
IMDb member since March 2001
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Smiley's People

Location of the bridge in Berlin.
The bridge that Karla crosses from East to West Berlin is in fact the Lady Bay Bridge in West Bridgford Nottingham. It was a railway bridge converted to a road bridge. I was living one side of the Trent at the time and working the other near the bridge so crossed it every day. This meant leaving the "American Sector" and entering the "Russian Sector" each morning and vice versa in the evening.

The café used by Smiley etc when waiting for Karla appears in the film to be opposite the bridge, it is in fact about a mile and a half away at the bottom of the Musters Road. I was puzzled by the sets and was pleased to see West Bridgford on the film even though it was not recognisable as such.

To Kill a King

Historically inaccurate and in tone inaccurate.
What seemed to be billed and potentially a good film was for me not only disappointing but inaccurate both in it's historical content but in the tone it set. In general terms it was an enjoyable romp and it portrayed Fairfax reasonably well but Cromwell was sidelined to almost be the butler of Fairfax until he stood aside and Cromwell somehow stood in for him which is completely untrue. A lot of the important events were telescoped into amazingly small time frames almost to get them out of the way to give us an unshaven Fairfax looking gloomy. The Puritans were also treated as ignorant fanatics, particularly Ireton which made me think back to the BBC children's serials of yesteryear where Cavalier = Good, long hair, flashy uniform and Puritan = Bad, poor complexion, bad haircut and BLACK clothes which again a real parody of the actual events. I suppose if you know nothing about the English Civil War and the Commonwealth and Protectorate and like your history served up as soap opera then ok otherwise avoid.

The Core

Pure hokum but extremely enjoyable
I agree with the other reviews, scientifically incorrect and in some places it doesn't join up but the effects are good, the acting good and there are some very funny one liners to watch out for. Worth seeing once.

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