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Inside Job

A very fun show!
I like it. It's entertaining, the characters are good, the humor isn't bad, and the animation is nice too. This is definitely one of the better recent animated shows. I am definitely interested in watching the upcoming episodes.


A decent WW1 shooter
First of all, I see a lot of people comparing this game to Battlefield 1, but I personally find them hard to compare. Both games try to accomplish different things, feel and look differently, they just both are first person shooters set during World War 1.

Now onto Verdun:

I noticed a solid part of the playerbase being really interested in history, and the players are mostly nice. I once heard two guys in my squad have a historical disscussion about WW1, so this is definitely a community I enjoy being in.

Graphics are alright. Obviously it doesn't look as good as the Battlefield games, Verdun has a smaller budget and a smaller development team, plus, it runs on Unity, but the graphics aren't really bad, they are just passable.

The gameplay is enjoyable once you get into it. There is a bunch of modes, with the most popular being "Frontlines". Its concept is simple: There are two teams, who take turns attacking and defending trenches, with the goal being to either score more points than the other team or capture the enemy team's headquarters. A point is given once a team succesfully attacks and defends a trench, which makes the enemies fall back and defend the next trench.

There is a total of 9 maps in the "Frontlines" mode, each of which is based on real life battlefields.

It should be noted that this game is rather unforgiving at times. One rifle shot in the torso is pretty much always an instant death, pistols usually take 1-2 body shots to kill at short to medium range and 2-3 at longer range. Time to kill is pretty low. If you are dueling an enemy, usually the quicker one will win. Verdun is overall a lot slower than Battlefield or Call of Duty, reloading takes more time and you have to recharge your stamina.

There is also a gore system which can be turned off in the game's options. If it's set to ultra, explosions will often tear limbs off, shots will deform heads, sometimes after you die your character will start to roll on the ground and scream in agony.

Weapons look and feel great, the reload animations are detailed, gunshots sound realistic, so do the explosions. Voice acting is pretty neat too, characters' voice intonations don't sound fake, their screams of pain and orders sound convincing. The sound design overall is good.

Now the negatives:

The game is rather chuggy on consoles. Don't get me wrong, it's completely playable, but the framerate definitely isn't steady. If you want to, you can still limit the framerate to 30, but I personally play with it unlocked.

Verdun's small playerbase is both a good thing, because it keeps the toxicity at minimum, and a bad thing, because you can rarely find more than one semi-populated match. Luckily, there is AI support, so all the empty player slots are filled with bots. But still, you usually play with only 2/3 of your lobby being players, sometimes it's even less than a half. I play on the European servers, but I heard some others have even less players.

All in all, I recommend this game if you enjoy something like Insurgency, Red Orchestra 2 or hardcore modes in the Battlefield games. Verdun is regularly on sale, so you won't be missing much if you end up not liking it, or just get a refund.

Rogue Warrior

So bad it's actually good
First of all, I wasn't sure if this game is purposely over-the-top or if it's taking itself seriously up until the credits, where a rap compilation of the main character's swear words starts playing and I really can't see how this isn't a joke by the developers. Playing this still made me chuckle quite a few times just because of how absurd some moments were, especially dialogue.

The story is super simple: You play as Richard Marcinko (he is, apparently, a real NAVY Seal and this game is kind of "based" on his book of the same name) Richard is sent on a mission with his two fellow soldiers, who both die in the same cutscene we first see them in. So, understandably, Marcinko is mad and the rest of the game is just, as the protagonist himself describes it: "Payback". Said "Payback" involves killing what's probably a good chunk of North Korean and later, Russian soldiers.

Graphics are meh. It doesn't look too bad, but it doesn't exactly look good either.

The gameplay is pretty generic. It has a similar cover system to Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 and 2. Weapons aren't really satisfying or exceptionally well animated, which isn't good considering it's a shooter. The only notable thing is the stealth "system", yes, with the "". So this "system" seems to be solely based on the line of sight, you can walk up to enemies from behind, you can even run, they don't care, and perform "takedowns", which are basically just short cutscenes of the protagonist violently murdering someone by stabbing them several times or throwing them off ledges while they scream in agony, but no one around them seems to care. Those "takedowns" can also be performed after being spotted or even shot at, but during the animation you can't receive damage, so bullets just kind of fly through Richard like if he was a ghost.

The part that makes this game so entertaining is the dialogue. The main character (voiced by Mickey Rourke, by the way) does NOT shut up. He constantly drops the F-bomb while fighting or communicating through radio, insulting the enemies in the most absurd ways, I probably can't write them here, but check the "quotes" section, you'll get the general idea. The stuff this guy says is the main reason why this game is so funny and probably the only reason why I kept playing this game despite it being pretty boring in terms of gameplay.

Alright, so we have a pretty generic shooter with repetitive gameplay, meh graphics and absurd dialogue.

Is this game good? Nah, not really.

Is it worth playing? I'd say yes. You can get it really cheap and it's only around 2 hours long, so I recommend you to bring a friend and just have fun with this game for an evening.


A great stealth/action game that still holds up today
The story is pretty simple to follow:

You play as Corvo, an assasin and an ex-royal protector of The Empress. Corvo got accused of murdering the said Empress and kidnapping her daughter, Emily, he got, well, dishonored, if you will. So after allying with the Loyalist conspiracy, who want to get Emily on the throne and kill the Lord Regent, who is responsible for the Empress' death, Corvo must get Emily back and stab a collection of aristocratic a##holes who were directly or indirectly responsible for The Empress' death.

I mostly liked the characters, they were well written, well voice acted, not much complaints here.

Visually, this game looks good. I can see how some people may not like the artstyle, but I personally love it, it feels like playing in a painting and even after 9 years, this game still looks decent.

The gameplay is where the fun truly kicks in. You see, after the first mission, Corvo is visited by The Outsider, who is essentially the God in this universe. The Outsider gives Corvo his mark, so now our protagonist has a set of powers to play with. During the game you will find runes, which are used to upgrade the powers you already have and aquire new ones. All the levels are well designed, there are a lot of ways to get to your target, you can play this game like a shooter and kill everyone or do everything stealthily, without being noticed, using sleep darts and choking to dispose of your enemies non-lethally. Your powers also help, but I feel like half of them are useless if you are doing a non-lethal playthrough.

Also, there is a "Chaos Meter" which will affect the game's ending. If you are low chaos, don't kill too many people, you get the good ending, less rats and plague victims around the city, more respect from the characters, but if you are high chaos, you get the bad ending, more rats etc. There are two main endings and one that is just a different version of the high chaos one.

Now my problems with the game:
  • The Definitive Edition is kind of a lazy port. They could have made the game run at 60fps on 8th-gen consoles, but didn't, the only real difference is the resolution.

  • No ability to change my FOV on console, and the standard FOV isn't really that great.

These complaints are mostly relevant to the console version, on PC both the framerate lock and the FOV aren't really a problem.

Hunt Down the Freeman

Truly awful
Let's start with the positives:

SFM cutscenes look decent for the most part The story has potential and with some tweaking, could be pretty cool.

Now everything else:

Bad dialogue with voice acting ranging from fine to terrible. I especially loved that some US soldiers have British accents, which obviously doesn't make much sense. If they really wanted to have Alex Beltman and Pyrocynical in here, why couldn't they just make those soldiers actually British? Maybe just make them a part of some British team, sent out to help the US fight off the alien invasion or create some other explanation, now it's simply funny.

Bad graphics. Before release the developers talked about how this game's gonna look as good as Black Mesa (A remake of the original Half-Life) if not better. Well, Hunt Down The Freeman looks like those 2005 fan made maps for Half-Life 2, it's a mess of Half-Life 2 assets, Black Mesa assets, Left 4 Dead assets, Payday 2 assets and the ones the developers made themselves.

The Characters aren't interesting, the story is full of weird edgy dialogue and cliches, the game's ending cutscene is just prime meme material.

Gameplay doesn't really offer anything we haven't seen in the old Half-Life games. The only mechanic that stands out is the "Parkour System", which is useful like twice in the game, has janky animations and I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually just stolen from somewhere.

And finally. There is no Gordon Freeman. Yep, there is no Freeman in Hunt Down The Freeman. He is there on some cover arts. He is there in the trailer and the screenshots as well as in the "secret" ending, in which the guy's just chilling on some sofa.

Seriously, do not buy this. Go get Half-Life 1,2 or Black Mesa. This uhhh "game" is probably up there with Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel and FlatOut 3 as one of the worst games I have ever played.


Not perfect, but still my favourite survival horror ever!
First of all, I like the way the story is told in this game. Up until around chapter 8, basically nothing makes sense, then you start to get some clues from all the notes left around, small details in cutscenes. Maybe the story is not the best, but I definitely enjoyed looking for clues on my first playthrough until everything is revealed at the end.

Now the gameplay. I heard a lot of people complain about difficulty in this game and I mostly get those complaints, majority of them are reasonable. But I still can't say that this game is "impossible" or "too hard to be enjoyable". But it would probably be really hard if you haven't played anything quite like this before. During all of my playthroughs (I did 3, one as my first one on the medium difficulty, second on Akumu, which is the hardest difficulty in the game and one on the easiest difficulty for some achievements), I never felt that this game is truly unfair. It is hard, but it's not unfairly hard like some other games I played. The difficulty never felt artificial. Here, the game always makes sure you have all the tools you need to beat a certain segment or a boss. For example: in chapter 6, at one point your partner is dragged away by 2 enemies, he is out of reach, so you need to either use the crossbow, handgun or your sniper rifle. I didn't have ammo in my handgun and I didn't want to waste my crossbow bolts, so I went with sniper. Because I only had one bullet, I just could not kill both enemies, so I looked around, and there are exactly 2 sniper rifle bullets laying a few feet away from the player. So the game gives you just enough tools to progress and if you fail, there is a checkpoint right before this segment, which means you have a basically infinite ammount of attempts. During bossfights, you can always look around and find some ammo, healing syringes and sometimes even grenades. The Evil Within is well designed and it always makes sure you have all the tools you need to proceed.

New enemy types also regularly appear and are usually unique to a certain location (slow, but strong guys in the catacombs, Haunted that can turn invisible in the hospital-like places etc.). It was fun to find new strategies on how to approach different enemy types.

Even though I adore this game, it still has quite a few problems. Here are those, that annoyed me personally when I played it:

The main character has too little personality. Voice acting is ok, but he is just not memorable.

Movement and controls feel sluggish at times. Sometimes the character might get stuck in things. I mostly had problems in chapter 2-3 because he always got stuck in rocks and other stuff laying around, especially when running away from The Sadist during his bossfight. You also cannot cancel the match dropping animation if you timed it badly, you automatically stand up when healing or aiming and cannot do those things while crouching. In case of healing you can't even move during the animation.

I also kinda disliked how unconnected locations feel. I get that it's kind of the point (don't wanna spoil anything), but it just feels weird when you were in a city, then in a village and then somewhere else. But maybe it's just me.

Overrall, it's a great game, I highly recommend it if you liked some similar games (for example, Resident Evil series). As of what to play it on, I played on PS4 with no problems. Some occasional frame rate drops, but nothing unplayable. But I suggest playing on PC if you have the option.

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

Playing this made me wish I would be playing Fallout 76
First of all, the characters and story are not interesting. I don't even remember most of the characters' names because they have basically no personality or anything about them that would make you relate to them or make them likeable.

The gameplay is awful. Most of it is just pressing two buttons, attack and healing. No interesting mechanics, just mashing of two buttons. Level design is 95% trash. The only place I liked was the vault overrun by super mutants, because it actually has some kind of a cool feeling to it and felt destroyed and empty.

Most of the time I don't even feel like playing a Fallout game. They could just slap different names on some characters and creatures and it's basically no longer a Fallout game.

Games of this series for me were always about a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a bleak, empty place where the remains of humanity are creating factions and trying to survive. RPG's where your choices shape the world around you in one way or another. Here all you have are dialogue options and the game is not really that open so you just traverse linear locations and kill hundreds of enemies by mashing two buttons over and over. The enemies also don't feel fun to fight. You just walk up to them, press attack a couple times, they die, repeat.

This game right here, is the absolute worst Fallout expierence you can have. I would put any other Fallout game above this one, even 76 and Tactics had atleast SOMETHING good about them. This game has nothing. It felt painful to play. Brotherhood of Steel does not contribute to the franchise in any meaningful way and is a really bad game in general.

Among Us

Starts to become less and less fun as the time passes
The game itself is fine, simple concept, nice artstyle and not overly complicated gameplay.

The main problems are the community and the glitches.

Community is mostly god awful. Almost every round you play with toxic 5 year olds or guys who just randomly kick or ban people. Sure, there are some nice people and it feels great when you are actually in a decent group, but it happens very rarely. Also plenty of hackers that usually join and proceed to spam everyone with insults, fly through walls and end rounds in seconds, making the game not fun. Those hackers usually cannot be kicked by voting or by host because they just aren't shown as a kick option.

Next, an even bigger problem is glitching. Not sure how it is on PC, but on mobile it's pretty much unplayable a lot of times. Sometimes you get randomly kicked out of lobbies or not being able to join lobbies at all. People are marked as dead in the vote menu, even though they are alive (this glitch only happened like twice in my entire playtime) or the impostor kills literally everyone, but the round does not end. After the match ends you sometimes get a black screen and the only option for you is to close and re-open the game. Among Us is buggy as hell, even though it was completely fine around a year ago.

The only way to have fun is in a private lobby with friends, but you still aren't save from all the bugs and glitches.

Honestly, it is sad to see what this game is becoming. It was sooo much fun around a year or two ago, less bugs, nicer playerbase, but now it has basically become a meme, a bad parody of itself. I suggest you playing it. It's only a few dollars on Steam and free on mobile, just see the cool artstyle, the concept and who knows, maybe you will meet some nice people out there.

The Long Dark

The Long Dark - Survival mode review
I'm gonna focus on the survival mode, because I played it way more than the story, and I kinda feel like it is the main part of the game for me. In my opinion the gameplay is great, the soundtrack is too. The game captures the feeling of you being completely alone in the wild and it's entire atmosphere is based on that, you are alone in this cold, empty world, trying to survive for as long as you can. I also loved the arstyle, it fits in perfectly with the rest of the game.

I loved the exploration aspect, reading notes you can find around. Most of the time you are walking around alone, only a wolf, a deer or a rabbit might come by sometimes. The only thing you hear is your character's footsteps and sometimes a bit of music. This is exactly how I imagine "The Quiet Apocalypse".

This game has a few difficulty options, I mostly play on Voyageur or Stalker. The Long Dark gives you a great challenge too. It's not too hard, but you HAVE to try to survive and the best way to do it is learning from your past mistakes.

I would recommend playing this if you like calm, atmospheric survival games.

The Forest

Weird, brutal and terrifying
The Forest is probably one of my favourite survival games. Enemies have a really interesting AI system, building and fighting feels fun and mostly simple. The special, rarer mutants look scary, especially if you started playing without knowing what this game is about and how your enemies act/look. It also has an interesting, almost hidden storyline, which you aren't forced to follow. Game also has Co-op with up to 4 players. I played it on PS4 and it ran almost perfectly smoothly, it's a great PC to console port. This game brilliantly combines the building and exploration, horror and survival aspects. I highly recommend trying it out.

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