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Good Boys

WHAT are these reviews???
This is a movie for middle schoolers that got an R-rating because of language. It's almost exclusively unfunny and not edgy in the least. Did AI write it or something? Usually, reviews are too harsh on movies, this is a rare case where the opposite is true. Were these reviews bought and paid for by the studio or something? How did this ever get greenlit, financed, or produced?

I really don't know what else to say other than I feel bad for anyone who wastes their time on this, and for anyone who wasted time being associated with the project.

Stick with the titles that it wishes it were that do it right like Superbad, Ferris Bueller, and Booksmart, because this one is *not it*.


People have forgotten how to just have fun
I saw this title at an advance screening and just took my SO to check it out before any spoilers got to him. Is it perfect? No, what is? Is it fun? YES!!

I don't know where we went off the rails as an audience that we get more enjoyment in dumping on everything than just sitting back and taking in something lighthearted and fun. I went in expecting some kind of Romancing the Stone / 2022's Lost City style story and was instead zig-zagged through countless twists that others have criticized as one-too-many, but I felt were just enough to keep me on the edge of my seat. Yes, it ran a tad bit long, but I can't imagine what I would relegate to the cutting room floor.

It's full of twists and turns, beautiful and original fight sequences, and romance. Like Aidan says at some point in regards to Elly's writing - we don't need another Sense and Sensibility (or something to that degree). If you're looking for a fun trip, have enjoyed Vaugh's style previously, and don't have a stick up your tush/can't stand seeing a powerful woman - go see it and have fun. Haters? Take your misery somewhere else already <3.

8.5/10 Anything under a 5? Get over yourselves.

Mean Girls

With only a few exceptions, most things were downgrades
Caught an advance screening, and 3/4 of the people around me agreed - it was just ok, but not good. NO HATE, but 90% was a downgrade from the original complex and multilayered material where everyone, down to cast with just one line, delivered absolute STAR power. In 20 years since that original, a lot has evolved within the high school arena, so production naturally had to tweak some things to make it work. Some of it works, much doesn't.

Judging on its own merits, I feel it simply would work better on a stage, and that the biggest fault lied with Casting, who hired *singers* who needed more time with acting coaches. I'd probably like it in a stage setting. BUT, this is the silver screen - and the magnifying glass is much less forgiving.

The biggest offender for me - and seriously NO HATE because she seems super lovely and may just be better suited in other things - was Karen. Every moment with her was eyeroll inducing. The acting was actual amateur high school production level (at best) cliche ditz caricature with zero nuance. Gretchen lacked any energy or drive, or that absolutely obsessive DESPERATE need to be needed by her queen - she was instead very pedestrian. Not a member of the queens herself but just a follower. And that Queen (Regina) didn't give me the level of commanding stone cold respect and fear in the student body like the OG did. While the actress is very beautiful and talented, she didn't deliver on the respect-demanding queen bee of the school for me. It felt like a Nickelodeon show or something. The trio all fell so flat - they weren't QUEENS of the school who everyone bowed down down to and lived in fear of, they're actually just the wannabe girls who would have worshipped and aspired TO BE that original trio.

I truly didn't understand the change of Jingle Bell Rock at all and how the school was so quickly able to turn on Regina when she essentially suffers an actual big accident on stage and people are then essentially posting upskirt vid of it. Baffling and unrealistic. Hit by a bus is the bar to be deserving of pity but not the stage mishap? Uhhok. Damien's song choice change however? Hilarious. Getting diarrhea on a Ferris wheel is way too extreme and actually mortifying vs the previous nuanced "at Barnes and Noble" where it would be just embarrassing for the character knowing her friends knew. The difference between overly dramatic teen girls and everyone in real life. Overshot on that one. And while Tina and Tim being in a relationship is a fun evolution on their flirty repartee in the original, Ms Norbury's divorce and life-in-shambles aspect brought a lot in to the character. Although hilarious, she's more one-dimensional now.

I'm sorry but Aaron Samuels is supposed to be *h-o-t-t* and he's just a regular guy. There's no context to make him so desired by the Queen of the school and it makes no sense. It's like the character of Guy in Never Been Kissed - the movie wants us to believe he's a heartthrob but doesn't give us the goods to do so. Why casting was so forgiving when he doesn't even bring singing talent leaves me scratching my head. And Busy Philipps, who I normally enjoy, felt like a one-dimensional cardboard cutout of the role that Amy Poehler gave so many layers to, a total tour de force and showstealer.

Damien and Janis were fine actors and good singers, though I would have liked them to feel like more of outcasts. Janis was punk and glam and fierce, not a social outcast. With this generation being more accepting of alternative lifestyles and less inclined to outright bully and ostracize, I understand how that presented a challenge to the filmmakers, but they didn't deliver at accomplishing it, and I feel thats integral to the story.

NOW, for the GOOD, Cady had excellent energy and played her role well in both acting and singing. Grand slam there. Tina Fey was effective at changing Ms Norbury enough to keep it fresh, while allowing for things that were omitted to not be mourned - bravo! The bit like she was about to break into song but was just clearing her throat was a riot. I also really appreciated this slightly elevated version of Regina post-accident. Being drugged up and having a resolution wth Cady and being loopy at the Spring Fling was a fresh and funny take. And obviously, it was great to see the cameos and Easter eggs- Lindsay saying this has only happened once before, the cutout tanktop brief flash, etc.

Obviously, with more negative takes than positive, I understand people won't be happy or agree with my assessment, but it's just the reality of how I felt. NO hate towards this very vocally talented cast, I wish them all the best in their future works!!! But I don't feel any need to revisit this one. It turns out, the limit does, in fact, exist - and it's just 1. But decide for yourself.


Wait til Ep 2
It takes a minute (see: episode 2) to get going. I agree it probably needed a name change to avoid the pre-judgement. Honestly, it feels like the first season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina in a lot of ways, mostly good. It takes something we remember a certain way and changes it enough to make it something new and interesting that can stand on its own. Excited to see how it all comes together (I have a theory since the original flashback sequence is set in 1993), but it definitely doesn't deserve the hate it's getting in the reviews.

EDIT: Ok, the first few episodes were fun, it became work after that. Lazy writing and not knowing when to end. Was good but lost its way at the end... hope S2 is better if it gets the green light.

PEN15: Yuki
Episode 11, Season 2

I've loved this show for a while now, and this episode in particular, it's absolute perfection. Any time I revisit it I can't help but cry with happiness and admiration. It diverges for a brief moment from the series narrative in the best way possible. I'm a white man, and don't have a tangible connection to Japanese culture or being a first generation immigrant - but when I watch this episode, I'm put directly into the shoes of someone who is, and it's absolutely beautiful and touching. Yuki may not be your mother, or share her story, but she is EVERY mother. She's made decisions in her life to give her children the best lives possible and I can't help but immediately think of my own mother and the sacrifices she's made. All of this, juxtaposed with the footage of the actress' own past is a true gem. I thank the Erskine family for blessing us with this perfect glimpse into another life that is so different yet so familiar. Thank you, thank you, thank you. <3.

The Lost Symbol

I so wanted to enjoy this
I love the Dan Brown films and wanted so much to enjoy this. Sadly, it was a let down. It started out well, I'm able to suspend some reality in the name of entertainment. I was optimistic up until around episode 5 - everything after that was an absolute drag and head scratcher. Limping to the finish line was actual work for me.

Among the most frustrating things?

The villain's head to toe tattoos are covered and uncovered RANDOMLY. Like, that's hours of work. When he goes over a cliff with his tatts out he washes up on shore to accost a fisherman with them covered somehow?? Did he stop by a CVS? What's going on ? And speaking of that, he goes off a cliff and everyone is just like, ah ok, guess he's dead, no need to confirm! Like what? This is the FBI! Too many instances of people dropping the ball in this way happen. Sting operation in a parking garage and the FBI let them all get away with new hostages? No one thinks to shoot out the tires? Nail strip across the exit? Nah. They tie up a murderer in a theatre with one guard? WTH?

It's just frustrating. Watch the first 5, and the finale for closure - skip the frustrating eps in between. Who screwed this up so bad? Sad stuff.

The Christmas List

A Neglected Classic
One of our family's favorites, that unfortunately hasn't gotten love on tv in a long time, and not available for sale (officially) anywhere. Good acting, fresh story, highly quotable. Give it a try!

Wonder Woman 1984

So confusing and disappointing
Why did Barbara get two wishes? I thought it was established that everyone only got one. WW's powers diminish, but over a period of days instead of immediately? Cheetah had wished to be just like Diana, IE, all of her powers, but is electrocuted when Diana isn't - are we to believe the armor made the difference? That's not not how armor works... speaking of the armor, it's armor of legend she had to track down over decades but it's in a corner of her office, unceremoniously wrapped up in cloth, and she can change into it when she's not even there? Diana is sleeping with a random man serving as an avatar to Steve's soul, yet this man did not consent to that, which is actually pretty sick. Maxwell's backstory was a 20 second flashback that answered few, if no questions - I find out after he movie his kid is adopted, ok, what's the story there? Steve (from the WW1 era) is able to fly a modern plane? Also, that's not how radar works... like, at all. It goes on and on and on.

I'm sorry, it was all a mess. Writing, directing, CGI, character development. Everyone involved is guilty of dropping the ball for going along with it and not speaking up. Hoping something can change in before the next installment...

Magic for Humans

The real magic - getting a 7 star average rating
When nearly every review is one star. Netflix is clearly paying IMDB off or running some kind of scam. Show is terrible, all pod actors


Not good
Sorry, but it's just not good. I wanted to like it so bad but it's such a lazy piece of work. For some background, I'm a HUGE Disney/Pixar fan, I own every single title on Blu-Ray. But I also keep it real, I'm not gonna hype something just because of the Pixar label - if it's bad it deserves to be called out.

My gripes? The characters aren't developed at all resulting in them not having any likeability and the story is one note and cliche. D&D magic spells turn out to ALL be real? Barley held on to a busted tail light that just happens to come in handy later? They just happen to get a magic staff for his 16th bday and the older brother just happens to be an expert at magic? Oye. They're able to taunt Manticore into such a rage that she destroys her own place of business? They didn't just take a pic on their phone of the map and continue onward? Ohh, his list of things to do with Dad just happens to hit every point with his brother? That's not predictable at all (ignore the fact that he's been on one long walk with Dad the entire feature, eye roll)

It honestly feels more like a Dreamworks title script-wise and design- wise. Hauling around the dead dad's legs the whole movie gets boring REAL fast, and the final scene specifically I was like BOY, FIGHT to go see your Dad! Why are you just sitting there watching?? My one compliment to them would be the colors and lighting in the film are beautiful. I especially thought the scene with the pawn shop was wonderfully designed, and Tracy Ullman's character was nicely fleshed out.

I'll ultimately buy it for my collection but it'll join the ranks of titles like Good Dinosaur and Chicken Little - one and done watchers. Hope the next attempt is better!

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

Perfection from top to bottom. Possibly my favorite film ever.

Always Be My Maybe

Just plain boring. Storyline was weak, no chemistry, so contrived and all over the place. Keanu was the only interesting part, but not enough to revive this dud. Skip.


Not what I was expecting
Like many here, I expected something different than what was delivered. In this case, I was glad. Instead of a one-dimensional romantic comedy with a funky twist, I got a multi-dimensional, deep piece full of allegory and symbolism. I get not everyone will appreciate or understand it, but for those capable of connecting with a film on a level deeper than its superficial story or those who have dealt directly with these themes in their real lives, it's rewarding.

As a child from a home of alcoholism, manipulation, and domestic abuse, I immediately recognized these themes. At the playground when Jason Sudekis' character threatens Anne's character that it'll be her fault if he hurts people because she leaves I was taken back to my father making the same type of threat. Destroying the bar? I'm taken back to when my dad would do something destructive as a means of using it as a pawn to manipulate immediately after. Anne's character has her problems with drinking and being a general mess, but the differing types of abuse at the hands of the men in her life aren't so obvious. It's refreshing for her to finally come to grips with her demons, see she's hurting people and make the decision to change; and again when she musters the strength to remove herself from the toxic relationships she's in.

Yes, there are some points where it's a bit disjointed, and points where it doesn't seem to make sense, like when Jason pivots from someone seemingly nice to a complete monster - but that is EXACTLY how alcoholism and using people goes sometimes. People change at the drop of a hat. You're frustrated AF when that one friend doesn't seem to do anything and just stands by? That's exactly how it is with some friends when you're in an abusive relationship, they feel like their hands are tied but they can't bring themselves to act at the same time. Things that may seem out of place have an explanation somehow.

Perfect? No. But way better than some give it credit for if you're willing to look deeper. Can't wait to give it another go! I'll note, I'm just an average Joe, haven't had film appreciation classes or anything lol

Home Again

I'm not being dramatic, watching this was a chore. Reese as an actress is good as always, but everything else is a mess. It feels like a bad web series that runs long. The script feels completely amateur, the entire movie you're sitting there like yeahhhh someone wrote this trash. Avoidddddd.

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