
IMDb member since January 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 5 months



Abe ruthless...worst actor of all time...ruined this mobie
Could have been really good but bad acting and directing ruined this movie. Had a lot of potential but the one character pretty much ruined it. I don't understand why writers, directors and actors don't act like actual human beings would act. This is a big problem with alot of movies these days.

I don't understand how people could write, act or direct people to act like this. I guess this is now the norm that scrips, acting and directing is just mailed in to get a movie made.

These movies that are exclusives from Netflix, Hulu or prime are just pumped out to try to make money. The trailer and concept are interesting but the execution is awful.

Please use imagination and creativity in the future.

This could have been very good.

I Was There

Very entertaining
I don't know what it is but I really like this host. Have been very entertained by this show. This is a home run and I'm a very harsh critic. The Salem witch trails was good as well as the hindenberg disaster. The host was really good and wrapped it up nicely.


Are you for real??
Who in thier right mind wants to watch some pretentious British crap like this. Anyone who likes this needs to have thier head examined by top doctors in this field. Get a life if you like this nonsense.


Pretentious bs
No one wants to see some British pretentious crap. This is really awful crap. I can't think of anyone that I know that would want to watch this. Just really awful.


Awful movie with awful acting
The directors and actors should be ashamed of themselves. Can't believe I wasted this much time on a horrible piece of crap. People not acting like real human beings would act really annoys me in movies. What the hell is wrong with writers, directors and actors??


Could have been good
Could have been good but awful acting killed this movie.


Tosh ripoff but funny
The black dude adds nothing and the girls laugh makes me want harm to come to her but the show is good for a few laughs. Tosh.0 clip show ripoff.

Backyard Bar Wars

Show could be good but host is awful
The show is ok but the host is just terrible and brings it down.

Impractical Jokers

They were great...
The last few seasons are really bad. This year they are just not funny anymore. Also, they have seemed to be really full of themselves. Once again a show that was good ran themselves out because they think they are funnier then they are. This show has run it's course. It should be over. All of these guys are so full of themselves it's disgusting. The only character that is worth anything anymore is Joe. This should be over by now.


Not bad
The only issue is that this chick isn't worth going through all this for. Maybe if she was halfway decent looking. Also, her acting was pretty bad. Overall it's a decent little indie film.

Impractical Jokers

They were great...
The last few seasons are really bad. This year they are just not funny anymore. Also, they have seemed to be really full of themselves. Once again a show that was good ran themselves out because they think they are funnier then they are. This show has run it's course. It should be over. All of these guys are so full of themselves it's disgusting. The only character that is worth anything anymore is Joe. This should be over by now.

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

What a piece of crap
Show was good for 3 seasons. After that it's totally fake. These guys were good when it was off the cuff. This movie is awful because these guys can't act and it's so phony. Trutv needs to find something else. They are running this show into the ground. No longer entertaining or fresh. Also, these guys are so full of them selves it's disgusting.

Impractical Jokers

They were great...
The last few seasons are really bad. This year they are just not funny anymore. Also, they have seemed to be really full of themselves. Once again a show that was good ran themselves out because they think they are funnier then they are. This show has run it's course. It should be over. All of these guys are so full of themselves it's disgusting. The only character that is worth anything anymore is Joe. This should be over by now.

Big Trick Energy

Like a poor version of impractical jokers and carbonaro effect. Just not as funny. Don't know if it's the editing but the tricks seem phony instead of looking like an illusion. Better than other trutv shows like top secret videos which is a train wreck.

The Carbonaro Effect

Too bad...
This show would be good if Michael didn't have the charisma of wet cardboard.


Don't know what say. It's just not a good show with poor writing and acting.

Impractical Jokers

They were great...
The last few seasons are really bad. This year they are just not funny anymore. Also, they have seemed to be really full of themselves. Once again a show that was good ran themselves out because they think they are funnier then they are. This show has run it's course. It should be over. All of these guys are so full of themselves it's disgusting. The only character that is worth anything anymore is Joe. This should be over by now.

Impractical Jokers

They were great...
The last few seasons are really bad. This year they are just not funny anymore. Also, they have seemed to be really full of themselves. Once again a show that was good ran themselves out because they think they are funnier then they are. This show has run it's course. It should be over. All of these guys are so full of themselves it's disgusting. The only character that is worth anything anymore is Joe. This should be over by now.

Army of One

A 2 rating because the girl is hot
The moment they trespassed and had sex in some random persons house I knew this was going to be bad. Why do writers have people act like no human being would ever act? Extremely poor writing and directing with so-so acting

Fear of Rain

Wait for the payoff
Very slow first 2 acts. Act 3 brings it home. Some posters say it's been done before and I agree but Hollywood is out of ideas. Everything has already been done. All they can do is improve on old ideas and I think they did a decent job with this one


Kevin James....stick to fat guy comedy
Kept me entertained but Kevin James as a bad guy just doesn't work. He doesn't have the range to pull this off. All he is and can ever be is a fat guy comedian. Love him in king of queens but he's just not believable as a bad guy or any other role for that matter. Stick to comedy Doug Heffernan.

Anyone who gives this more than 3 stars works for the production or has friends that know someone who worked on this and are trying to get the ratings up.

Kevin James is great as a fat comedian but is so out of his element in this movie it's laughable but not in a good way.

Also, the writers and the director should be ashamed of themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if they contemplated career suicide. I wouldn't want my name attached to this piece of crap


Good movie but...
Why does there always have to be the clechied sick kid that needs some sort of medication that is lost or left behind? This really is getting old


Horrible main character
Once again the writers have people not acting like a normal human being would act. Dumb decisions by main character throughout. Not her fault. Poor writing and directing

Honest Thief

Liam is good as always but...
Worst leading lady ever. Not attractive and not good acting. Whoever casted her should be banned from casting forever.


I liked it...and I'm a harsh critic
Good mix of misery and skeleton key. Acting was OK and direction was decent. Could have been better but it kept me entertained and that's all I can ask for these days

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