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Earthquake in New York

Really good movie
I had finally watched this movie after seeing a commercial for it way back in 1998 and have waited this long to see it, I am happy i finally I saw it, as it's really good and has good acting in it. The story is about a family in California and they have a earthquake and their one son dies and the mom has bad memories of it, they move to New York four years later and have another earthquake and have to find a way to survive it. The special effects and earthquake scenes were good too. This is movie is only limited available on DVD in other countries but you can find it easily. I enjoyed it. The acting was good too.

7 / 10 stars.

Varsity Blues

Great football movie!
I wanted to see this movie for years and I finally sat down and watched it. I don't really watch too many football movies too often, but I am happy that I watched this one as I like some of the actors in it. I really enjoyed this movie, it had really good acting, Billy Bob was a good actor (RIP) and a story that was about friendship and teamwork, all the actors did a really good job with making the movie and the coach was very corrupted and greedy. The one actresses 'scene' was funny and is well known. I liked this movie and if you like football movies, you will too. I wish the dvd and Blu ray had more extras though.

7 stars / 10.

The Terminator: 'Terminated' Scenes

Great scenes!
These deleted scenes from The Terminator were cut from the film but the are really interesting and are important to the story of the film. I think they should have been left in the film but they weren't. These scenes are available on the Special Edition DVD of 'The Terminator' released in 2001 from MGM.

I can see why a few of these were cut from the film but James also cut a very important scene called 'Sarah Fights Back' which in where Sara finds Cyberdine in the telephone book and tells Kyle that they have to go blow it up. It show show Sara goes from a weak frail woman to a stronger tougher woman. I enjoyed these scenes very much, it's a shame they were cut.

9/10 Stars.

The Terminator

Excellent movie!
'The Terminator' is an excellent movie written and directed by James Cameron and is one of his best next to 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day'. The movie is set in Los Angeles the year 1984, a man is sent back to save a woman named Sarah Connor, who is being hunted by a Terminator, an indestructible cyborg sent by Cyberdine to prevent Judgment Day. This Terminator has no feelings and no remorse for life and it won't stop until Sarah is dead.

The acting in the movie is top-notch, and very professional, as well as the music which was written by Brad Fiedel.

I really enjoyed this movie as it is very good and has a entertaining good story. If you like science-fiction action movies, you will like this.

9/10 Stars.

The Last House on the Left

The Last House on the Left is a horrible movie that nobody should watch, Wes Craven's first attempt at a movie was horrible. The acting is horrible and it doesn't even have a story. This movie was done for shock value, and nothing more. The music is not great either unfortunately, and a remake was made of this film many years later, which I have not, and will not see as I won't waste my time with it as I wasted it with this garbage. If you watch this movie and you enjoy it, there is something probably wrong with you. I think it was very poorly made, and every copy ever made should be thrown in the trash and burned. Bleh!

1/10 Stars.


Actually not all that great....
The movie 'Kids' directed by Larry Clark actually was not that great of a film as everyone was saying. The film, is about brainless, stupid idiot teens who drink beer, do drugs, beat up kids, have s*x, with no moral compensation of the consequences, Jenny the one with a actual brain goes on a search to find Telly who gave her HIV and she actually never does tell him that she has HIV so he never finds out. The film was controversial at the time of it's release and it shows. I wish Telly would have found out he had HIV. The other actors such as Casper is just as brainless with no conscious or morals. Some characters are not in it much which I wish they were, the music is decent which is available on CD. The movie could have been better but it wasn't.

3/10 stars.

Single White Female

Really Good!
Single White Female which is based on a book, was made into a movie in 1992, and it is about a young woman who moves into an apartment and finds a girl Hedra is a crazy psycho who wants to be her. The acting is really good and professional and the story is a tense thriller that could be on a channel like Lifetime or LMN. The movie is set in New York and was actually filmed there. The cinematography and scenery is well done as well which I liked. I enjoyed the film and recommend it for others to see. I have not real the novel that this is adapted from but I would like to to see how it is different. If you haven't seen this, I recommend that you do so.

7/10 stars.

Sticks & Stones

Good movie!
I watched this film because it reminded very similarly of a favorite Canadian film of mine, 'The Boy's Club' starring Chris Penna and Devon Sawa. While I didn't care for the baseball elements, I still enjoyed it. It is about three teen boys who have a bully in their life and this bully goes and bully's each one of the boys, they find a gun and they think can solve their problems with it. The film is from 1996 but I still liked it. The acting is good and has a good script. The music is boring though so I wasn't a fan of that. Unfortunately, this movie is not on DVD in the USA or Canada and is only on VHS but if you can find it, I say go and watch it as it is enjoyable.

8/10 stars.

OralGiene 60-Second Time Machine Toothbrush Commercial

What a joke!
I remember seeing this commercial on TV many years ago and I finally found it so I am writing this. This commercial for a flashing whirling toothbrush is a silly idea and the creators of it probably thought they could make a lot of money off of it. Any toothbrush commercial that tells you to brush your teeth for only 60 seconds is probably trying to make you get cavities lol. You are supposed to brush your teeth for two minutes and I bet the actors who were in this commercial got cavities because they were told to brush their teeth that long. The commercial is basically for a whirling toothbrush the worlds around and lights up and twirls around is just silly and dumb.

1/10 stars.

Trojan War

JLH is adorable in this film!
The movie is overly all decent, and I didn't care. For the ending although I am happy that Brad ended up with Leah, I was hoping it would have ended like "Sex Drive" (2008) which was directed by Sean Anders. But overall it is a cute film. JLH is really cute in the film though and Will Friedle is good at acting too in the film, see it if you like JLH. :)

6/10 stars.

Detroit Rock City: Deleted Scenes

These deleted scenes are awesome and I wish they weren't cut from the film as thy are really funny! I enjoyed watching these scenes, It's on the USA DVD, if you wanna see it.

10/10 stars.

Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2

Awesome remake sequel!
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 is a fun remake of the original Super Mario World capturing the original and new elements, I really enjoyed this game as it brings back fond memories, buy this!

10/10 Stars.

Freddy Got Fingered

WTF (What the French Fry) did I just watch?
This film is historical, Tom Green is probably the single most immature man on the planet with a maturity level of a two year old. I laughed a lot, from this, all his scenes are funny and out of control, he is absolutely crazy and out of control in this movie and does a great job at it. All the acting is great too and the story is very stupid and immature but funny. Also, please be sure to watch the deleted scenes on the DVD as they are a special feature.

8/10 stars.

Reindeer Games

Great movie!
I finally sat down and watched this aster wanting to see it since the year 2000, and it was worth it. The acting is great and has wonderful action scenes. Ben Affleck and Charlize Theron are great in their roles too. I enjoyed this film.

7/10 stars.

The Long Kiss Goodnight

I loved this movie and Samuel L. Jackson is great in yet another role of his, as well as Geena Davis. The movie is non stop action fun with high action scenes and excitement. I don't want top spoil this movie for you but you will be happy, oh and be sure to get the French DVD as it has 2 deleted scenes and interviews with the cast, lol.

8/10 stars.

Project ARMS

Great series!
Project ARMS is a fun series that is based on a manga series and tells the story of several teenagers who has enhanced body parts and have to save the world, it was a fun series that I enjoyed with great voice acting and a interesting story.

7/10 stars.

Phantom: The Animation

Great OVA!
This was a really good but sad anime about a pair of assassins and is based on a video game. The artwork is great and has good voice acting, too bad it is only three episodes long though.

7/10 stars.

Poketto monsutâ: Dennô Senshi Porygon
Episode 38, Season 1

A banned episode!
This is it, fans the reason why Pokemon caused such a controversy iin the USA and around the world is due to this right here, the episode that gave over 700 people in Japan epileptic seizures cause they were sitting to gosh darn close to the boob tube. In response, Japan toned down the lighting effects of the episodes after this one.

9/10 stars.

Poketto monsutâ: Miniryu no Densetsu
Episode 35, Season 1

I enjoyed it!
This is another one of the banned episodes and was pulled from the USA due to having guns in it as I can see why it was pulled but in this episode Satoshi / Ash catches a lot of Kentauros/Tauros instead of the Pokemon that he actually wants. Lol. Bu this episode was never dubbed so you're stuck watching it in Japanese.

9/10 stars.

Poketto monsutâ: Aopuruko no kyujitsu
Episode 18, Season 1

Great eposode
This is originally one f the three banned episodes of Pokemon / Pocket Monsters but is still a great episode nonetheless. It was controversial in the USA though but not Japan of course due to Japan having less standers then America lol, and it's due to the beach contest scene. Ha ha. But it's still a fun episode.

9/10 stars.

Top Gun: Maverick

The movie sucked, in every way! It was overly long and boring with no Kelly McGennis and was too drawn out and long, I hated it! Don't watch this!

1/10 stars.

Top Gun

Good movie!
This was a good movie that I enjoyed, it's from the 1980's so it has a older look to it, Kelly McGennis is cute as Charlie and has good music, I enjoyed it.

6/10 stars.


Really bad!
This movie was really bad, as it is a bunch of unknown actors, a horrible soundtrack with bad acting and a forgettable story. I did not like this movie at all. Also for the sport of jogging, it just seems silly and boring.

1/10 stars.

Poketto monsutâ

A cute series!
Pokemon aka Pocket Monsters is a great series you will love, as it was called Pocket Monsters over in Japan, I have seen both English dubbed and Japaneseuncut episodes and enjoyed them both. The character designs are well done with great music you will like (for the Japanese version) Yes it is a long series but it's still worth trying if you enjoy the series then yay for you! I certainly did.

9/10 stars.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon is another awesome movie in the Transformers saga. I really enjoyed the film and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley did a great job as Carley for her first big film hit! The action is spectacular and has amazing music! This is another awesome film you will enjoy!

8/10 stars.

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