
IMDb member since November 2019
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Hong Kong Phooey

Fun premise, loved it as a kid, but it's crippled by repetitiveness
First few episodes I find myself laughing along to the adventures of the dim witted janitor who's actually a dim witted but extremely lucky and successful crime fighting vigilante. The voice actor, Scatman Brothers did a great job in bringing Hong Kong Phooey to life. It's just everything else is either decently good, or predictable. Then again these episodes were broadcasted a few times a week so I understand why I never got frustrated by seeing variations of the same episode.

The side characters are purely there to add to what charm Hong Kong Phooey has to offer, and again they are pretty decent not too memorable unless the lovely telephone operating policewoman gave you your first confusing feelings.. The best side character however is Spot, Hong Kong Phooey's loyal side kick who's even a more competent crime fighter than Hong Kong Phooey is..

It's a 70s show so of course the visuals are dated, but the typical Hanna Barbera visual design is iconic enough for nostalgic viewers to be kinder to the aged animation.

A nice show in the end.

The Cramp Twins

A show that I've got nostalgia bias for
The show has some charm and fun to it. I had no idea it actually went on for 4 seasons and I can tell on a re-watch, that 4 seasons was very generous In respect to the actual depth of worthwhile content the show could churn out.

Cramp Twins is at its heart, over the top Slice of Life, following brothers Lucien and Wayne on their everyday adventures. Their everyday adventures aren't exactly normal. They live in a small city near a swamp and somehow their lives are jam packed and there's numerous ways for Lucien and Wayne to find themselves in all kinds of trouble and adventures. Side characters also play their part, the brother's friends and family act as the supporting cast and they do a decent job of it, though there's little development for any character really.

Cramp Twins has a bit of charm to it, in it's prime the humour is cynical yet passable, the character shaped out well enough and the variety in episodic segments is initially worth getting into. The show is a tad mean spirited. It loves to take a dig at its characters and make fun of them. Most of the time it's controlled but as the seasons progress the show becomes more of a joke on itself. Animation and plot suffer in the last 2 seasons of the show as the adventures become either too far fetched or bland, generally losing inspiration.

I had some fun watching this show, I rolled my eyes watching this show, in the end, it's worth it for the nostalgia, nothing else really .

Sheep in the Big City

I actually like this show a lot more now than I did as a kid.
The show is excellent at being random, light hearted and stacked with dry humor. Puns, references only an adult would catch and a lot of wacky ideas to put sheep and the other main characters were thrown in the mix.

There's a lot of 4th wall breaking and general care free attitude in the spirit of how each episode develops. You literally follow sheep and the main recurring characters on wacky adventures based on the same premise almost everytime and I actually liked the formula. A lot, and I mean a lot of puns are thrown in and the character designs are reminiscence to a 90s cartoon with elements of Picasso art.. So even for it's time of release the show wasn't breaking any visual boundaries and was just about suitable to portray the cartoon.

The show either involves the secret military organization, or involves his love life and activities in the city. Cheeky romance and side skits help as additional filler in each episode making each episode directionless , or at least mimicking it because nothing in this show is really to be taken seriously and that is the make or break factor. You either love , hate it or don't rate it at all from the 1st episode, and I loved it, after finally understanding a lot of jokes that flew over my head.

Sheep is likeable and interesting, because virtually anything can happen to him, while he has the intelligence and the luck to get out of his predicaments in an interesting way. The formula never changes, it's just silly, meta, "wtf is going on" comedy and I loved almost every episode. Glad it got a second season but didn't overstay to a third.

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