
IMDb member since November 2019
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What happened to the writing...
One of the most jarring issues that plagues the later seasons of Billions is the excessive use of pop culture references. It's as though every character has suddenly become a walking encyclopedia of trendy memes, celebrities, and internet culture. This incessant bombardment of pop culture references not only feels forced but also makes little sense in the context of the show's intricate financial and legal plotlines. It's perplexing why the writers chose to go down this path, as it detracts from the authenticity of the characters and subtracts from the gravitas of every scene.

Perhaps the most glaring problem with this over-reliance on pop culture references is that it makes every character sound the same. Each character seems to speak in the same format, spouting random analogies and one-liners that are supposed to be witty but often fall flat. Nobody talks like that in real life, and this uniformity in dialogue turns the characters into caricatures rather than well-rounded individuals. In the earlier seasons, the characters had distinct voices and personalities, but in the later seasons, they all seem to have merged into one, making it difficult for viewers to connect with or care about them.

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Terrible writing
Couldn't stand the scenes of the government agencies talking about AI, the writing is so bad and hard to watch. "Decrypting blockchain" with an accept button?? So many scenes where you just put your arms up wondering what? Why? They picked a few topics they felt were relevant with no real understanding and just jammed it in, the whole plot felt forced and unnatural. The action scenes were good and pretty much was the only thing that made the movie bearable.

The movie's depiction of AI is so bad that it actually undermines the movie's own plot. The movie is trying to tell a story about the dangers of AI, but it does so in a way that is so ridiculous that it's hard to take seriously.

American Born Chinese

For an ABC this wasn't for me.
As an ABC just a bit older than the main character Jin, I definitely recognized some of the themes they were going for however the show just didn't connect for me. On the surface, the situations that Jin experienced seemed familiar, but the dialogue just didn't seem genuine or relatable.

The Journey to the West parts were good, especially drunk Ronny Chieng. However, after going through half the season of trying hard to find aspects of the show I liked to keep me going, I can't stop cringing at all the scenes with Jin.

To me the writing is clunky and unnatural, the dialogue feels forced. The show is too heavy-handed with its message. They were trying to cram too much into too little time, and it didn't work. I had high hopes for the show, but it didn't deliver.

Star Trek: Picard

Rides the coattails of previous generations
Summarized in two words - unnecessary and empty. The writing in the show is a far cry from the previous generations of Star Trek. It relies heavily on a big budget and nostalgia. Picard only provides fleeting glimpses of his former strengths, such as his morality and his ability to stand up for greater values. Patrick Stewart's acting is still top notch, providing only brief moments of genuine Star Trek feeling. Unfortunately, most of the time, the story feels empty, and the show lacks the higher purpose and morality that were once synonymous with Star Trek.

Picard is portrayed as wanting to help, but there is no greater meaning or morality driving his actions. The show feels like a series of events, connected by special effects, rather than a cohesive narrative with a purpose.

In previous Star Trek series, Earth, the Federation, and Starfleet represented a better future. Humanity had overcome poverty, and people worked towards self-improvement while fighting to maintain freedom and responsibility. However, "Picard" has abandoned this optimistic vision of the future, and there is little left of the principles that once made the Star Trek universe so captivating. Starfleet has lost its way. This lack of direction makes the show feel unnecessary and generic, as it could take place in any timeframe with little to no change in the plot.

Picard falls short of the expectations set by previous Star Trek series. The lack of purpose and morality, along with the absence of a clear antagonist, make the show feel hollow and unnecessary. While there are some moments of nostalgia for Picard, they are not enough to make up for the show's shortcomings.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Rock Scene & Raccacoonie
Great movie that doesn't fit the predictable mold the movie industry tends to stick with when profit and mass appeal is the main focus. Does take some attention to stick to the story line which had me engaged at the theaters but when watching at home you can pause and rewind to fully absorb more of the details. The rock scene and raccacoonie were hits for me.

Seems like post Oscars lot's of criticism about the movie being overhyped, people are not actually enjoying the movie or appreciating it for what it is but only in comparison to others in the lineup that made them feel some way or another. Regardless of what awards this movie has won I would suggest taking yourself out of what the narrative you hear say and just go along for the ride.

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