
IMDb member since February 2020
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    4 years, 3 months


BoJack Horseman: Fish Out of Water
Episode 4, Season 3

Best animation episode i've ever seen
This episode is so well written and created. Its such an smart idea to create a whole world under water and make it kind of an silent episode. The music made it so intense and i didn't even miss the talking throughout the episode to be honest. You also get to see the good side of bojack for once with the baby fish part. The episode felt like 10 minutes long but it was almost half an hour. The ending was so good because if you watch te episode for an second time you will look different at the episode. I'm at season 3 episode 5 now and i wonder if i ever going to see a better episode of bojack then this one.

Fear the Walking Dead: Padre
Episode 8, Season 7

Just an ok episode
This episode isn't bad but also not outstanding. Alicia is a fan favourite and i think they're going to kill her off. If that happens then half the viewers is gone so i hope they don't do it. I also have an unpopular opinion about Morgan. I absolutely love the character and i don't know why he gets so much hate. The ending of the episode was good and i hope its better then 7A. 7A 6.5/10 and this episode 7/10.

Fear the Walking Dead

It's just my show
Idk why but fear is so good in my opinion. I love almost all the characters and actors. And ik know the writing isn't always that good but who cares? The rest is so good especially the acting in the later seasons 6-7. It's a 10/10 for me.

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