
IMDb member since July 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years



Art & life become intertwined when Alex, an aspiring young filmmaker, meets his directing idol, JP Smith. Justin Andrew Davis captures the naivete of Alex, and Nicholas Tucci gives JP an intense--and slightly creepy--charisma. Sadie Scott is irresistible as Ruby, the girl Alex spots at a mall and is encouraged by JP to follow. Writer/Director Brian DiLorenzo has hit a home run in his first feature film. Looking forward to seeing more from him.


A simple story, exceedingly well-told
My wife and I had the privilege of seeing this film at the Peekskill Film Festival and we were both thrilled. The story is simple, a classic "road trip," but with several surprises along the way. Beautifully photographed in marvelous upstate New York locations, with wonderful performances, particularly by David Neal Levin in the title role. If you like stories about regular (if perhaps slightly quirky) people, this is exactly up your alley. Very much hope to see it again, and that it finds the wide and appreciative audience it so richly deserves.

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