
IMDb member since March 2001
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

A great but disturbing film...
Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of David Lynch's movies. Even if I don't completely understand them the first time around, they always evoke a strong emotional response from me. This film was no different. It was alternately beautiful and horrifying due to the duality of Laura's life. Knowing that Laura was ultimately going to end up dead created a sense of dread that stayed with me throughout the entire film. Scenes such as Mike confronting Leland on the road and David Bowie's appearance as Agent Jeffries frightened me, for some reason, more than any horror film I've ever seen. But the scenes that show Laura accepting her fate are the most chilling of all; here is a girl who, under different circumstances, would have been a pure and normal individual. But she was corrupted by an evil force and instead used her inner strength to choose to die rather than succumb completely to BOB. Sheryl Lee's performance was flawless, and the rest of the cast turned in great performances as well. TP:FWWM is my favorite Lynch film, and one of my top five favorites. 9 out of 10


I tried to like this, I really did...
I really tried to like this movie after reading the great reviews and hearing that it was one of the funniest films of all time over and over. But I just couldn't. I watched the whole movie without so much as cracking a smile. It wasn't that I didn't understand the jokes. On the contrary, I saw the point of every joke and why it was supposed to be funny, but I just didn't think it was humorous in the slightest. All told, I have watched this movie three times all the way through thinking maybe I had missed something or it would just "click" one time, but it didn't. I honestly have no idea why anyone would think that this is one of the greatest comedies ever or even think that it's funny.

Black Books

"Which one of you bitches wants to dance?"
I see I'm the first American to write a review of this show, so I'll try to do a good job at representing my country. Quite simply, Black Books is the funniest show I've seen in years, if not the funniest I've ever seen. When I heard Bernard spout the line above to a group of skinheads outside his bookshop, I laughed so hard that I missed the rest of the scene. Thanks to Comedy Central for airing the first series of this show (and the second coming up in August), for I would probably have never seen it if they had not. Most British sitcoms (Britcoms?) I've seen have been funny, but I usually forget about them rather quick (probably due to the cultural differences) but Black Books stuck with me so much that I was forced to buy a bootleg VHS of the first series. Luckily, the tapes included the outtakes and running commentary for each episode on a separate tape so I wouldn't have to buy a region-free DVD player to see them (which I probably would have done!). I fear that I'm rambling now, so I'll just conclude by saying that if you have not seen this great series, then see it!


The best film I've seen all year
BMW films has found the perfect way to merge advertisement with high quality filmmaking. The suits at BMW sure know how to do these right, combining A-list directors with great actors and writers. I have seen all of the BMW films, and this is easily my favorite. The film itself is hilarious with the Star referred to in the title bearing a striking resemblance to Ritchie's real-life love, Madonna. What can I say except for great job BMW and keep up the good work.

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