
IMDb member since November 2019
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    4 years, 7 months



The Greeks are coming.
This is a great example of what can be done on a small budget.

A great cast, including a sleazy pre-Blakey Stephen Lewis are set adrift somewhere in France. Set work is minimal, with the three main protagonists usually running through what appears to be the same field.

In one episode, there is a nod to Greek tragedies, in that the action is taking place outside, with only the actors narrative telling the cast and viewers what is happening.

I remember parts of this series first time round and wanted to see how it panned out. Time fades the memories.

Some may be shocked mainly by Jimmy's misogynistic attitude and Nina's acceptance of what he says.

That noted, good to see a well written drama, with some great acting.

The Amityville Asylum

Oh dear
You can tell when a film has problems is when members of the cast cannot even pronounce the name of the place. Initially the bad pronunciation is a case of WTF, followed by chuckles, followed by this is annoying. That oddly enough is the better element.

Very boring, wooden and overall a wate of time.

Stay Close

A total hoot.
Based only on 3 episodes. So many coincidences within the narrative, it's a totally enjoyable mess.

I'm really enjoying this. Leave your brain on the counter and just while away a few hours.


Could have done without pointless sub plots.
Biggest question for me was why move survivors from Wick to a base near London? A bad cliché at best.

Good premise, ruined by a poor script. The actors did what they could.

The Sparks Brothers

Pure joy.
Very rare to watch a documentary that is funny, bittersweet, informative and inspiring. I have been a fan of Sparks since I first saw them on the BBC playing This town... What is surprising is the sheer output that they have produced, and how they have never compromised their integrity.

A wonderful film, and I am looking forward to the release of the Blu Ray.


A found classic
The latest series has begun on the BBC and I watched one episode. Not sure where Martin Beck fitted in, so have begun from the start.

So glad I have.

The characters in the team, Beck, Gunvald and Lena work really well. Really strange to see how commonplace some technology now is.

The stories are punchy, with some great ambient back beats playing in the background.

One thing I do like is that it does not pull punches and can at times be depressing showing how evil people can be.

Thankfully this is reduced by the humanity of the main charactets, and of course.. The neighbour.

The Stand

Should have been much better.
I loved the book, and the extended version. The first series was really good. Therefore, was quite excited to hear of a remake. Oh boy. I sat through the first episode, my will to live shrinking from the poor narrative style. Whilst there are some great actors in the cast, sadly, they were not given enough time to develop the charactets, making me feel meh about the whole episode. I do not give up easily, and decided to watch episode 2. I really wish I hadn't. Same as episode 1,so have given up on it. Reading other reviews. Think I did the right thing.

The I-Land

I'll never get that time back again
Stupidly decided to plough through the whole season. I wish I hadn't. Avoid.

Slender Man

Could have been so much better.
There is a great deal of source material that could have made this movie a classic. Sadly, it fell well and truly short of the mark. No character development, no real plot if I'm being honest apart from teens in peril. Could have been any monster as a protagonist. That said, some of the cinematography was superb.

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