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Star Trek: Discovery: Labyrinths
Episode 8, Season 5

Very Disappointing Episode!
When did Star Trek become an exposition dumping series. It has gotten worse and worse every episode. They tell you every single thing that you should witnessing. It might as well be an audio book. As per usual, the captain solves all of the problems and has all of the solutions. The Breen who are supposed to be an imperialistic species in the midst of a civil war, but who who value culture and history, would follow their leader in destroying priceless artifacts. The archive just happens to have a piece of Book's home planet's world tree. That's convenient. The bridge of Discovery might as well be Ten Forward because everyone hangs out there. What is Tilly's position? Is she #1's number one. It's bizarre. I wanted to like this show and have committed to watching every episode, but I will be relieved when it's finally done. It has been a tedious journey or Discovery.

Eiyuu Kyoushitsu: The Demon's King Daughter
Episode 5, Season 1

A Interesting Fight Sequence
This episode shows us the varying power levels of Blade's companions. Their mild mannered friend just so happens to be the Demon King's daughter. She wears limiters that prevent her from being overpowered on a day to day basis but once she removed them, she immediately becomes one hundred times stronger and transforms into her demon form. She quickly dispatches four of the most powerful students but underestimates Blade's power. She even asks...what is he. To which he replies...I'm just an ordinary person. Only the King and one of his classmates know the truth of him being the Great Hero of Legend.

This episode was enjoyable, but be prepared for gratuitous fan service. A solid eight out of ten.

Eiyuu Kyoushitsu

This Series Is Well Done
Let me start by saying this series is not going to be something that you have not seen before with respect to the story. The characters fit into the classic anime fantasy hero trope. There is a decent amount of early character development that helps you become invested in their progression but it is not to detailed. It's not Naruto by any stretch of the imagination. There is a lot... and I mean a lot of fan service but it not to over the top and the nudity is limited to vague nude shapes that are overly sexualised.

The main characters begin overpowered so that is a bit disappointing since you don't get to see the true progression of their hero's journey. The dialogue is good and the funny moments are interspersed in a way that doesn't take away from the story progression. Animation was very good but not necessarily next gen. All in all the series is entertaining and enjoyable. A solid 7 or 8 depending on your taste and experience with fantasy anime.

Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

A Really Good Series!
The world building is done very well and the characters are developed as the series progresses. Each episode builds toward the story arc and even though there may be some filler it seems to be interwoven versus having dedicated filler episodes. It does seem similar to My Hero Academia but the tone of this series is not as dark. It actually reminds me more of the 80's cartoon Galaxy High. I find that it has strong retro vibes. Also they have musical pieces interspersed so it can sometimes feel like a fourth wall break. The animation is solid but not mind blowing so do let that dissuade you. The main character is a typical magnet and eventually all of the other characters find a reason to be drawn towards him. The episodes are addictive so you may burn through five or six in one sitting. Enjoy!

The Bear: Sundae
Episode 3, Season 2

What's The Issue
I not sure the wall being torn down is the issue. Sydney was in her feeling because Carm stood her up for the food tasting. I don't understand her issue with being a partner, if that is truly their relationship. She has contributed ideas and time, but has yet to contribute dollars. There was an existing business before she arrived and the money for the renovation has come solely from Carm's uncle. Successful businesses don't just give away partial ownership for good ideas. A bonus, sure. Profit sharing arrangements maybe, but why would she feel entitled (her female chef friend gave her a half baked warning) to be an owner. Carm 100% owns the restaurant with his uncle being a true financial partner. If the business gets sued or goes bankrupt, Sydney would have zero liability. That's the real world.

Invasion: Contact
Episode 8, Season 1

This episode is strange. The series is slow for sure. I'm not sure why the creators made the pacing and creative decisions. The "Navy Seal" character is weird. Casting a Canadian as an American is a strange move if the actor doesn't even try to sound or act like an American. Whoever made this series must think that Canadians don't have an accent. It's as stark a contrast as hearing an Australian pretending to be from Georgia. His actions and accent totally remove you from the reality that this show is going for. Why did they chose to make him a Navy Seal...don't know. Sounds cool I guess. The premise is ridiculous. I hope season two gets better.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Hegemony
Episode 10, Season 2

Mr. Scott...WTH?!
Another winner of an episode! We have the Gorn. We have Mr. Scott! We have an excellent episode. The only flaw is that there is no suspense about Nurse Chapel as she is Star Trek: The Original Series . The Gorn bring a level of suspense that is truly engaging. I really like that they have a mystery box of Gorn capable offensive weapons and detectors. The way Mr. Scott was introduced was brilliant. It showcased and foreshadowed his future knack for developing creative life saving solutions. Killing the crew from the Cayuga was not impactful as we don't know any of them. Also having nurse Chapel being the only survivor was overly convenient but not convincing. All in all it was an outstanding episode. Ready for Season 3!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody
Episode 9, Season 2

Musical Episodes Are Fantastic!
I don't think I was expecting this when I read the title. It was a pleasant and refreshing surprise. Strange New Worlds captures the playful side of many of the classics TOS and TNG episodes. I know many will criticize this episode for not being serious or having a somewhat different Star Trek tone, but that is what made Star Trek different from Star Wars and other shows in this genre. Good your criticism and just enjoy the episode for what it! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the cast let loose and explore a different side to their respective characters. La'an's voice was the most surprising. Christina Chong sings so well. And Melissa Navia comes a close second. Bravo!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Those Old Scientists
Episode 7, Season 2

So Cool Lower Decks Crossover
This is the episode that everyone one has been waiting for. I loved the way it started off animated. I was not expecting that. Initially I wasn't paying attention and I was like...something is off, then I noticed it. I truly love Lower Decks and having their characters come to live action was a nice treat. This show continues to get better in surprising ways. That's not to say everything is perfect but Strange New Worlds is a good homage to Star Trek the Original series. All we need now is a some cameos from the Deep Space Nine crew and every show would have been represented in this new age of Trek.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Episode 3, Season 2

Nicely Done
Time travel tropes have been done many times (excuse the pun) in the Star Trek universe. Sometimes well, like in in TOS and TNG, and sometimes poorly, see Discovery and Picard. SNW handled it in a smart and interesting way. They gave us the action and the high stakes, but also were able to weave in a bit of romance that was not over the top and contributed to La'an's character development. We also got to see her conflicted with making the choice between saving her universe and another where she could have prevented mass murder. The only criticism was that the Romulan character was a bit overdone which led to them not being believable. Otherwise an excellent episode.

Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders

The Acting Is So Bad
This may be the worst acting that I've seen especially when you factor in they used some credible actors. The girlfriends are both insufferable. They seems as if they just started acting the first day of the movie. The dad gets his foot graphically injured but is walking a little later with no pain. Jon Voight is his usually loopy self. The parents son dies and they barely seem to care. It's as if they all forgot that there were life and death stakes. I don't know they pain Jonathan and Jon, but it must have been a pretty Penny given how trash this movie is. If you have chores to do it is ok to have playing in the background.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Ad Astra Per Aspera
Episode 2, Season 2

A Masterful Episode
This episode displayed what made TOS so excellent. A societal commentary was woven into the story that made you think. The writings didn't use overtly modern references to promote an agenda, but instead made the viewer view modern society against the foil of the adept story that was showcased. The court scenes were great and the outcome that was reach was expected but the route to how it was achieved was surprising and fit within the context of a good legal argument. With the last season of Picard and if this show continues with this masterful writing...the fandom should continue to be please and some of the damage done by lazy writing in some of the more recent Star Trek shows can be forgotten.

Scream VI

Made Only To Make Viewers Scream At The Screen
Courney Cox was just trying to get a check. Her acting was terrible. The reason that people keep getting killed or hurt in this movie is because only the killer knows how cell phones work or how sound travels. I know it might seem cool to have the two protagonist steal a police car to go rescue Gale across town, but it would have been much more effective (leading to Ghostface's capture) to phone a police precinct near her place. Also her muscular boyfriend is fighting with and being killed by the killer and she hears nothing. Maybe plastic surgery affects hearing, because that is the only explanation. Finally, are the killer(s) on steroids or strengthening drugs because they too take some devastating hits and just shake it off. Watch if you want to be angry versus being entertained!

The Devil Conspiracy

The Title Is Much Better Than The Movie
The start of the movie had promise. It is quickly obvious that the writer used all of the creativity in the first 10 min as it devolves into C - movie territory. It is not a horror flick and it's not a comedy, it is what you would get if those two genres had a baby. It tries to be both and fails miserably.

The plot line is weak and the plausibility of most of the scenes requires you to be blacked out to believe. The Vatican should sue for character defamation. I main villain, Liz, is ridiculous. It is also obvious that Peter Mensah phoned in his lines and collected a check. No mad at him but he is essentially clickbait for this movie.

If you have nothing else to do, watch it but make sure to lower your expectations. Where is Commander USA...this belongs in Groovie Movies.!

Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation
Episode 10, Season 3

A Fitting Ending For Old Friends
This last episode took me back to my childhood and made remember a time when anything seemed possible. The writing this season was superb. There were some flaws but it made us all realize why TNG was such an amazing show. It is unfortunate that this seasons writers didn't write the previous two seasons. The chemistry amongst the cast was obvious and seem like they enjoyed their last hurrah. If no more Star Trek shows were made, this would be an excellent tribute to the legacy of Gene Roddenberry. The nostalgia packed into this season was simply delightful and it made me miss Majel Barrett as the ever present voice of the Enterprise. Bravo and well done!

Star Trek: Picard: Imposters
Episode 5, Season 3

The Story Continues To Get Better
I am not sure who made the decision to change the tone this season, but this change was so needed. They have either gotten the best Sci-Fi writers in the business or they hire folks who have a deep love and respect for Star Trek in 90's. They are tying up storylines from days past in a way that is not just fan service but essential to driving the story forward. The emotional beats were top notch and it make you a bit sad that the previous two seasons of Picard were not as well written. Gone is the campiness of seasons 1 and 2. Now we get a season where the stakes matter and no one knows how it will end. Ro Laren...I don't need to say more.

Boku no hîrô akademia: Deku vs. Class A
Episode 23, Season 6

Best Episode Thus Far!
It surprising how much has been packed into this show. The characters have all grown through the season and this episode showed how each has been impacted and improved by Deku. I found myself in tears by each plea presented and the emotion behind the words. The writing is superb and the depth of emotion was as significant as the moment Naruto found out that Jiraya had been killed. There was limited action but the consequences were higher because it was a turning point where Class A all became the heroes that can protect and save a hero. I am waiting to see how this arc ends and how Class A will overcome all that has been lost. Get your tissue and be prepared for a tearful episode.

Star Trek: Picard: No Win Scenario
Episode 4, Season 3

The Magic Is Back
This episode brought back all of the feelings of when I first watched Star Trek The Next Generation so long ago. It truly felt like a continuation of the series during its original run. The tension was there and it was woven in masterfully. Picard and Riker continue to give the performances of their lives. From the changeling drama to the creative and thoughtful use of flashbacks, I was invested in this story from its inception. It's not to say we didn't know they would be able to be saved, but the how of the events unfolding kept you guessing what was around the next corner. Was it a perfect, but it is the best Star Trek has had to offer in a long while. Bravo to the writing and the direction of this episode. I can't wait to see what's in store for the next installment.

History of the World: Part II: I
Episode 1, Season 1

Jokes Don't Land As Well As The Orginal
It felt like an extended SNL skit. The jokes were ok. The cast has many of your favorite actors, but the jokes were not particularly funny. I do appreciate the revival since the original movie ended on a cliffhanger. I am glad that Mel Brooks was still around to oversee the project. They should have gotten the team that writes jokes for Ryan Reynolds involved to write the material as they are able to weave in modernity with humor. The jokes that were included in this episode were too on the nose to be funny. Also the humor of the 80's doesn't translate well to 2023. I am hoping the later episodes will funnier. It's is worth a watch even if just for the nostalgia.

Matilda: The Musical

Just Amazing!
This is hands down the best movie that has come out this year. It is an amazing musical movie, but also an excellent adaptation of a stage play. Thank you to Black TikTok for remixing the dance sequence with hip hop music. If not for that, I would have missed a most exquisite film. The story is a familiar and classic troupe, but refreshingly modern. The dance sequence slaps hard. These kids are some of the best dancers that I have seen on film. The little girl that plays Matilda draws you into the story immediately. Emma Thompson is always great and Lashana Lynch gives an outstanding performance. The casting was perfect. Finally, the girl in the red beret has become an social media sensation. Treat yourself and watch this film. You won't be disappointed.

The Recruit: W.T.F.I.O.H.
Episode 8, Season 1

A Surprisingly Good First Season
I hope this gets renewed. It was action packed and fun. The twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat. Owen was a solid character that fumbles through some of the most difficult situations. At every turn I felt the danger and the suspense. I was surprised at who the assassin turned out to be in the end. That was a really good plot twist. I am not sure what the next season (fingers crossed) will bring, but if it is at least half as good as the first, then Netflix has a certified hit. The comedy was not overplayed or too heavy handed. The writers were excellent at weaving in the intrigue and still keeping the story consistent. Well done.

Star Trek: Prodigy

One Of The Best New Star Trek Shows
I don't know what it is, but animation writers just seem better these days. The stories are better. The characters are more well developed and the stakes seem realistic. There is no heavy handed politics or overt agendas. They craft a world that is accessible for everyone. I wish the live action Star Trek shows would follow this blueprint. Also the episodic nature of the show is much better format and gives the Star Trek Original Series vibe. Even though the show is more geared towards younger audiences, unlike ST: Lower Decks, the story is very much engaging and the world building is nice. I am pleased that audiences seem to like it, as it is done very well.

Andor: One Way Out
Episode 10, Season 1

Just Brilliant!
If all of the new Star Wars projects were written this well it would be a game changer. You feel the tension. You know there are stakes involved. None of the characters seem overpowered. It also gives the Empire the weight of a dictatorship. Living in this Star Wars universe seems dangerous and not made for children. And this universe would make Sith and Jedi seem downright terrifying. I am not sure why this show has not gained the traction of some of the other shows, but this is done the way a grimy galactic authoritarian empire should be. I am on the end of seat after some slow burn episodes. You will not be disappointed.

SEAL Team: Damage Assessment
Episode 9, Season 6

This episode makes up for all of the previous mediocre ones. They killed off one of the stars of the show in a way that you would have expected. I was sure after watching the previous episode that they would figure out a way to keep Clay alive. They may end up pulling a Dallas from the 80's but I doubt it. I suspect that the actor that plays Clay had some upcoming projects and this was an impactful way to leave the show. It touches on the hardships that many veterans face after injury and how many times you don't get the movie happy ending. Much respect to the studio for pulling a Game of Thrones, killing one of the best characters.

The Walking Dead: Lockdown
Episode 17, Season 11

The Logic Is Nonexistent!
I know it's a fantasy show! I know it's about zombies! I know it used to be good, but it is apparent that either the writers are tired or the directors and editors don't care. The logic of the military in the Commonwealth makes no sense. How do you get surrounded by walkers in an open field when you could just run to the rescue vehicle. The walkers just walk. The soldiers could have run back to the compound. This show no longer brings suspense. It is a shadow of the show that used to be the buzz of social media every week. I'm glad that Rick, Carl, and Michonne aren't around to see what their merry band has become. I was hoping it would go out with the excitement of the first few season, but alas it ends in a whimper.

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