
IMDb member since March 2001
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That's My Bush!

I absolutely loved it!
Trey Parker, you are a genius! That's My Bush just finished it's debut run, and, I'm still reeling!

The show, in the first five minutes, started out somewhat slow, with only a few funny zingers. After it started progressing, however, I found myself rolling on the floor in constant laughter! The jokes ranging from Bush's personal (and sex) life to the scenes with both sides of the abortion debate (with the funny 'abortion survivor'), were downright hysterical!

Complaints? Well, one, really, being Timothy Bottoms portrayal of Bush. His posturing, stance and looks fit the bill, but his voice needs a little work. Seeing as the show is just starting out, I'm sure his vocal representation will get better over time. Other than this little quip, I think he's doing an excellent job, as is the rest of the cast.

A very, very, very funny show, one that shouldn't be missed by *anyone* who loves to make fun of politics. I can't wait to see how the show will turn out next week.

That's My Bush... Excellent entertainment!

Out of Sync

Well, Kari Wuhrer was hot...
That's about the only good thing I can say about this sapball, cornfest. One thing of interest, seeing as this is supposed to be a feel-good movie in the end, is that it's actually a very mean-spirited movie...

I was disappointed how Kari Wuhrer (did I mention she was babelicious, as she always is?) was treated in the end, when she did nothing to deserve the treatment she got, when in fact all hurt feelings and snickering should have went towards the record industry, instead of her. But I digress.

This is TV movie of the week stuff, with bad acting, bad plot and an unbelievable Hollywood ending. No points to VH1 for this one, folks. It's pretty lame.

See it only for Kari, who I'd chop off my middle finger to be with (if you know what I mean)... Otherwise, avoid.

Save the Last Dance

Gag me with a freakin' spoon!
I hate to sound condescedning and judgemental, as it's against my articulate nature, but if you liked this movie, you're a lamb being led to the slaughter. (and I realize the irony of being hurtful and mean-spirited towards a movie when I say I'm not a judgemental person, but hey, this movie deserves it in spades).

MTV, perhaps one of television's lowest forms of entertainment (should I actually call it entertainment?), produces a new, hip movie for the teenage crowd. One with "slammin" dancing, insightful (ha!) looks into interracial relationships and, well, if you can't tell that I'm being sarcastic, you need to go bang your head on the driveway.

Where to start? I shouldn't even be giving this wretched excuse for a movie the time of day, but seeing as just about every lame-brained teen across the friggin' United States and the world beyond have given this movie their weak thumbs up and seal of approval, I just have to ask, why?

A white girl moves to a black majority town, and, through a series of painful, shmaltzy and MTV contrivances, learns to be black from her new, hip, black boyfriend, who also teaches the girl the true lesson of life (never give up on your dreams - ugh), and the art of hip hop dance. Oy.

To insinuate this girl made it into Julliard is downright insulting, as there are tons of dancers out there much better than her hippin' and a hoppin' who struggle just to make it to a community college! But hey, this is MTV for ya, and I never said anyone there had the brains to write a *real* story.

What irked me the most about this dough-headed movie was the plot. I'd like to see a movie where a black girl moves to a white town and learns to be white. The opening of the movie would draw black rights activists a mile long, saying that it could even be made in this PC day and age.

I'm going off track, but rightfully so... This movie gives me a headache just to think about it, so I'll go and say, don't waste your time, money or energy seeing this garbage when there are real movies out there, like Traffic, Unbreakable and Snatch, ironically three movies that never made it to the number one spot, whilst this one did. Just goes to show you the how shallow teens are today.

No stars. And if I could judge lower, I certainly would... Perhaps to the depths of hell, where this turgid mess belongs.

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