
IMDb member since June 2006
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    18 years


The Green Knight

Slow and steady wins this epic quest
The opening scene clearly showcases how the rest of the telling of the green Knight will go. Slow, methodical, a trick of the eye, as pieces, unfold, that you weren't aware, because you were looking at something else. The entire telling of the green night plays this way. Slow, methodical, visually stunning, and you must pay attention to the entire thing less you miss an important point. Each actor plays their part perfectly whether conniving or serious, or mysterious, or loving. The Director leaves, mini tricks, throughout, testing the sincerity of Sir Gawain. It ultimately feels like a visually stunning retelling of this 700-year-old poem.


Complex arc in only 5 episodes
For many years now, I have not enjoyed gruesome violence. So I couldn't continue with Daredevil, or Jessica Jones, or any of the other shows related to that Marvel arc. Even though I am curious about the actors, and the rest of the storyline. But something intrigued me about Echo, and I wanted to take a look. I didn't realize at first, that it would be a thread after the Hawkeye series. It was pleasantly surprised to see the character development from this dark place to redemption. I actually didn't want to binge this series. Because I wanted to save it. I wanted to save the actors, the storyline, and see where it would go. I wanted to relish in it between episodes (like we did in the old days). And I wasn't disappointed. The care that marvel, and Disney are taking to finally honor the cultures that they are representing, while absolutely too late, I am glad they are doing it now. Actual native Americans playing Native American roles. Actual deaf actors, playing deaf roles. Actors using sign language to communicate, with the deaf characters, represented by deaf actors. A main character, who is both an amputee and deaf, and Native. We must move towards a world, where there is so much more choice and options to have people directly impacted, represent the roles about them. And this is a continuation of that needed path.


Cute homage to the 80s and 90s.
Biggest distraction for me was the wrong things. Time for example - priority mail boxes didn't come out until 2004. Yellow sweater they put back but then she's wearing in the next scene. The beautiful deciduous rain forest of BC when they are supposed to be in the high plateau of Spokane. Julie Bowen's eyebrows are styled of now rather than the late 90s. Though they did try with the eyeliner. It was distracting but the show was cute. A little too PG meets High Fidelity. The young cast was good, loved the character development with the "weirdos". Not sure how they handled the typical racism of the day assuming all Asian people are the same. And we are trying. I give it an optimistic 7 for trying.

Raya and the Last Dragon

Great visuals, a step to new storytelling
You have heroines, a group working together, and no romantic subplot. Great visuals, comic affect, and a nod to our complex emotions that ultimately interfere with co-creating a world that serves everyone. Great message in Disney fashion. Greatful for a cast representative of the people represented. Here's to evolved storytelling.

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