Reviews (12)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was excited to see a reboot of a series I watched growing up. But I should have just stopped when I heard reboot. The first episode was just a drag but I had hope with episode two. Every single character aside from Kelsey Grammers Frasier is annoying and completely unlikable. I was a child when Cheers was out and was a teen when Frasier was on TV and those were hilarious in different ways. Frasier was obviously a smarter comedy and unfortunately it doesn't carry over into this. It tries to be smart but it's just so cringey and unwatchable. They completely waste the character of his son Freddy who became a firefighter and just try to force the strain of their relationship down your throat. After 4 episodes I gave up and regret watching 3&4.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Where are the fact checkers when you need them. This whole thing has been completely debunked and has been proven that Hillary Clinton was the one behind the whole "Russian collusion conspiracy". It is sad that people still buy into this BS. I don't care if your a democrat or a republican or have any other political beliefs, this whole movie was basically based on falsehoods and lies. It's amazing that people still buy into this and recite it like it's the gospel. It should have started with a warning saying "not based on any true events or evidence". It is amazing how easily our country can be manipulated.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was so excited to see where they would take this storyline. It's starts off well that Christopher leaves the 100 acre woods and leaves his childhood friends behind. Unfortunately they have no life skills and start to starve. Spoiler!!! They kill Eyeore who has basically been suicidal in every story ever written. Ok I'm in. So Christopher brings his wife/fiancé who honestly looks like the only starving thing in the woods to meet his childhood friends who have all turned into hunters of flesh. Im still into the movie. They find 3 airstream campers in the woods and somehow C. R. Is like "ok it's bigger than I remember". ???? So Piglet and Pooh comeback. The couple hides and then tries to run. Piglet kills the wife/fiancé and Christopher runs and and killed in animation by Pooh and Piglet. The costumes are absolutely ridiculously horrible. Plus now piglet is 6-5? After 20 minutes I lost all interest and turned this dumpster fire off. Whoever made this destroyed a great horror movie premise with just a crap script and horrible costumes. AVOID.
  • This movie has a great story line but unfortunately even as a child it was lackluster compared to Raiders of the lost ark and Last Crusade. But compared to the newest installment it shows the same problem of casting a female lead who is so unlikable that you root for the villains to kill her and for Indy to have a cool escape. Kate Capshaws over acting and just pure annoying character absolutely destroys this film. Everything else is enjoyable and fun. We all know that Spielberg casted her for her obvious reasons, but there were so many other actresses that would have actually crushed this roll at the time and made this yet another great movie of his. It's not often as a child and now as an adult I root for a character to be killed off in the first 3 minutes of a film unless your a terrorist or kill animals, children or beat women.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    People it's called birth control. Canada has free health care. Jeez, they even offer suicide now. Watching these two hoarders complain about how they don't have enough room in their house makes me insane. "We bought our forever house then had three children". These people are ridiculous and cringe AF. Here's $50k to redesign my whole house. I understand the episode is years old, but I worked in the trades and these people are idiots. I was totally rooting against them the whole time for being so stupid. This is what happens when yuppies buy things and don't know what they are getting into. "Wait my contractor lied to me?"
  • This is basically a made for tv movie that somehow lured Al Pacino into it. The writing is absolutely horrible along with the acting. Every time Pacino is on camera he just crushes everyone in the scene. I absolutely was rooting for Axis Sally to get put to death in this, probably more for the horrible acting by the woman portraying her. My grandfathers were in World War Two and I've never heard of this woman from either from them or my great uncle's. After about thirty minutes it just became so boring and unwatchable I turned it off. I honestly don't even care if she lived or died, but was truly rooting for the death of this horrible movie/tv movie?
  • As a former police officer I can't even begin to tell you how horrible this show is. As someone who can separate a former career to just wanting to be entertained, I can't even begin to tell you how horrible this show is. Scott Caan's character is likable and someone you can connect with as is his daughter. Every other character is just insulting on how bad they are written and acted. My wife who has worked in retail management since I've met her and is even pointing out plot holes and weapon tactics that are just absolutely ridiculous. I get the idea behind the show. It is just executed in the worst way possible. I'm just going to pass over the promises to return the kids because my dog even knows law enforcement doesn't do that. On a bonus note I grew up in Delaware about 40 minutes from Philly and my wife in Reading and we just laugh about how inaccurate everything is location wise in the show. We weren't surprised at all to learn it was filmed in Canada.
  • This first episode was so well written, crafted and filmed with long time television actors that it was almost a perfect pilot. The whole story left you actually wanting a second episode to see where it went. Then episode 2 came out. This was so unwatchable and boring that 30 minutes into it my wife asked "wait what is going on here?" She then realized I was on twitter and said "said oh your not even watching". I told her that I checked out of the episode 15 minutes in and just hoped everyone went to jail or didn't because I was bored by the story. She agreed and just said turn it off we will watch episode 3 tomorrow after work. Episode 3 is the last chance for us. This started off with a bang and Ep. 2 was just a dumpster fire with characters nobody could like or even remotely care about.
  • For all the people hating on this, I bet you loved all the Transformers movies. The dialogue and camera work is just a annoying as those movies. You just watch movies like this to escape for a couple hours. It's entertaining if you take it for what it is, just a shoot 'em up movie with an average plot. For all the haters sorry there's no heat in the basement.
  • This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen on tv. I watched the first episode and as former law enforcement (a real cop) it's just utterly hilarious and stupid. Like all malls everywhere they can only detain you and wait for real police to come and handle it. I get it if your in college and trying to get into an academy, or if your a retired captain running this. But this whole thing was just ridiculous.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is the biggest piece of trash I've watched in years. Shooters tucking and rolling from another shooters shot from hundreds of yards where the bullet would arrive long before the the sound of gunfire. Even a new hunter would know this isn't factual. The whole movie is just a dumpster fire and the acting is the fuel. Oh, a 29 Master Sgt? Totally believable. Do yourself a favor and run from this.
  • 22 January 2021
    The acting and writing is so bad that 20 minutes into the first episode my wife and turned on the local news. I live the mountains of Pennsylvania if that tells you how bad this is. We were both bored out of our minds.