Reviews (2)

  • Do you read what the viewers are telling you? Fortunately, I found myself this past summer with extra time to catch-up on my HGTV watching. Love the Property Brothers - class act! Rehab Addict! Another entertaining and informative program. BUT then at the other end of the list is LIorLI. Please pay attention to your viewers. End the pain!!! I immediately, after being bored, annoyed,insulted, angry (Yikes! It's only a TV show), and just plain tired of wasting my time -- changed my channel to another network. Despite so many complaints, you continue to insult the viewer with this low class junk, I believe you just don't care what people really want to see. The show also portrays the 'buyers' as less than intelligent homeowners. What those people see at the comparison ending is a partially redone home filled with lots of 'fru-fru'. What happen to all the owners original furniture, bedding, etc.? Scam-like to me!!! Also, where are the 'buyers'? The listing prices of the homes are completely out of range with the lack of quality, location, general ugliness of the properties. No one ever on LIorLI ever mentions the dumpy areas the homes are in (next to business bldg., jammed in between to awful other homes, etc.)- no such thing as 'curb appeal' on this show. Please consider better programs that actually help the viewer, not depress them!!
  • Well, it seems that nearly everyone else who reviewed is trying to be just plain too serious about this show. Hardwick is super as a quick talking host with a great laugh and sense of what's totally absurd, off the wall, and nuts! If you rad his biography, you'll understand that Chris comes from a crazy personal place and survived. He has learned the value of humor and lots of silliness. The scoring system is meant to be just as crazy. Who cares who wins?! Jumping around with the random scores just adds to the unexpected. Afterall, comedic responses are best when spontaneous without explanation needed. Explaining a joke always ruins it! The comedians are often just as 'out there', but still makes everyone laugh even if they don't 'get it'! After a long day, it's the perfect show to just let go, relax with silliness. LOVE IT!!