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Life of Pi

A journey through Life of Pi
As I went out of the theater, I kept thinking what I should write about Life of Pi, I honestly can't describe what this movie made me feel. All I knew is I never had this much fun and satisfaction from a movie theater experience since I was a kid. Because even when I watched movies that I consider to be some of the best movies I've ever seen, I never felt that engrossed and invested in a movie theater before.

This is easily Ang Lee's best work to date. Unlike his previous movies, Life of Pi never loses focus or delves into a sub-plot. It feels like a journey from the start till the end, a journey through faith, isolation, despair, hope and beauty. And he makes sure you think about everyone of those as much as it's possible using his simple, yet mesmerizing camera work. His attention to detail is reflected and felt throughout the whole movie and his suitable pacing constantly commands your attention. When it comes to cinematography, Life of Pi's is nothing short of brilliant. Every frame feels like a portrait, portraying the beauty of life and nature like none I've ever seen before. Claudio Miranda's masterful use of lighting is nothing new to his career, but he definitely surpassed himself this time around. The movie is also technically stunning, its groundbreaking visual effects, tender score, smart editing and accurate sound mixing contributed in making it a more believable, more heartfelt ride.

My only concern with Life of Pi is its not very talented lead, Suraj Sharma. While he must be commended for losing much weight (reminding us of Tom Hanks in Castaway), his performance never rises to the movie's caliber and the level of emotional depth that it demands. He sometimes feels like the anomaly that deprives Life of Pi of being considered one of the greatest movies of all time, and instead just a great one with a not so very great lead.

Storytelling never gets any better than this. Life of Pi is a story about friendship, belief, self-discovery and hope...and it never draws any conclusions for you, it's all left for your own interpretation. By the end, you are left with a choice to make, a choice that may not only change the meaning of the whole story, but also your own idea of friendship, faith and the nature of humanity.

Simply, the best movie of the year, do yourself a favor and go watch it.

Shutter Island

King of masterpieces does it again!!
I went today to see 'Shutter Island' with so many reasons and worries that would make me hate it, cause first of all I've read the novel (one of the best novels I've ever read) and I've never seen a movie before that was better than the novel it's based on and also due to some of the bad reviews this movie has got..but I have to thank God that I was wrong!! Every element of Shutter Island was top notch...Leo does it again and shows to everyone who questions his talent how brilliant he is by his performance as Teddy Daniels. Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo and Michelle Williams all gave superb supporting performances too. Cinematography and Lights had a major role in keeping the atmosphere of the movie as mysterious and uncomfortable as possible, it made you feel what Teddy Daniels is going through..and finally, the direction. Mr. Martin Scorsese, the king of masterpieces, gives us again another masterpiece of his. It's not only that he knows how to control all of the cinematic equipment he's got the way he wants, but he also puts the viewer's mind exactly where he wants..Through his image, this plot had more depth, more passion, more subtlety and much much more tension that made this movie literally surpass it's novel by all means..I read some reviews that complained about the predictability of the movie, which I didn't feel while watching it, but even if it is a predictable movie, this won't lessen anything from it's value..you can watch it for it's great performances, character development, the mysterious and tension filled atmosphere, the well thought and written dialog and an original score that helped keeping the tension for two and a half hours. All in all, an unforgettable experience and a must see thriller, from an all star cast and the best director out there.

10,000 BC

This is how to ruin a great idea, how to make one of the worst movies ever while it had the potential to be one of the best..10,000 B.C. is a terrible movie by all means. The plot is an old one, repeated many many times that you could tell what will happen through this movie since the beginning, the young man who follows the young girl and discovers that he's a hero through his journey to save her and they live happily ever after, didn't you hear that before? Even if that was the only plot that holds this movie, i would've given it 3 stars...but I must tell that the director Roland Emmerich couldn't let his movie be a moderate one, it must be very very VERY bad that no one could enjoy it....We must add some terrible historical mistakes, get some so bad actors, give them a very bad make up, get the worst cinematographer ever so that no one can follow the action sequences, and yeah, we must resemble the movie "300" in all the ending details of the movie, cause that was a good action flick..The only good thing this movie had is the visual effects and I certainly have seen much better than that, I mean did the saber tooth really look normal to you? I wish could regain those two hours i spent in this movie from my life back!!

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

One of the best westerns ever made..
A real masterpiece...this movie isn't what every watcher needs to see...it is only made for who can see the beautifulness of this picture...stunning performances by Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt, cinematography is great and original...the pace is a bit slow, but all in all enjoyable movie and finally, the plot is realistic for a western movie and it surprises everyone that the story isn't mainly about Jesse James's life...it's about a kid who just want people to recognize him, and what some coward like him could do in real life just to prove himself....One of the best movies of the year and certainly a winner!! THUMBS UP.


The best Action Egyptian movie ever made...
Why 'Tito' is the best Egyptian action movie of all time? 1- The direction is nearly perfect, Tarek el Arian has definitely created his masterpiece by this astonishing way of direction. It gets us so deep into the movie that you can easily feel what Tito's thinking about or the way he looks to life. The action scenes are a feast for the eye and a real revolution in how action scenes can be made in an Egyptian movie.

2- The cinematographer did really a very very good job. He could by the use of camera's contrast to create a real depressing atmosphere to the picture that gets you really into the mood that Tito has at the moment, which added some high value to the reality and to how convincing the movie is.

3- 'Tito' has the BEST original score ever made in a middle eastern movie, Hisham Nazih proves by this art work that he is one of the best Arab music composers. The soundtrack is an unforgettable one that stuck to any one who watched the movie's head and this is one of the main reasons that will help 'Tito' to be a real Egyptian classic.

4-The acting is hilarious, Ahmed el Saqqa is the only actor I could think of as Tito, he played his role so simply and spontaneously that makes you even like Tito more and more due to his innocence and loyalty which were easily expressed by Ahmed El Saqqa. Khaled Saleh, with one of his first movies, proved that he's an uprising star and that he deserves to play roles as powerful and important as his role in 'Harb Atallia' or 'Omarat Yakoubian'. The rest of the crew were not bad and they could serve the picture well.

I guess all that I've said is enough for any one to watch it... It's just UN-miss-able!!!

Taxi Driver

Robert De niro at his finest
This is one of the best drama movie I've ever seen..and once again, Robert De niro satisfies me with one of his best performances ever (behind 'The Godfather part 2').

The real brilliance of this movie is that you can still enjoy watching it after 30 years since it's been made (like I did). The development of the events is convincing and hilarious. The direction is nearly perfect for its year, Martin Scorsese proved with this movie that he'll be having such a wonderful future in direction which he really showed us after that with such amazing movies (The departed, Casino, Goodfellas..etc).The cinematography did serve the picture very well and helps you to see the world from Travis's point of view...the dark side of the city..the dark side of the world. Finally, I must say that the movie score is one of the best scores ever been made to keep you tension and nervous so that you can feel and understand what Travis feels and wants. I recommend this masterpiece to any one who wants to watch a real classic masterpiece and enjoy two hours of excellent acting ad direction...

The Godfather

Best movie of all time
I couldn't believe what people, critics, movie-sites are saying about it, cause I didn't think that one movie could have it all. But it had it, it deserved all what people was saying about and I am just proud to be writing a review on ;in my opinion, one of the greatest movies EVER made 'The Godfather'. What can I say...I never saw just a combination between action and drama in one movie, so I could say that the plot is definitely the best I've ever watched and may be will ever watch. Actors' performances were perfect, I mean what do you think of Al Pacino or even the better Marlon Brando's performance in any other movie? well, they were at their finest and reached their top acting talent in this movie. Also James Caan made a remarkable performance and especially that scene when he dies. Even the soundtrack and the main theme for the movie, I think nobody could ever forget this music and how it did fit the movie and the drama. By winning only 3 Oscars, I think that the academy awards really did underestimate 'The Godfather' as I believe that it deserves to be the most Oscar-winning movie in its year and may be one of the most ever....I just feel that whatever I'll say won't afford to describe such a legendary movie, but I must say that I recommend this to ANYONE who only wanna watch an excellent movie....

The Shawshank Redemption

Thought to be one of the greatest movies of all time and ranked 2nd on IMDb's list of top 250 movies ever created. When i first heard of this film and its general plot i wasn't too enthusiastic about watching it. I mean, lets get serious... yet another prison movie where someone is supposedly wrongly accused for a crime he did not commit... we've seen them all. However, i can honestly and proudly admit that i was beyond the shadow of a doubt, completely and utterly wrong. This is truly an amazing movie. With its own charisma to it, it leaves the audience on the edge of their seats, wanting to find out more and waiting for the plot to unravel further. It captures your mind and truly speaks to you. Of course, a great deal of respect must be given to Morgan Freeman and Tim Robin for their outstanding performances. This movie deserves to have its own genre. A MUST see movie and a personal favorite.


I expected much better!!
When I knew that '1408' is based on Stephen King's short story which carries the same name, I had a feeling this is gonna be one good horror movie....But after I watched the movie, I was shocked with how shallow this plot is. The direction is very good and it really created the atmosphere this kind of movies need, the acting was fine and the cinematography too especially in the last scene inside the room. But the plot did ruin all this, they didn't even explain why the room is so dangerous, they just had Samuel L. Jackson saying 'The room is Evil!!!' and that's the only explanation for what happens althrough the movie. If you only want to watch a movie to entertain and scare you VERY much, well this one could be what you want...but don't waste your time searching for an explanation for what's happening!!

The Prestige

A masterpiece!!!!
After taking a long break from magic related movies in Hollywood; cinema-goers were struck by this movie and the respect it so-obviously demanded. Throughout the movie one cant help but to be attracted to its underlined sense of mystery and the urge to unfold the secret of the magic tool to which we are introduced, in the beginning of the film. With astonishing performances by both Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, i would would gladly gives two thumbs up to this motion picture. However, some may claim that the strong resemblance to the movie 'The Illusionist' may have stolen some its charm, seeing as both movies were released at around the same time.

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