
IMDb member since February 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 3 months



I'm not sure what to say... Time I will never get back
It popped up on Amazon prime and I love science fiction so I thought great. Was I wrong.

I had to google when it was filmed because it couldn't have been in this decade.

Whatever could be wrong or awful about a movie it had it all.

The CGI, dialogue , acting, over acting, under acting, timing, scenery, background , the characters.

I fast forward through to see if it gets better but no.

It lacks so much and has no direction or depth.

It is a terrible film.

How someone could make and edit this movie without knowing it is terrible is beyond comprehension.

Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time unless you want to torture yourself for someone else.

Avenue 5

Painful at Times
I generally don't start watching a show with great expectations and thank goodness I didn't. You do have some good actors here and I see that the writers have tried to inject some humor in this but , Josh Gad is definitely not funny, terrible presence and delivery of his lines. Hugh Laurie is great of course. Zach Woods brings his humor and delivery from the show Silicon Valley and it works here. The sets and some of the special effects are great. Can I recommend it ? Not really. There are other good shows to watch from HBO and this one at this time isn't one of them.

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