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The Vampire Diaries: An Eternity of Misery
Episode 4, Season 8

eternity of misery episode
This was a really great episode, it was cool finally seeing who matt's father was despite not caring much for matt, the flashbacks to the siren sisters was awesome and dark and added to the mythology so more which is always a good thing.

The Vampire Diaries: You Decided That I Was Worth Saving
Episode 3, Season 8

So long Wolfman
This was yet another strong episode, the fight scene in the school was cool, I enjoyed seeing our heroes put against each other in this episode and that ending which would be a characters last moment in the show.

The Vampire Diaries: Today Will Be Different
Episode 2, Season 8

Mind Games TVD styles
This was another strong episode carrying over from the previous episode, Sybil is not much of villain but she's okay, I at leat like adding the sirens and mythology to the series which is cool and you got the return of Sarah Salvatore as well.

The Vampire Diaries: Hello, Brother
Episode 1, Season 8

Hello Brother the beginning of the end
The series opens its final season with a bang, the episode was dark and bloody and great, Damon and Enzo's parts were fantastic and the call backs to previous seasons as well, this is a wildly entertaining episode.

Penny Dreadful: Grand Guignol
Episode 8, Season 1

Grand Guignol Penny Dreadful 1x08 season finale review
This episode was fantastic and made all of the season worth watching, we had big showdowns with vampires and progressiins to the story, reveals and teases for the direction the show will go with season 2 and beyond, it was a great to end a strong season 1.

Penny Dreadful: Possession
Episode 7, Season 1

Possession Penny Dreadful 1x07 review
Overall this episode was fantastic with Eva Green's performance making the whole nature of this episode so believable and so dark, this episode really hinged on her ability in acting and she delivered and did not disappoint, why this episode does not get a 9 or 10 is because they could have been a bit more in the episode other than the possession parts as it was a 50-55 minute episode but overall as a confined episode to one story thread it was very much a enjoyable episode.

The Vampire Diaries: Gods and Monsters
Episode 22, Season 7

Gods and monsters review
This episode feels very basic for a season finale, its still a really good episode, over I think is the second least best finale after season 2 but only because season 2 final scene is the wrong way round but the end of season 7 and that cliffhanger was much better than the one in season 2.

The Vampire Diaries: Requiem for a Dream
Episode 21, Season 7

Requiem for a dream review
It was a really well done bonnie centred dream state like episode, it was pretty good for what it was considering I like bonnie she's just never really been a character that's interesting enough, she has always been the martyr but the end scene of this episode gave this a extra star.

The Vampire Diaries: Kill 'Em All
Episode 20, Season 7

Kill em all review
I loved this episode with the road trip of killing vampires and stuff like that, it was a really good episode, I liked the humour in the episode as well.

The Vampire Diaries: Somebody That I Used to Know
Episode 19, Season 7

somebody that I used to know review
I enjoyed this one, the flashbacks with enzo and bonnie add some more story, the acting was good, there was a lot to really like in this episode.

The Vampire Diaries: One Way or Another
Episode 18, Season 7

one way or another review
I enjoy the premise of the episode, with tracking down the serial killer and trying to get Stefan back, it was a very tense episode with a lot of cool moments and interactions.

The Vampire Diaries: I Went to the Woods
Episode 17, Season 7

I went to the woods review
Now this was a fantastic episode, it was very much more interesting and fresh after the previous episodes, I enjoyed this story about Stefan and the scenes at the end with the brothers was well acted.

The Vampire Diaries: Days of Future Past
Episode 16, Season 7

days of future past review
This episode was much more funthen the past couple but it still suffered from jumping around with the villians and various storylines but the time jump its self is cool and beings so new to the season.

The Vampire Diaries: I Would for You
Episode 15, Season 7

I would for you TVD review
Again a lot of the same things I had for the episode before this but the Stefan Valarie stuff was the main con of the episode , the stuff with Damon and the others was okay but not top tier.

The Vampire Diaries: Moonlight on the Bayou
Episode 14, Season 7

Moonlight on the bayou TVD/Originals crossover review
I really liked Stefan and klaus hanging out in new orleans and all that side while the other stuff back in mystic falls was good as well, it had Stefan and Valarie which was the only part of the episode that wasn't interesting to me and it pulls this down for me a bit but again a very good episode.

The Vampire Diaries: This Woman's Work
Episode 13, Season 7

This woman's work TVD review
The stuff with the huntress was very good and interesting which was the main point of the episode and it worked out well but everything else was okay enough but there was a little to much in this episode and stuff they had already done before.

The Vampire Diaries: Postcards from the Edge
Episode 12, Season 7

Postcards from the edge TVD review
Another great episode I liked the fighting arena for vampire combat that was pretty cool, Damon going dark was cool though kind of seen it already, this ended juilans reign of terror which should have been kept going for at least episode 15 but its okay, it now focuses on the huntress, the biggest downside to this season is the jumping around with villains and stories.

The Vampire Diaries: Things We Lost in the Fire
Episode 11, Season 7

Things we lost in the fire TVD review
Another great episode that deals with the fall out from the craziness of the past couple of episodes, it moves the plot over more, this was one hell of a episode with one crazy moment in the the last 15 minutes.

The Vampire Diaries: Hell Is Other People
Episode 10, Season 7

Hell is other other people is a classic TVD review
I love this whole episode, it is the series at its best with costume designs and sets that feel like it actually flashed back to a certain time in history, I love the time loop aspect of the episode as it was something we have seen shows do before but TVD had not down this before, it even still progresses the story, there is not negative or con for this episode, Ian somerhalder and the other cast as usual give a amazing performance , this is a stand out episode that shows off all the things the show does best.

The Vampire Diaries: Cold as Ice
Episode 9, Season 7

Cold as ice Christmas TVD style
This was another great Christmas themed holiday episode with Damon and Stefan trying to hunt down juilian while dealing with their own personal problems at the same time, the last 10 minutes when the big fight happens are fantastic and the ending is amazing and a great plot twist.

The Vampire Diaries: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Episode 8, Season 7

Hold me, thrill me, kiss me , kill me TVD review
This is a good episode in the sense that it begins a new arc while also tying up the drama between the brothers and their mother, its a bit weaker in terms of it being a bit melodramatic and repeating certain things we know already, the plot twist was okay though we all knew that juilian would still be around longer.

The Vampire Diaries: Mommie Dearest
Episode 7, Season 7

Mommie Dearest TVD review
I really liked this episodes with flashbacks to the brothers childhood, the brothers drama has been a little long winded but feel this episode makes it all worth it and how it all ties to the heretics is fun as well but the main highlight was the duel between enzo and julian.

The Vampire Diaries: Best Served Cold
Episode 6, Season 7

Best served cold TVD review
This was a little bit of a step down but with flashbacks and scenes that shows Juilan is a great villain who is ruthless and manipulative and is far more interesting than the rest of the heretics, we got some more drama between the Salvatore's and their mother, overall a good episode while being a drop down from last couple of episodes.

The Vampire Diaries: Live Through This
Episode 5, Season 7

Live through this TVD review
This was another awesome episode that like the previous one stands out compared to the first 3 episodes of the season, it introduces the true villian of the heretic family and has a fun road trip feeling to it which is common in every other season, this was a really great episode with alot of memorable moments and fun interactions and story progression.

The Vampire Diaries: I Carry Your Heart with Me
Episode 4, Season 7

That tour bus scene!
This is the first truly awesome episode of the season that feels like previous seasons and the first episode yoy don't notice the absence of characters, it had one of their annual theme dances, a tour bus full of people which ended up a very dark and bloody moment that was insane, yes I loved the freaking episode.

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