
IMDb member since October 2019
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Homicide: New York

NYC police confess how bad they are at solving easy crimes cases.
I actually yelled at my screen multiple times. It's wild how proud they are about "solving" so many crimes, but they should have been embarrassed. Waiting 20 years to interview key witnesses, not searching obvious places well enough, thinking they are geniuses for figuring out the most obvious things ever. It almost seemed like satire at times.

I really feel for the families of the victims who were also victims of embarrassingly bad "detective" work, arrogance and police who mostly cared more about their own reputations than helping them.

The show itself was produced well, and the stories are interesting (and tragic) but if you think these cops did a good job on any of these cases, I've got a bridge to sell you 😏

Mister Organ

What was the point of this?
Okay, so the guy is an narcissistic jerk. But there was nothing interesting enough about him to make a full on movie. I kept thinking maybe it will get better or maybe some truly heinous secrets would be revealed. But no. Just more boring stuff that literally happens on a regular basis to millions of people. The guy is a narcissist and manipulates people and lies a lot. Okay? He wasn't much different from half of the men I've dated. 😅 I'm thinking that if a person like this is so out of the ordinary in New Zealand that someone made a movie about him, then New Zealand must be the most boring place on Earth. And I mean that as a compliment. Because here in America, this story is just another Tuesday afternoon. A-holes like him are a dime a dozen here.

The film was made well and the journalist guy seems to be good at what he does. But just way too boring of a story. I personally have known several dozen people whose lives would have made for a more interesting documentary.

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

Aesthetics and artistry were gorgeous but it was a little monotonous. Reminded me of when my priest used to rush through the mass.
Overall it was a nice, very artistic short film. I love Wes Anderson aesthetics and the acting was fantastic.

I just found it it be monotonous and a bit boring. I fell asleep several times. I think the monotone, nonstop, fast paced speaking was overwhelming for me. My brain didn't get a rest or a chance to process what was being said. I would have loved it if it was a full length film, with the speaking slowed down a little and less rushed.

It reminded me of when our priests used to say mass as quickly as possible to try and get us out of there in less than an hour 😅

I love that it was quirky and unique, but the pace took away from it in my opinion. It felt like a speed-reader competition or something. Maybe there's a way to watch it at 85% speed? I think it would be a lot better then.


My mind was blown, but not in a good way
Tedious, a chore to watch. It was okay in the beginning, but just became wayyyy too complicated. I wasn't really interested enough in the characters or plot to try and constantly figure out what was going on. And they just kept adding more and more characters and oh, yeah lots of incest. Made me a bit nauseous at times.

If you like complex, depressing shows that hurt your brain then you might like it. It was just so bleh.

I will say though that the intro was fantastic. The song and the cool effects. Whoever did that, well done. Season 1 was definitely the best. The 2nd season was okay, but more complicated. 3rd season I was just desperate for it to end. I completely lost interest in the characters and frankly didn't care what happened to them.

Killers of the Flower Moon

Almost a classic...
Definitely worth seeing. I say "almost a classic" because it's just way too long to be the type of movie to watch over and over.

The acting was incredible and the story was told in a very compelling and attention-grabbing way. There were only a few times during the movie when I thought "how much longer?" because it really was interesting throughout.

Though I have no connections to the people in the story, it felt authentic and well researched. Hopefully that's really the case. But I also wish there had been more telling about the Osage people aside from these tragedies. I know it wasn't meant to be an educational movie but I wanted to learn more about their culture.


They found a way to make a nuclear bomb boring.
As a science nerd and someone who used to be obsessed with the Manhattan project, nuclear bombs etc. This really couldn't have been much worse. There were maybe 15 minutes of interesting tidbits related to themes Oppenheimer actually dealt with in his life and the rest was just garbage. It's like they tried to make it into a romcom/political film that had very little to do with the actual interesting parts of Oppenheimer's life. I won't write spoilers, but I promise you there is not much to spoil. Endless drivel, dialog that literally put me to sleep for a few minutes.

If you're interested in science and tech, just skip it. If you're interested in a good drama, skip it. If you like dull trials with too many actors and are really into dudes yelling every 5 minutes about "russia" or "communists" then go for it.

Unknown: Cave of Bones

Forced narrative instead of pure science
I did enjoy this because I was interested in the subject. I wanted to see the bones, hear what the actual physical discoveries were, etc.

What I got instead was an attempt to tell a story that seemed more for entertainment than actual scientific hypothesis.

There were also some truly concerning moments like when the supposed head of archeology for the project suddenly asks (in the middle of doing measurements) "are we measuring in centimeters or millimeters?" Shouldn't that be well established at that point?

The animations were completely unnecessary and much too speculative. Generally there was way too much romanticizing of these ancient creatures. I don't like the tendency to project a spiritual or religious meaning onto everything they did.

It almost feels condescending. Like they thought the viewers would be bored with pure science so they had to embellish it like a Disney movie to get people interested.

Beau Is Afraid

Easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
So artsy! So post-modern! So edgy and eccentric! (Super sarcasm with extra eye rolls)

Seriously, it was horrible. I don't think I've ever rolled my eyes so much watching a movie or audibly groaned multiple times in public theater.

Is the new Hollywood trend to try and just be as weird as possible because they think that's artistic?

I love weird. I even love weird and dark. I also love art. This movie is art maybe, but it is bad art. A lot of bad screaming in the first half. Thankfully I had earplugs in my purse.

You know that feeling when someone you don't even know very well starts going into great detail about a dream they had? And it's not interesting at all, but you have to pretend it's interesting and you're thinking "yeah that's great, I have weird dreams too. So what? Why would I care about some random person's dream?" That's what this movie was like. But much longer and much more pointless.

Hello Tomorrow!

It's good, not great.
Aesthetically, it's nearly perfect. 9.8/10. I love the retro style, the cool gadgets and technology, the wardrobes, and everything visually.

The acting is also pretty decent for most of the characters. Probably a 8/10 there. But the storyline is incredibly dull and that's why I'm giving 6 stars.

I really wanted to like this show. But something is definitely lacking. It just needs more of something.

It's almost like they tried to make it family friendly, but I think it would be way too boring for kids. And since they tried to make it family friendly, it's too boring for adults as well.

There are a few parts here and there that are more exciting, but mostly it just moved really slow (but not in a cool, "slow burn" type of way). I lost interest in a lot of the relationship issues because it takes so many episodes for them resolve tiny issues.

Some of the scenes were just kind of hokey. Very few of the characters seemed like real people. Most were a bit like caricatures.

So basically, it wasn't terribly enough for me to stop watching, but it wasn't good enough for me to tell my friends to watch it, or hope for a second season.

MILF Manor

I thought this might be a cute, funny show about cougars and since there isn't much to watch right now, why not?

But then came the "plot twist" if you can call it that😬. Yuck and weird are the words that come to mind. I'm all for shock art, but not like this. Without the ridiculous twist, it might have been a funny show.

What I don't understand is why did they not do any research about this ahead of time? Maybe poll their target audience to see if this idea was okay? Did anyone actually speak up on the production team or any where and say "This ain't it"? If so, I guess now is their time to say "I told you so".


Worth watching
Overall, it's a really captivating story and well done. I watched the entire first season in one day.

Mallori and Micah are amazing actors. Some of the supporting roles however were lackluster as far as acting. Not all, but some of the supporting actors were sort of awful, which is a shame considering what an outstanding performance Mallori gave. I hope to see her in other, bigger roles because she's just phenomenal. The stark contrast between her skill and some of the other actors was jarring in some scenes. I tried to just focus on the story line.

I would have gone with 10 stars if some of the acting was better. Sorry 😬

The Bubble

I love these actors, but the movie is boring
I really wanted to like it because I love some of these actors but but it was just too boring. It's either too soon or too late to find things like quarantine or bubbles funny. It reminds me a little of "Don't Look Up" except even worse. Maybe if this had come out in 2020 I would have liked it more? It's like a really bad SNL episode. Sorry Fred Armisen.

The only thing that made it even slightly interesting were the sex scenes. But even those were boring somehow, and poorly acted. There weren't many redeeming qualities to this, except I did discover a new actor I like-- Harry Trevaldwyn, who is brilliant.


love it
Not perfect but definitely not boring. Franco's acting is actually pretty great in this. Any time travel movie is going to have ridiculous plot holes but it's fairly well done enough to make you forget those.

Top Gun: Maverick

Cringefest. But good aircraft scenes.
I am not an aviation aficionado but the aircraft scenes were the only thing I really enjoyed. I don't know all the technicalities and if they were accurate with everything but they were very well done and exciting.

The rest of the movie was another story.

I am old enough to have watched the original TopGun back in the 80s. It was definitely a classic and I'm sure the highlight of Tom Cruise's career.

So I was not terribly surprised when scene after scene was basically a shot for shot remake of the original. But I was very disappointed when I realized it was done in the most cringe worthy way possible. All the smirks that were trying to be flirty were so forced. They were also just spoonfeeding us flashbacks to make sure we remembered which scenes they were reenacting.

It basically felt like a pet project of Tom Cruise's ego that wanted to show the world that he's still "got it" or something. I really wish they had given us something new. If I wanted to watch Top Gun I could just watch the original.

Ricky Gervais: SuperNature

He's trying to be controversial to distract you from the fact that he's not funny anymore.
I used to love Ricky Gervais. But he definitely peaked long ago. It appears he is now taking the Kardashian approach to staying relevant: be dramatic and controversial. "Any publicity is good publicity".

I get it. He knew if he was controversial enough, people would talk about it and need to watch it to see what everyone is talking about. Brilliant publicity but not brilliant comedy.

In Supernature, it's just a recycling of every joke he tells in every comedy set, movie and tv show. It's like when someone tells you the same jokes every time they're drunk because they forgot they've already told it. And you just laugh along because you kinda feel sorry for them.

Were the trans jokes offensive? Absolutely. But I didn't rate it poorly for that. I rated it poorly because there weren't any jokes he hasn't already told.

His "edgy" jokes are making fun of trans people? It's boring. Take a bigger risk, make fun of the Royal family or something. I've seen a lot of his work and he only treds there lightly. He's not as bold as he thinks he is.


End it already.
I started out LOVING this show, even though a few things annoyed me. But it was exciting and deep and there were faeries and time travel and amazing old castles and costumes and so much to enjoy. Ever since "Frasier's Ridge" happened it's just so dull. I haven't read the book(s) so I'm guessing this is just how the storyline goes, but I'm only watching it now because I've already invested so much time into making it this far so I might as well see what happens.

Shining Girls

Honestly I would probably give 9 stars but giving 10 because of the inexplicable bad reviews.

This isn't spoon-fed cheap entertainment. You need to really pay attention and be present while watching.

It's such a unique show, with (mostly) incredible acting. The main characters are excellent. The more you watch, the more you want to watch. But I do reiterate that it's not for the simple minded or those with short attention spans. More for the type who will actually stand and look at a painting longer than 5 seconds.


I'm trying to be positive, but...
This was just bad. Sorry. I just am struggling to think of some positives. I suppose the special effects were good?

The acting was awful. It seemed like a table read. The plot was just out of control nonsense. I really hated this movie..


The Office meets Black Mirror
I am absolutely in love with this series after 2 episodes. Everything from the aesthetics to the acting and intriguing plot. Definitely worth watching. I hate having to wait until next week to watch a new episode though!

It's definitely similar to Black Mirror episodes because of the technology and psychological aspects. But it's got some funny moments and seems less morbid, at least so far.

**edit, changed my review from 9 to 10 stars after watching the entire season.

After Life

Relatable and hilarious (though it does cross the line a but)
I really loved this series. It's so real and down to earth, especially in Tony's character. His relationship with his wife was beautiful and I cried in almost every episode (even though I really hate "chick flick" type shows).

Most of the jokes were hilarious, but it did get a bit juvenile at times and unnecessarily crass. Some of the characters seemed superfluous or just plain annoying, but the main characters were good enough to make me put up with the annoying ones.

I love that it addressed end-of-life issues from a more logic-based worldview rather than religion.

Definitely one of Ricky Gervais' best works. It would have been an absolute classic "must watch" if he hadn't added in some of the offensive jokes. Too bad.

The God Committee

Interesting yet boring
First off, a 66 year old man dating a 40 year old? 🙄🙄🙄

It's quite an interesting subject, yet somehow they made it rather boring.

It's not awful, it's just not very good.

Love It or List It

The show is ok. I'm really over her boring style of just making everything white. 🙄 The "tragic" part for me was when this couple had a magnificent historic mid mod house and she completely ruined it by putting in a white kitchen and killed all the beauty of the original style. I almost cried.

Don't Look Up

Confusing in a boring way.
I was excited about this, it has a lot of my favorite actors. But it was weird and confusing (not in a cool way either). It just wasn't very consistent. There was the overall storyline, but it was like 10 people all talking over each other to tell the story. It felt more like a collection of SNL sketches than a movie. I fell asleep watching it and had to finish it the next day.

It also felt like everyone was in their own world doing their own improv. I wish it had been more consistent and had a more cohesive vision. Basically it was too depressing to be a good comedy, and too confusing to be inspiring. It definitely has some funny moments and a couple of good acting moments but I don't think I'll watch it again. Especially after knowing the ending..

The Intern

Cliché and boring
I wasn't a fan. Fell asleep multiple times. Lots of clichés, bad child actor (sorry, but im just being honest). The husband portrays all the stereotypes of a stay at home mom/wife which just made me cringe. Doesn't acknowledge the misogyny that causes these stereotypes to happen.

Robert Dinero is great but the character's quirks are tiring after about 10 minutes.


Live action Wall E?
It's too similar to Wall E but would probably be was too depressing for kids to watch. Tom Hanks is a great actor so no complaints there, but the movie is just a remix of like 5 other movies I've seen before.

9 stars for the acting but 5 stars for the plot and writing.

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