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Your Honor

The slowest moving series.. I think if a few scenes were shorter or perhaps cut all together,it really might of helped some.

I did watch it all within two days,but nothing else interested me to stream instead.

It was cast decent & acting was ok also cinematography,felt dull it needing better ambience.

The main kid(Judge's)was hard to feel sorry for,came across as a wimpy loser.

Not a series will view again,despite having such a strong male lead of BK.. If you never seen him in Breaking Bad,go watch it & you will see.

Unsure what else to say.. but 600 words is required,they like you being chatty here.. lol.

The Act

Facts over Fiction: Understand the difference.
Nothing against any actor they did as written,with that said.. This series only is an interpretation of the actual facts,therefore people are thinking Gypsy was a misguided victim.

Sad truth this was premeditated & for all the time with planning,she could of took another way to resolve things.. However she seen a person vulnerable & used it,not saying Nick is innocent but Gypsy should still be incarcerated too.

Yet here she is out on parole,using people & being allowed too many freedoms a person with a lesser crime wouldn't get.. She is changing her looks,travel beyond speak engagements,social media access,relationships with men,profiting off her crime & more!

Where is her PO are they ok,did they get paid to ignore Gypsy and her antics? A normal felon would of been,already receiving numerous violations or being put back in.

People feel she is a queen,celebrity or should be women of the year. Gulp!

She hasn't done anything productive unless bullying other parental abuse survivors count,as this narcissistic feels this alone is her platform.

Also her mom wasn't ever officially diagnosed with MBP,it was a tactic her lawyer used to help her defense.

Why the series needs to be removed or additional warnings,to not give credit for someone that is nothing short of potentially killing again.

The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard

GR is not deserving of the attention which she is thriving in for personal gain,versus a therapeutic & redemption approach.

Why did they(courts & so forth)allow someone such freedom? She is on parole not probation for early release,which means her sentence wasn't/isn't fully completed.. I've seen those with minor crimes get less liberties,until they prove acclimation into society with time is proven.

To all those letting her act so foolish like the world owes her don't act surprised,when she does anything that puts her back in the system.

If she was volunteering or giving back in some way although it would still take awhile for others to trust her,it would show that she walked away healthier instead we are watching a younger version of her mom unfold.

She actually feels her story is hers alone,she's the only person ever parental abused. If she feels threatened your story could take her spotlight that person/social account,faces being bullied by her or a supporter.

Her mom never was diagnosed officially with MBP it was a defense tactic her lawyer used to help,so GR now uses that only to her advantage.

I'm sure some not all she dealt growing up was bad as claimed,however she played a huge part in killing someone.. It wasn't self-defense versus premeditated,so feel her sentence should of been the same as Nick.

I can't believe her PO allows all they do,makes me think they got paid off or something.. Again she did not serve her full sentence & got early release,therefore why isn't she needing stricter guidelines?

Examples: Continued travel,changing appearance,relationships,social media & more!

She's dangerous & is being given,too much freedom without consequences to harm or perhaps kill again.

Those giving support calling her queen,etc.. Are not looking at facts,but variety of movie/series "interpretations"instead.

Shame on you.. Lifetime! Do better give more focus & financial incentives.. For true victims or those,trying to do good for others.. You have given this narcissistic person,way more than 15 minutes-Move on!

Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal

A story really that was not compelling or needed to be told,unless it changes minds of those who think deceiving is productive or lucrative.

What bothers me as much as cheaters are those who forgive or push blame,it was the other person & so forth.. Bottom line: Cheaters don't change,really-They just get smarter doing it!

If the victims don't hold people accountable they are only causing a chain reaction,for others to experience the same type fate.

Any website is responsible for how personal data is used,especially after promising things being secure.

Those involved in this didn't seem to learn anything,otherwise this cash cow series wouldn't of been produced.

Lastly- YouTube couple.. Before seeing this did years back catch a few of their videos,they always gave me the ick factor due to not feeling authentic of many things.

The Bad Guardian

Sad facts..
This movie was upsetting & yet unfortunately,is the reality for many.. I personally feel when anyone(regardless of age)gets appointed a guardian outside family stipulations need to be made.

Examples: Not selling off their property,assets or access to bank accounts until cririteria is met & so forth.

In the case of this movie: Yes the father got injured,which can happen at any age but he was competent & had a loving family that only had his best interests.. Therefore how this guardian took charge so quick,over someone & family had no say but as the movie went on it was obvious why but still proves the system is flawed.

I won't give away how it does turn out,but is a frustrating journey.

Casting & acting was decent,worth seeing if you can.

Black Summer

Made no sense,basically.. It was hard to care or invest into anyone,when it didn't give you a beginning narrative.. Than people turn into zombies just by dying,injuries or being bitten?

Regardless the storyline of the military checking out people(zombie status)made no sense,as they wouldn't of been able to tell beforehand anyway.

Than people come out from hiding during sirens to evacuate,again some before everything changed narrative could of helped.

The story dragged & you eventually just want a conclusion,roll credits.

Had typical clichés & plotholes,came across rather low to average budget.. Was hard taking these zombies like the,characters decisions with any real seriousness.

Actors to acting,well.. I wouldn't give out any awards,ugh!

If bored and nothing else on,watch it.. I guess!


Here we go,again..
Found this tv series,what feels like a lifetime ago.. Well season one anyway via Netflix & of course it leaves on a cliffhanger,after it gets you invested over many episodes.

It goes to another streaming service for years & finally returned today to Netflix for only season two.

Yet can find season three on another free streaming service,think the new ones are still on Paramount? Heck who cares,talk about disorganized.

In all honesty hardly recall even with the recap,everything that went on during season one.

Still debating if reinvesting my time into this will be worth it,but not a good way to get viewers for any series.

Check out if bored,just remember you might feel dissatisfied.

Don't Pick Up the Phone

Honest review..
Seen the movie Compliance which got made in 2012,covers enough that Netflix honestly didn't need to cash in on this topic.

It's unfortunate such things can happen & worse managers,that would blindly go along without question.

If my child had this happen.. I would be blaming the company & management,for a variety of violations.

Why did no manager call the police on another line or say until someone arrives,nothing is being conducted.. What logic is anything especially sexual standard protocal,shows how people can so dumb over law & order.

Sad that any person dealt with this & frankly.. I don't feel sympathy for any manager or those they involved,towards the actual victims as those people could of stopped it also!

It did make me wonder if these people in charge could be so quick to act careless,imagine what else they might of been doing over life choices for themselves or others prior? Scary!

Anyway.. Another typical unnecessary,Netflix documentary,.

The Postcard Killings

Finally had a chance to see this,reminded me of other similar topics watched.. I'm sure a certain film comes to mind,about a guy who copies & poses his victims after famous killers.

Even a good cast & acting,couldn't make this movie rate above average.

Where this movie kind of blunders revealing who the killers are so early on,than saving it a bit later in a more dramatic way.

However if you watch enough mystery shows,you can piece things together early on anyway.

It was a fairly fast paced movie & felt it all came together in resolve to quickly,but glad it didn't drag on with several filler scenes.

Worth a watch,even just once.

Desaparecer por completo

Seen via Netflix..
Warning: Harm comes to a dog.

Around 56 minutes in(drugs pet)& the sacrifice scene begins 1:02:16 than ends 1:03:36 approximately.. If you skip ahead you don't miss out on anything pivotal,where it will make you feel confused to the story.

Now onto the remaining review: Was definitely a slow burn,watched it with subtitles.. Interesting premise of a series about consequences,although not original exactly either. One of many topics you find in television or movies,that deal with some curse.

Acting,casting,sound & cinematography was decent enough.

Feel anyone giving this very low ratings is use to in your face horror,with gore at every corner & although this has it within certain scenes it's more subtly placed.

Despite some rough scenes. Worth checking out,even if just once.. Some might not understand how it concludes,but if you think about over the last moments & his final action it does.

Lastly-Will check out other work done,by those involved in this movie.

A Chef's Deadly Revenge

Typical Lifetime movie.. Are we to believe the(lead)female owns a restaurant,has employees,nice home & car when she looks college age.

Than her friend also has a home,is young & in a successful job.

Only plus on this movie it finally,didn't have the same boring overused actors.

Was full of cliches,plotholes & a storyline seen before.. Stalked & so forth.

Of course the police ignore things(lead)says because she's a female or paranoid after a bad past,but when something else happens the police are quick to take action against her.. At first suspected police,was enabling the stalker.

Felt it was lame such an older guy would stalk a younger person,all because of the circumstances explained-Won't give the main plot away.

Glad the stalkers wife didn't get killed after what she discovered & seemed to be kind,with forgiveness after the movie climax went down.

Worth a watch,but not a masterpiece or worth seeing again.

Jongmalui Babo

Not best or worst series watched,despite needing subtitles.

Unfortunately where it fell short was moments dragged,you felt as though you missed parts within an episode or dealt with no cohesiveness.

When I started the series at first felt by mistake hit another episode,because it didn't feel like the beginning in the story timeline.

I don't want necessarily to say it was boring,it could of had greater potential.

How the movie flowed it was hard to distinguish between,past & current events happening to the characters.

Was this human study on,end of world behavior? If so,would think it was more tightly focused to matters ahead.. But instead we get numerous side-plots that scatter about,12 episodes wasn't actually needed.

Also you didn't attach yourself enough to care for anyone,despite an impending doomsday.. You found yourself just wanting a conclusion,roll credits. Don't feel this was acting issues,so much as other mentioned reasons.

I love foreign films & even with subtitles or cultural differences,however the storyline felt everywhere or messy to enjoy.

Acting to actors chosen was ok,not really familiar with anyone listed & you will find clichés or even plotholes.

Cinematography was fine,but otherwise not a series I'd recommend or watch again.

Baby Reindeer

Hmm.. An honest review.
Not being offensive but feel this,like his lame attempts at comedy in the series wasn't great.. Maybe if someone besides him was cast as lead,it possibly"could of"made a more compelling story.

The lead did everything it seems to bring this onto a bigger platform such as Netflix,so feel the story he claims happened was a marketing tool.

After all.. It's also based on his one man play,over his alleged stalker. Fame seeking,anyone? Maybe he is the"actual"Martha making up,what's an otherwise fantasy to a dull or awkward existence.

I get about protecting certain life aspects,but anyone could claim about circumstances to gain attention or profit.. He never provides actual IRL proof(of alleged stalker)when asked in articles his answers are wishy-washy based on this or that,etc. If anything does actually surface,can it be took now as facts or saving face?

Would think if you're a victim & although each person handles it differently,his approach seems unusual to falsely motivated & a slap to those with trauma.. Also who would fantasize,about a stalker to help with gratification? Definitely isn't someone,afraid or not problematic themselves.

Why did I mention,problematic? He didn't seem to maintain good relationships,like with Teri or Keeley only with anything unhealthy & he was aware of it but continued this pattern.. Some people believe it or not,actually thrive in this & use it for personal advantage.

Only redeemable parts basically was episode 6 while on stage & some into episode 7 at his parents,but after that not so again.. He unfortunately never matures or makes smart choices,therefore is clearly his own worst enemy.

What clinched him being a narcissist or traumatic seeker,after the show meltdown went viral he finally gets his fame & throws it away.. Why? Because it wasn't for him,was needing to make sense of Martha stuff even though it was over. Than seeks out his abuser,not for justice or reasons making sense. Bottom line: This guy needs help!

Ever wonder the full reason,on the series title? Baby Reindeer. In episode 7,as it's nearly over you do.

The cinematography & several other production aspects,felt low-quality & amateurish too.

Anyway the only person that really brought a so-called factual story to life.. Was character of Martha,otherwise it was blah.

If bored watch this limited series yet don't expect brilliance,as you might have read or been told.

Not a series to rewatch as don't like something claiming to be one thing,but smells otherwise fishy!

Killing Eve

It was good until it felt dragged out in spots,but you kept watching to see how it all ends.

Don't get me started on that ending.. If it was leading to a 5th season,that brought closure for Eve could understand.

Also the first 2 seasons were good & after that,it felt as though it kind of lost its way.

They humanized the lead female assassin in a way,that was problematic to the story several times.. It almost made her a joke,actually.

Think Carolyn was the head of everything but in control half the time over nothing,was an odd story arch what she was or wasn't.

The actors,acting & locations was decent.

Worth a watch! But not a rewatch series.

My Child Has My Doctor's Face

A typical Lifetime movie once told before,check out Seeds Of Deception or The Babymaker with Melissa Gilbert.

Anyway.. Why did the wife not just inform her spouse of the situation regarding the doctor,instead of drawing suspicion to herself such as being unfaithful especially due to why they needed IVF.

Than to add further stupidity on her part as her spouse is leaving with bags packed because,he assumes the worst she again doesn't inform him.

For how minimum hubby's part was to this plot except as a time filler,she could of been a single mom trying to uncover facts & so forth.. She didn't deserve him,seemed to involve others over a loving spouse addressing it anyway. Ugh!

It was cast and acted basically average at best,music a few times was drowning out dialog.

Dr. Cullen.. Oops wrong movie,wasn't menacing just awkward. Lol.

Full of clichés,plotholes,it dragged in spots but again.. Lifetime.

Not on my list for rewatching,but ok if really bored on a bad weather day.

As mentioned.. Watch the version mentioned above,you will see the differences.


A typical fish out of water show,about an individual who knows way too much(despite their profession)the clues and resolve come too quick.

Her quirky,eccentric style does eventually wear thin,but have watched also worse.

As the season goes on,perhaps her style will change.

Murder She Wrote..Jessica Fletcher she is not!

Reminds me of the Spencer Sisters before you even get into the mystery,the credits are already rolling.

I mean come on.. Scooby-Doo gave us better,but writers once had talent & originality.

The guest stars are almost better than leads,which isn't overall good.

It this makes it.. I'm being generous to season 3,that be a network miracle.

If bored watch otherwise,watch a better mystery show.

Open House

Could of been way better.. But won't pick it apart,well too much. :) If it was presented about a women dealing with divorce & being a mom,that handles as a landlord colorful characters that rent in order to keep her home.

Plus along the way finds love,independence & healing might of been greater.

Just happy.. She didn't lower herself & accept hubby back,just because he decided it was convenient.

It was cast fine & acting also decent enough,just feel as mentioned the storyline/dialog could of been improved.

This movie didn't"exactly"drag,but just needing something more too.

Not sure what else to say but apparently this website,expects you to be overly wordy on all reviewed movies.

Think Bruiser(Moonie)was the pet,used in Legally Blonde movies.

Is this worth seeing? Sure. Passes time on a boring day,but not something in my watch it again category.

Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist

Left behind: Thoughts & more!
Weather you believe totally in God,have mixed feelings or completely don't.. Just like those who don't or do,believe in conspiracy theories you must admit you can find yourself questioning everything these days.

The people that bother me are the ones who so blindly obey what someone says just because they are in power,without making sure who's best interests are actually at play.. Look at global events & who profits,how does it affect an average person: Jobs,health,housing,mandates & so forth.

Such an example is KS received the shot in order to film this despite his opposition,therefore it might come across hypocritical especially due to this films overall message.

The fact remains regardless it's time to be more aware,question everything & if your being forced to do things that shouldn't even be an issue.. Wake up,be strong,be a voice & most importantly be the change!

I feel why so many had problems with this movie is unfortunately it crammed so much into the run time,so do feel a series would of been better.

Also for some it maybe didn't feel so much like a movie,but a preachy agenda over topic of religion.

It was low-budget especially apparent in several scenes,casting to acting was anywhere from ok to average.

Worth a watch! Just once & hold a discussion,even if you don't all agree but something needed might come from it.

Landmine Goes Click

Landmine goes.. Not click or boom!
Ok- So this was discovered to watch,after seeing a clip via TikTok.

Can honestly say wasn't horrible,but far as how it ended could of been a little better.. This includes questions being answered,like did Chris report a crime? From what Daniel did,the rape or Alicia dying?

Any consequences come to Daniel,as they did to the rapist & his family?

The cut from Chris & Alicia being in the ditch to the climax felt rushed,as though middle pieces got edited out.. Why have questions.

Actors to acting was fine,suspense was decent enough & cinematography ok.

If you want a story about revenge gone wrong & a popcorn flick,worth checking out but don't feel it was a masterpiece.

Not worth seeing,again.

Irish Wish

A bad wish..
Was ok.. If you like a typical storyline done numerous times,full of standard clichés.

Best can be also described as a fluff,no filler type movie & character development was weak & felt Ireland as a whole was stereotyped.

Acting to actors was average,cinematography & music was decent.

Feel maybe how it ended could of been wrapped up differently where it showed,Maddie became successful writing a book or did get married still could of been worse.

It had a running time of 1hr & 33m yet felt,as though it drenched on.

Regardless of a wish gone wrong.. Don't feel could forgive my friend or fiancée,over them acting how they did.

Only positive some of the beautiful scenic locations,wish they would of used the opportunity to show a lot more.

Nothing that is worthy of another watch,probably won't recommend it.

Single Black Female 2: Simone's Revenge

Just.. No!
Just as bad like the first one also K. Michelle is beyond over the top in her moments,as though she's trying to be the shining star/lead.

The lead actress & her counterpart/half sibling was cast ok as lookalikes,unfortunately though acting which is a bit generic-But fitting for Lifetime.

Same type plot,clichés & more! Wasn't anything unique.. Well unless the part where the roommate was actually,wanting to help Simone & not just saving her life earlier in the movie.

Also for 3 years Grace/Simone had amnesia but within minutes of hearing Monica on tv,she just remembers and goes into being evil.. Oh and how can she be a sister in a uniform at a church just so easily,under the circumstances of being an amnesiac without any credentials.

Can tell there will be a dragged out part 3 due to a child birthed & put up for adoption,was introduced towards the end to her mother Simone.

Also why didn't Monica's friend explain what happened after she came to from being knocked out,so there was enough cause for possibly no jail.. I mean wasn't any tv cameras,security footage or even a phone rolling for proof,as that was the point of being there to trap Simone right? Ugh!

Guiding Emily

A guided review..
Haven't known too many blind people & although Emily was recently blinded,how she acted from eye movements & so forth was poorly executed or seemed quickly adaptive.. Feel this wasn't so much,an acting versus directing issue.

Also how people treated her,what she learned & all that seemed again farfetched.. Even the guide dog training was beyond simplistic,yes it's a movie but keep it somewhat real.

A typical Hallmark movie,full of clichés & plotholes.

Was a bit disappointed in the fact,considering.. the business owner didn't remember meeting Emily & obviously,further confirmed Garth was hers all along.

The acting to actors chosen was ok,cinematography as always decent & music didn't overwhelm anything spoken.

Although did enjoy this,it was sugar-coated & almost romanticized Emily's issues.

The boyfriend/fiancée-Can't even remember his significance to her,as he bailed the minute things weren't easy.

Worth checking out once,as not an overall typical scenario like saving a festival.

The Greatest Night in Pop

Mixed review for a great era,regarding this documentary.
Will start by saying was in highschool and remember the impact of the song,it was like a national anthem to humanity.. A beautiful era & this documentary brought back nostalgia,especially with so many no longer with us.

They tried years back(2010)doing something similar,but unfortunately it failed because the music industry isn't like it was.

Now a few things that some,might disagree with:

Sheila E.. I think was bringing up sour grapes over a situation because"she didn't get a solo" wasn't it enough to be in that room,as a part of an important project with legends? Also who says that she would of had a solo,if or when Prince arrived anyway.

Understood in part over the frustration on Waylon J with lyrics & Stevie W,but still could of looked past it for the greater good.

Was nice seeing Huey L participate in talking about past memories,after all he's dealt with due to his hearing.

I'm glad Bob D was part of things back then even though the style he does,made him feel out of place after watching this.

Anyway.. Worth a watch! Lastly being it's a Netflix documentary,left me feeling torn over some production value.

Abducted Off the Street: The Carlesha Gaither Story

Well.. Honest review.
Although based on a true story,so my review is not diminishing that fact.. However anything Lifetime produces can be guaranteed,to not do it justice with quality.

I sat watching this movie feeling as though,it was cringe-worthy for all the wrong reasons.

Between the casting decisions to acting,was absolutely horrible.. Even the cinematography was,lifeless.

Was hard feeling sympathy for the girls family,despite all they were dealing with including the police department.. Honestly the one deputy,always had a smile & acting like things were a joke.

This movie dragged & had rare moments you may feel emotion,for the kidnapped girl but again the storyline came across poorly.

If you like"Based on Events"watch it once,but don't expect a masterpiece or something to add into a rewatch collection.

On Fire

It was good however,feel a few changes might of made this better.. It had clichés,plotholes & parts might feel contrived.

Although love Fiona in past work,she was miscast for this part.

The CGI was decent enough to draw you into the fire storyline,however some dialog & such failed occasionally.

The cinematography felt low quality,but have seen worse in productions.

Overall acting & casting was ok,was hoping Lance H would of had a more pivotal role.

This movie was poorly marketed & considering enjoy Peter F movies,plus him having major involvement such as directing that's unfortunate.

This movie is worth seeing-even once.. It brings family,faith & survival during a desperate time.

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