
IMDb member since December 2019
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    4 years, 5 months


Black Bird

True detective style, getting real chills from it
6 episodes in and looking forward eagerly to know what and how and who...... Characters are superb, I'm getting real chills from Larry, the suspected killer, excellently played by the actor. Tension is perfectly building up with Jamie being in the prison not knowing if / when it will just spill over. Detectives are also great but I'm missing more support for Jimmy, I mean should someone in Jimmy's situation really expect such low amount of support from the agents, helping their case and being put amongst sociopaths? That's just sad.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV
Episode 4, Season 1

I hate it when I'm right, I thought this series will be crap
Too bad. But ofcourse, after The Mandalorian..... What did we expect. That this can be better? Nah. Disappointing series. Worse and worse episodes. Just too bad.

The Adam Project

Such a feelgood movie
It exceeded my not so high expectations on a Friday night, so I'm happy. It was solid. Maybe a 10 is exaggerated but I feel it deserves a balancing high rate to all the haters here. The kid is not a great actor yet tho.

Snowpiercer: Ouroboros
Episode 7, Season 3

I love the show... But...
I'm utterly disappointed :( this episode was BAD. Me and my mate couldn't sit it through and we are huge fans of the show. Please, don't ruin this show with such bad episodes, please..... Where is Melanie and why are they not in Eden yet? Show's going nowhere since a few episodes back now :(


The kind of movies we need
This was such a sweet one hour something movie. I grew up in the nineties, so not in the music era of the movie, but it was a messy, sticky, sweet, feel good movie reminding me how much of a rebel I was also in my teens. We loved it, thanks Netflix.


So this was baaaaaad
I felt the writer and director so terribly wanted to create a children's classic such as The Labyrinth or Neverending story, but my lord he faaaiiiiled.

The White Lotus

Absurdly strange yet reassuringly familiar
The music gives its quintessence. This series fits me like a glove.

The Green Knight

This movie is a journey, and it's not for everyone
If you like reading and myths, medieval atmosphere, English weather and bone tingling bass effects you'll enjoy it. If not, you'll possibly leave a bad review here.

Cooking with Paris

A new level of dumb
Her voice is so monotonous and irritating, and she's making cereals in one part, I mean, making as in putting in a bowl. This is a disgrace for Netflix. If she makes money with this, that's just sad. Watching a piece of grass grow is more interesting than this.


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie
I don't get the hatred here, this was a good movie. I agree with those saying "finally not some Hollywood sh*t". I was eager what's about to happen during the whole movie. I even think the end was solid, and different, again, from the usual. It's a good popcorn movie. Reminds me of Final destination atmosphere.

Sweet Tooth

Humanity will soon arrive to something like this, a crossroad of choices, won't be hybrids, but the world we know right know is about to change within a few years. Prepare, and until then, enjoy this beautifully shot masterpiece.

My Octopus Teacher

One of the few movies that leaves me with WOW
This was.... Spectacular, sweet, caring, hopeful - if only all of us cared so much about bonding with animals and caring for them. Beautifully shot underwater scenes.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Can anyone tell me what this is about?
Like, seriously. What do the super soldiers want who are led by a... I don't even what to call her. This story is just pointless and boring. With loads of additional boring moments. I totally lost my interest at episode 4. I don't even know how this ends and I couldn't care less.

The Kitchen

Don't listen to the haters - this movie is a gem
It's a movie for a loooooong time I could sit through without my attention wandering away. Cast is brilliant. Atmosphere is superb. I dearly recommend it.

Everything Sucks!

Your free ticket to memory lane, folks
As I said above. Get your popcorn and chill. It's a real gem if you're looking for time travel back to Oasis and Tori Amos

Monster Hunter

I thought at least 8 times that she's dead, lol
Hahaha this WAS AWESOME!!! You wanna turn your brain off? It's great for that. And also visually, atmosphere wise, Milajovovich wise it was 10/10.. You name it. It was brilliant.

The Witcher

How can you give less than 8 for this???
I'm amazed people give less than an 8. I mean, the cineamtics is great the atmosphere is awesome and we are talking about Cavill. This series makes me wanna buy a hooded Cape and get into the wilderness and kill beasts and all. And I'm a girl.


This movie... Not a single boring second
It's your teenage slash hightech 21 century movie but hey, it's exciting, it's well filmed, and the actors have done a great job. It's a bit of Unfriended: dark web and a bit of something else. And the best, or worst is, that this could totally happen.

El Presidente

I don't even like football and this is GOLD
I'm a girl and I don't care about FIFA or football, but this series is EPIC. The actors have done a brilliant, wonderful job. Best acting I've seen a long time. I liked it so much, that I will rewatch the whole series after one week of finishing it. I watched it in original language and it was music to my ears. Never boring, excellent series. The fact, that it all happened, is an extra point as well. Marvellous. Just marvellous.

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