
IMDb member since March 2001
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    23 years


The Touch

A very touching movie
I guess the ones who are most apt to truly understand the depth of this movie are those who live a situation similar as Anderson's character - a housewife, dutiful to her husband and children, living a normal, stable, yet boring life. Then bursts into her life a charming, attractive, mysterious and intriguing man. Elliott Gould gives an amazing performance - different from the usual type of character he portrays, still perfect and natural. Thinking back at the movie, I cannot imagine any other actor doing playing the role the way he does. The movie is simply wonderful.

Kitten with a Whip

Finally a movie based on the characters!
The whole thing started when actor John Forsythe, who plays a noticed politician (excellently, I must say), found a Teenage-Girl (Ann-Margret) sleeping in his bed when he came back from a short trip one morning. We soon find out that behind these cute little eyes, a disturbed personality is hidden, complexes after complexes, and that she lives only for thrills and excitement. But be careful, she bites too! The title was very well chosen. He wants to get rid of her, you know, for his reputation. But his hard-looking face cannot hide his eyes, and they want to help her. The story carries on, trouble after trouble. This movie touches your heart and never let go. The character's performances are spectacular. A must-see!

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