
IMDb member since March 2001
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Tales from the Loop

Missed the boat
Sounds like a nice premise, but I watched the first episode and was quite disappointed.

1. Too dark. Not in mood, but every scene has so little light that it seems like it's night or twilight all the time. 2. Most importantly, the story was very poorly written. There were so many holes left when it was finished. It was very confusing and many things not explained.

Kinda feels like science stories trying to be written by people who don't know much science.


I'm being generous with my 4/10 review.
Acting - Horrible Story - Has potential, but a little too close to both "The Termiantor" and "Travelers". I'd like more originality. Writing - Bad. A possibly good story was made very immature.

This movie had potential if they'd taken the idea and found a fresh way to spin it. Then they'd need to write a good story around the idea with decent dialog and not dialog that sounds like it was stolen from "Twighlight". Then find decent actors who could have pulled the story off.

I think the biggest problem with the movie was really the acting. The way it was written, many actors had multiple roles/personalities to portray through the movie. This requires some decent acting talent. None of the actor were able to come through on the effort.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for a time-travel story.


Good Intentions...
The film had an interesting story, but I'd like to see the story redone with a better film. It was a good enough story that the viewer can see what the film maker is trying to convey, but it definitely had LOTS of room for improvement.

I'm sure budget was a constraint, as it had the obvious feel of a low budget film. However, some things were just nearly inexcusable, such as the sound track that seemed to go in and out at times. The acting itself was often sub-par too.

I think of the film maker continues, she will become better. I'd try another film of hers again.

Ode to Billy Joe

Great story, good acting, horrible dialog!!
The title says it all.

The story was great....a plot, a love story, a struggle, etc....

The acting wasn't great, but it was good. I think all the actors did a fair job.

The only real problem with the movie was its dialogue. It was so verbose that it was unrealistic that, even in the 50s they would speak that way.

It's like every sentence had to be stated in absolute verbose perfection as if it was being read from a book. Real dialogue needs to sound like people would actually talk.

An exceptional performance by Robbie Benson, btw.


My vote for Worst movie ever made
I saw this movie in the theater when I was about 14 or 15, and even then I laughed for about a week at how horribly stupid it was. Although, it is good to have movies like this, so you can keep them as personal jokes that no one else gets. Yes, I hold this movie as a true record holder in my world. It has the record as the worst movie I've ever seen and I think it would be very hard to lose that record.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

I've been waiting for this installment, hoping it would be better than the last one. I saw an early review that was very positive and got excited about it based on that.

Hype, hype and more standard Star Wars hype. I was not impressed with the movie. Like the last one the sequence of actions did not flow smoothly. Many scenes where the characters did incredibly stupid things that just did not seem "real". They cut down Jar-Jar binks, but replaced his annoying chatter with way too much C3PO.

Other than a few good scenes, I was overall very disappointed with the movie.

Bridget Jones's Diary

I wasted 4 bucks on this lousy swill ??
I only paid $4 to get in (matinee) and I still feel like I got robbed.

What a piece of trash this movie was. Adolescent plot, boring story with no "cohesivness"..just kept bouncing around scene to scene.

The only thing that kept me there through the whole movie was that Renee Zellweger is incredibly adorable.

Hugh Grant was an idiot. Can he stretch enough talent to play ANY other character?


I've seen better....
I saw one great thing in this movie that was better than all other Jesus movies. They showed the "human" side of Jesus.

Other movies always show Jesus in glowing light when someone sees him for the first time, like they just "see" something special. If this were true, they would have been afraid to crucify Him (in my opinion).

As for the rest, it was not that impressive. A "non-christian" movie, surely. The facts were quite skewed and changed to better fit "film media". Not true to the bible on many, many, many points.

Huo zhe

Hands Down -- Best Movie made to date !!
This is the best movie I have seen to date, hands down. Gong Li is a wonderful actress and I think this is her best film.

This film tracks the life of a family through the years of China's communist take over. You are there for all their ups and downs and it makes you laugh out loud and cry (literally) as you are caught up in the story as if you are actually there.

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