk away into the sunset. And this rich lady seen everything happen. Looks like she does not give a ***t and her Chiwawa is now possessed by the same virus on robo shark. Whaaaaaaaaaat?! We gonna wait for robo Chiwawa now?! Oh yeah that will be perfect!

I quit

Airplane Mode

Who tought this was a good idea
Rip-off. That's it. It's a ****ing rip-off. But worse. You know I watched this movie once. And I want to burn it. This movie's humor is "LOL RANDOM XD" screaming. It's so bad. Just. Don't bother and don't give Logan your money. Keep it for something good and interesting. Not this.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Alright we done with Kiju movies?
I watched this once and it's a alright movie. Not too bad but also not very good. Like. There are soooooooo...many Kiju movies that I'm honestly done with Kiju movies. And Godzilla is sadly one of the movie francisé that I now want to end... Alright the movie itself it is fine. The fighting battles are fine. The overall movie is...fine...but yeah not much to say honestly. 6/10

Team Fortress 2

This game. this game is one of the best games. it of course needs to be fixed. like the hitboxes. unbalanced weapons, Random Crits... this game gets the least attention of Valve and the people that use Steam. which i don't find it all fair. this game has been alive more then a decade and it uses the "you do something wrong, you get punished" like if you walk into a sticky trap. you get punished. i find that good to let people play more to improve. i highly reccomend this game and don't think about quitting cause its hard. practice

The Simpsons Movie

Alright sit down boys and girls this movie is a wild ride...
I've never tought I needed this movie in my life. I love it. Every single bit. I don't know what I need to say about it more. The only problems I have with this movie is actually a bet Bart did with Homer first the bet. The bet was that homer wanted Bart to drive around Springfield with his skateboard in a hour. But the twist is he ugh...he needs to...wear...nothing... o Bart being naïve he does it anyway. The movie does like every cartoon does cencoring it but it is actually not in his underwear what most cartoons do. The environment cencors it. Smart thing UNTIL you reach the end. Bart goes past à hedge and then...i really don't want to discribe it. You should know what sight it was. So what do I think of's good not a masterpiece but. It's good. Definitely worth watching if you haven't seen it

The Emoji Movie

Bang your head agianst the wall of 5 minutes and you've seen the movie in a nutshell
Who hasn't ever heard of this movie. Jezus christ this is kinda frustrating movie to talk about like Cars 2 and The Last Jedi (yes I know that those 2 are bad movies but they are both super frustrating) this movie. Broke box office records for just being A GODDAMN PRODUCT PLACEMENT FOR APPS! this is like FoodFight! but they improved the visuals and graphics made the voice acting better BUT IS STILL A DULL MOVIE WITH PRODUCT PLACEMENT! GOD! you know what screw this movie screw the creators of this movie and screw EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! I QUIT!

Joshua and the Promised Land

this is just downright terrible...
So...i've not watched the whole movie cause it made me roll my eyes in the back of the skull. so this is what people call a... D U M P S T E R F I R E...i cannot stand this movie after 2 minutes and i turned it burned my eyes.

The Queen's Corgi

it's not for childeren but it's pretty good.
I watched this movie like 10 days ago and i tought for a moment... why do they use political characters we got Queen Elizabeth of the UK and Donald Trump. but let me say...its a good movie. hands down. the animations if amazing. Trump is pretty good made. the way he talks. that he speaks with his hands that he janks at people arms when he shakes their hands. his big suit his long tie. so. i feel good about that. then we have the Queen. agian good made. she plays favorites. (just like her kids) and that she loves Corgi dogs. so now...the weird stuff. Mitsy. she is...weird. she did a few sexual herassments and she is just obsessed with Rex. now let's talk. the plot. so im gonna jump into spoiler place so don't read further if you care about spoilers. ok? ok 3 2 1 penguin. so. after the almost last sexual herassment of Mitsy Rex freaks out then then...bites trump in do i put this? private part. then Rex runs out of his shame from the palace. then his good friend Charlie tries to help him but...he gets betrayed. (thanks queen for playing favorites) so he gets pushed off a bridge and then lands on ice. the ice breaks and Rex almost drowns. then later he is back awake but he is in a dog pound. he meets other dogs there that have been left behind by their owner but...(for som reason) there is a FIGHT CLUB yeah there is. so there is this big pit bull that runs the place. and he threatens to kill Rex because he tries to make a relationship with his girlfriend. her name is Wanda. (why did i say that if you've seen the movie you know her name.) and Wanda tries to make a relationship with Rex. for his cash. (GOLD DIGGER!) so the pit bull Tyson challenges Rex to a fight. then we get a montage! but rex fails. so the fight is there but all the other dogs turns agianst Tyson. so Rex escapes back to the palace with his "friends" and this is the scene i hate cause its pulled out of the Lion King. Charlie looks in the mirror and then Rex hits him with the mirror cause its one of those spinny ones. and Charlie says "Rex! you're alive!" so next up this trew me kinda off. so Charlie tells Wanda to open the closet door. and Rex and Wanda get buried under the stuff and Charlie freaking puts the thing on fire! and leaves em to die! so Rex his friends try to put out the fire. and they save him. then the queen finds Rex and Wanda and then all the dog friends are brought into the queens family. and Charlie...oh boy i like this one the most Charlie is stuck with Mitsy! (SUCKER!)

ok now im done talking about the movie self. now lets talk about the 5 points of animated movies. STORY: so...i liked it! it's not new but i've never seen much of these! a rich boy gets lost finds poor friends and team up to overcome a challenge. it was kinda like The Secret Life of Pets. but...i like this one much more then The Secret Life of Pets. the Queens Corgi keeps things moving. even character arc! not perfect. but solid. VOICE ACTING: was good nowhere was it bad they delivered it good. the songs we're not that bad. DIALOGUE: nothing to say. it was also pretty good it did not drag on or feel akword. they have the prim and proper accent on the corgi's and Rex. and Tyson has that accent of the Orc from Warhammer EDITING: the cuts we're good the scenes wer'e good. sound effects it was also good. ANIMATION: movement is also pretty good. facial expressions are also pretty good. textures are also good. my only complaints are the scene ripped of the Lion King. and the sexual herassment of Misty

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