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The Expendables

At My House, This is a Chick Flick
At my house, we have a much different definition of "chick flick". It calls for hot guys, a lot of action, an easy to follow plot and the occasional joke or two. The MCU, the Transformers series, and most modern spy movies are, by our definition, chick flicks.

Hot guys?. Oh please, I'm not looking for pretty young things. I'm looking for hot guys who can take a punch and crack a joke. This movie has many, many hot guys.

A lot of action? Oh yeah, this is action packed and has amazing stuntwork. I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't seen any of Jet Li's work, but he's awe-inspiring.

Easy to follow plot? Honey, I can do counted cross-stitch while watching and not miss a single plot point, which is the mark of a true chick flick.

Great score, incredible special effects (the pier fire scene was epic) and there was even a cool car and a really cool motorcycle.

Now, I must pop some popcorn and watch all the sequels with my girls!

We Were the Lucky Ones

A Well Done True Story
The Kurcs are a loving, successful, Jewish family in Poland in the late 1930's. Seemingly overnight, their world turned upside down. They find themselves split all over the globe, always trying to find each other.

Led by Joey King, the immensely talented cast portray the pain and terror inflicted on them by various governments and the quiet heroism they show under stress.

For older kids (maybe 12 and up) this would be a great series to watch and study. Bringing this dark time in history to young people's eyes through this real life family would be a strong start to studying this important era.

I watched it one episode per week, and rewatched it binge-style with my hubby one cold weekend. Binge-style is better. There are a few episodes that end on cliffhangers that left me seriously stressed.

All in all, this is a wonderfully produced, directed and acted series.

The Great Gatsby

Second Chance Didn't Help.
Like every other kid in AP English in America, I had to read "The Great Gatsby". My parents thought I was lucky because this movie had come out and we went to see it. My dad fell asleep, but that wasn't really that unusual.

I was young enough that just staring at Robert Redford was quite enough. But it was just so slow! And I couldn't see what everyone was raving about when they talked about Mia Farrow. I have always liked her, but in this she was just painful. For extra credit, I was allowed to write a movie review, and I remember mostly talking about the horribly slow pace.

Well, I'm an adult now, I've read the book a few times since then, and not having to read it for a grade has made it a much better book. I thought I had better rewatch it and give it another chance.

Nah, it's just as slow. But watching Robert Redford and his blue eyes is still enough for me.

Will Trent

Great Show With an Appealing Cast
I haven't read the books but I really like this show. The main character is dyslexic and (possibly) on the spectrum. He didn't get enough care and positive attention as he grew up in an unforgiving foster system, so he nurtures everyone who will let him.

As the series has progressed, we see glimpses of both the past that shaped him and insights into the supporting players. The supporting characters don't all start being people you would like but as the series progresses, you get to understand them and appreciate their individual quirks.

The series has a great self-contained mystery every episode plus several great long running plot lines that are developing slowly and with great detail. You can pick it up as a new viewer and enjoy it, and you'll probably want to go back.and check out the whole thing from the beginning.

As for the people who insist on comparing the show to the book, enjoy both versions and don't get so precious about the differences in the series and the books. The series is good, and when I read the books, I think I'll enjoy them too.

Heart of Stone

Formulaic Fun
Is it easy to predict what will happen? Yeah, a little bit.

Are the characters a bit standard? Sure Are there plot twists right on cue? Of course

But that's the fun of this! We enjoy an evening of watching an exciting movie with no work on our part. We don't have to keep track of how many bullets, we know the good guys will be fine. We don't have to know how she gets back up the mountain, we can assume she will. Is anyone here going to be in the running for an Oscar? Heck, no.

But Gal Gadot is fun to watch, and it's nice to see a woman kicking butt and doing it well. Plus, the movie has Sophie Okenado, and that's worth spending a summer evening watching Netflix.

Don't expect Shakespeare, just pop some popcorn and yell at the screen. It's one of those kinds of flicks.


Well Made and Terrifying
I've loved this movie since I saw it the first time. The science fiction is so rooted in the possible that the fright stays with you long after the movie ends.

Looking back at this movie from the distance of 2023, it's incredibly prescient. Let's see, singers show up in holograms for concerts, actors make commercials long after they're dead, and faces are photoshopped to the millimeter. This is Looker come to life!

My hubby laughed at the Looker device, saying what would the Men In Black have done without this movie showing them the device?

I have always felt a little bad for Rick Rossovich. He was the first one to use that whole "bright light freezes people and erases their memory gadget" and they didn't even put him into "Men In Black".

"It didn't used to be like this....computers telling us what to do" may be the most terrifying line in the movie here in 2023.

Six Minutes to Midnight

Great Little Spy Film
Eddie Izzard does a great job here. The story is well crafted with just enough surprises to keep you on your toes. A British agent is sent to an unusual school for girls in the days shortly before WW2. There are lots of clues that lead you to places that the story doesn't follow, and some surprises for which you don't get any clues.

It's a tight, suspenseful story, marvelous cast and suitable for older children and up. No profanity, minimal violence and the story's twists and turns can be followed without too much trouble. It's a vivid picture of a section of pre-war British life that is rarely seen.

I have never appreciated cell phones more than watching a desperate man trying to find a phone in the English countryside of 1939.

Wednesday: Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe
Episode 1, Season 1

Let's Not Be All Precious Here.
Let go of your old preconceptions of Wednesday Addams and enjoy the ride. Jenna Ortega has made this teenager a completely unique character.

The set design, the costuming, and the casting make a great tribute to the original comics. If you look at the original comics, Gomez was not particularly handsome. In fact a lot of the humor was based on the fact that this unattractive, short, fat man was able to not only catch, but keep a gorgeous woman enthralled. Luis Guzman, a singularly amazing actor, is perfectly cast.

I am enjoying the mystery aspects of the plot and the macabre undertones are just delicious!


A Delightful Update to Romeo and Juliet
Every kid who has to read Romeo and Juliet will enjoy this. It has everything a teenage girl needs...a spunky heroine, a very (very!) cute leading man and a Taylor Swift song over the closing credits.

Romeo bears a bit of a resemblence to the late Heath Ledger. The wonderful Bradley Whitford and Minnie Driver shine in small but pivotal roles and while the plot is predictable, there are enough small twists and turns to make it fun.

As a standalone for younger kids, it will be fine. If you introduce them to the actual story of Romeo and Juliet first, they will get more out of it. One well-deserved profanity and very little violence.

Hulu did well with this one.

The Rookie: Feds

It's not a documentary, it's lighter fare
I don't understand all the hate. If I want a procedural we've got "FBI" and its variations, the whole "Law and Order" world and Dateline and 20/20 if we want real cases.

"The Rookie" has a great blend of action and humor. This is in that line and it's fun.

No one is ever going to ask Niecy to play Ophelia, but she has some chops. (Look at "Claws" for proof.) I find the whole "League of Extraordinary Guidance Counselors" both hilarious and a great idea. Using all of a characters back story experience is what makes "The Rookie" such fun to watch. A good guidance counselor knows so much about kids, I'm surprised they aren't a source more often.

It's a fun show in the best tradition of cop shows that have a good time while still dealing with tough situations.

I do think the cleavage could be minimized, not for the whole appropriateness issue. Girlfriend needs a good supportive sports bra if she's going to be running after crooks. Watching her run makes my chest hurt.

Thor: Love and Thunder

What We Needed After Endgame
After losing Tony Stark and Black Widow I was eager for a movie from the MCU that embraced the humor. I figured Taika Watiti would bring the funny and still provide a wild ride.

Christian Bale did an amazing job. He makes a terrifying villian and takes on the mantle of the serious scary stuff well. I must admit to some jumping in my seat at his scenes.

Russell Crowe is clearly having a great time and I'm here for it. (Did anyone else think he could have busted out the Windex at any moment?) Tessa Thompson and Natalie Portman did some serious work building hero bodies. Props to them! So much for the old belief that strong women aren't sexy.

This movie is great!

Junior Bake Off

Great Show But Creepy Host
I watched this with my 9 year old granddaughter. She bakes a lot with her mom and was enthralled, but she cringed when Harry tried to be funny.

There were a few moments when I actually felt Harry was just inappropriate, especially with the older kids.

Liam and Rav are so wonderful. No how badly the kids mess up, they find something to compliment and they do it sincerely.

I find myself crying with the kids selected to go home have to leave. Even when the kids can hold back the tears, I cry for them. But these are amazing bakers and I think they have great futures ahead of them.

Just put Harry out to pasture. He's just creepy.

Sing 2

Best When Enjoyed With a Kid
Just like the first Song movie, this has a.rag-tag bunch of talented animals struggling to achieve their showbiz dream. If you have a kid in your family, watching them react is just part of the fun.

The voice actors are universally fun to listen to. The music is great and the bad guy is just scary enough to cause tension but not bad enough to make little kids truly scared.

I watched this with my 8-year-old granddaughter who was quick to point out that the version of "Cake By The Ocean" hey used didn't have the bad word. The choreographer, Klaus, was scarier to her than Mr. Crystal, the villain.

I watched it again with my hubby, and he agreed. He did love the movie, though.

The Day the Music Died

America's Song
I think everyone has an "American Pie" memory. Mine is singing it with our high school choir every day before the teacher came in, as our own little warmup.

I love Don McLean's music and when my daughter had the golden opportunity to work one of his concerts, I found out that he and his band are as wonderful as we could have hoped. (The saying is "never meet your heroes, and Don McLean made hash of that old saw.) I was excited to see the documentary and afraid that it wouldn't live up to what I wanted to see and learn about the song and the man. I am pleased to say that this movie lived up to my, admittedly, very high expectations.

I don't particularly care what every verse means. I'm of the age that we discussed it to death in music classes. But I wanted to know how it came about and how Don McLean became the voice of so many people.

The stories from everyday folks who became parts of this amazing tale are well told. The editing keeps this movie flowing and McLean's own anecdotes are specific and relevant. So many documentaries get so precious about their subjects and let them ramble about irrelevant stuff that the docs are just bogged down.

If you've ever had a joyful experience singing "American Pie" this is a movie you'll enjoy. I hope that there will be another one to discuss Don McLean's other works. (Hint, hint)

American Dreamer

A Fun Spy Romp
We saw this back in "84 when it came out and just found it again on YouTube. It had been a favorite of my hubby's and mine.

It has held up surprisingly well. JoBeth Williams plays the heroine with such panache that you believe her delusion as much as she does.

There are some delicious surprises and the clothes are an '80's fashion show. Watching with our adult daughter, she enjoyed laughing at the shoulder pads as much as the crazy polt twists.

God's Favorite Idiot

Just What This Summer Needs
This is a light-hearted comedy with leads that like each other and a cast that works well together.

Is it high art? No. But it's Summer and a lot of stuff in the world really sucks. Melissa McCarthy is a very talented actress and can do "serious art". But this is a gentle comedy so she's sticking with what works. No one does the 'should-be-really-obnoxious-but-is-really-sincere' character better.

Ben Falcone may not have the world's biggest range, but he's perfect for this. All those people whining about him writing a part for himself just to get a project done should step back. It's a respected tradition or have we all forgotten "Rocky"?

Sit back, pop some popcorn, have a soda and enjoy this light comedy. Like original Coke, it's a formula that satisfies when you're in the right mood.

Step Into... The Movies

Pure Pleasure
Full disclosure. I come from a family of musical theater people, dancers, singers, actors. This is such a great show both for those of us for whom the numbers are old favorites and for our students who can discover these iconic numbers. I hope and pray that we will see this become a regular occurrence. Like, once or twice a year like the live musicals?

Than you, Mr. And Mrs. Hough, for giving us your amazing kids!

Why Women Kill

Well Written and Suspenseful
This is really well written and maintains the suspense really well. Just when you think you have everything figured out, in typical Marc Cherry fashion, things shift dramatically.

One thing would make me enjoy the show even more. When the credits roll, it would be great if the actors credits were divided by the year they appear.

The costuming and set decoration is just amazing. I think my mother wore a lot of the same dresses that Gunnifer Goodwin wore in Season 1.

The Resident: Now You See Me
Episode 12, Season 5

In what alternate universe would a doctor, especially one in charge of a busy ER, leave and go to a dangerous area to find someone? I know we want excitement but there's a limit.

I love this show and will continue watching, but sometimes the choices made are just foolhardy.

That being said "Barry White Voice" is how I will think of A. J. from now on.

That's My Jam

Lots of Fun
I'm really loving this show but I would like to know what charities are benefitting.

It's incredible to see the variety of talents the celebrities are demonstrating...not what you'd expect. I didn't realize that what was missing in my life was seeing Terry Crews sing disco.

'Til There Was You

A Lovely Little Movie
This is a fix-yourself-a-cup-of-tea and snuggle up with your kitty and watch this and fall in love with romantic movies all over again type of film.

Beautifully filmed, perfectly cast and the settings are bliss.

It's not great art, but it is like a warm chocolate chip cookie. Sure, you need more than just that for a balanced diet but oh my goodness, every now and then you really crave one.

Cold Case: A Time to Hate
Episode 7, Season 1

Heartbreaking Episode
As the mother of a gay son, this episode broke my heart. I am so glad that people have gotten smarter (for the most part) and wiser. I look back, though, at the men in my world when I was a child and many of them could have been the villain in this story.

As always, the music in this episode is sheer perfection.

Toy Soldiers

A Great Action Movie
I really liked this movie when it came out. Now, as a parent, it evokes a whole new visceral response. I didn't remember holding my breath, being absolutely terrified for these kids, or crying at the strength of Sean Astin's performance.

I can't recommend this highly enough if you want a great action movie. The R rating is well-deserved, and this isn't for the kids even though the movie is about kids.

I had somehow forgotten the late, great Jerey Orbach in an uncredited role. It was a reminder that he was a really good bad guy before he was the king of Law and Order.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

Not High Art But Fun!
LeBron James isn't a great actor but I was looking for a basketball player. He is the straight man to a delightful cast of hilarious characters.

I laughed out loud and had a great time. That's what I wanted and the movie delivered.

Leverage: Redemption

Welcome Back to My Favorite Bad Guys Who Do Good Things!
I've been looking forward to this since it was announced, and it was worth the wait! Have missed this cast, the well-plotted capers and most of all, the relationships. While I miss having Hardison in every episode, his 'sister' reminds me of early Parker. I'm so relieved that Noah Wylie is not trying to be Nate. His redemption seeking lawyer is the ice cream on the apple pie.

The only thing that could have made this better would have been having it available during quarantine. Thank goodness we had the original while we were stuck indoors.

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