
IMDb member since November 2019
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Pepsi, Where's My Jet?

Simply brilliant!
Didn't know this story. What a nice ride with very interesting characters taking on this giant. It's about a generation that's exploiting a young generation for monetary gain. Pepsi left a legal loophole in their advertising that's picked up by a kid and the ride begins.

The characters are real. Some very down to earth. Lots of humor from people who can actually laugh at themselves. The documentary also features the sharks. Those without a decent bone in their body who exploit the poor and marginalized. One cannot help to root for John, the kid who saw the loophole and persuing a dream. Ironically though, the ad was aimed at his generation. A brilliant watch!


Masterful and gripping movie!
A true story that is well paced with brilliant acting. Definitely worth watching.

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