
IMDb member since February 2020
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Love & Death

Great show! But the wigs are questionable lol.
Like the title says, it's a good show with great actors and a solid build up. Jessica Biel is also really good in the other adaptation of Candy. I just have the say the wigs are pretty bad in this show, lily rabes character and the red head lady deserved more blending. Definitely something to watch if you like true crime, religious hypocrisy and things of that nature. It's tells a good tale about lust. I don't think I've seen Elizabeth Olsen in anything but she does a solid job acting in the show. The visuals are nice too especially with the throw back vibes of the time period. Overall it's cool, just the wigs bother me lol.

Luckiest Girl Alive

Trigger Warner for SA.
It's not a super graphic scene but there is SA in the movie. The scene where it happens isn't too long but the topic is a reoccurring subject throughout the entire movie. Very relatable when touching on the after affects of being an SA survivor. Either way it's a decent movie, I wouldn't have watched it if it wasn't on Netflix. The acting is kind of good as well, Mika Kunis is a baddie. It could've been better honestly but it was something to watch. Definitely realistic when it comes to family relationships and PTSD from SA. Give it a watch if you have Netflix or nothing to do on a random night.

The Rental

All of the characters are annoying as hell
These adults are childish and every single one of them is unlikeable. I'm not even done with the movie but they could've made at least one person have a strong character so you care who gets killed or not. I hope it gets better but I'm already an hour in...

Dare Me

If you have or had an eating disorder do not watch this show
The coach and other girls pick on girls for their weight when they're already skinny and they practice eating disorder habits in the show but don't even bring up that they're a problem. There bulimia and anorexic habits shown but they all act like it's fine and don't even blink an eye. They "eat" by chewing and just spitting out the food. They just make it all seem normal. On top of they this show is just cringe as hell.

The Kissing Booth 3

It was decent
Wish there was a happier ending, I didn't get the cute feelings I did with the first movies. Too much drama and bad communication between characters in this one. Could've been more romance.

Flatbush Misdemeanors

Good show but the characters are extremely annoying
The show is good, I like the low key humor in it but I hate some of the characters. Kevin is the worst, he's lame and annoying and genuinely made me not want to watch the show. But other than that it's good, Dan the main character is dope.


Boring rich girl problems
I can't relate to the main character at all, her personality is mad boring and she has the dumbest problems lol. It's a show based on third world problems. They barely talk about important issues and it's pretty vapid

A Teacher

Good but they should've made the teacher look worse
The characters definitely don't glorify the inappropriate relationship between the two but the creators of the show should've made and emphasis on how creepy it is for a teacher to be with a young student. When she gives herself up to the police they play sad music like we're supposed to be sorry for her! Like noooo she's weird and should get punished, I'm not sad for her. They shouldn't make it seem like we should have sympathy for her at all. The teacher just makes me so uncomfortable with her actions honestly but something about how the show flows makes it seem more natural than it should be. Idk, under age is under age just because he's a little "older" doesn't make it okay

Over the Moon

Wasn't expecting to cry !
This is such a great movie with detailed animations and nice colors. It's pretty sad though not going to lie i cried a few times cause it really hits you in the feels


Great new show
I'm a 23 year old with a full time job and this is a great show to watch when i come home. I got tired of family guy and this definitely makes me chuckle a lot more. It's simple but funny and i enjoy it, not sure why everyone is hating on it but to each their own.

The Pharmacist

Extremely captivating
I've been bored by tv lately but this documentary really sparked my interest. The way it is produced is amazing and it tells a great story. I'd recommend this to everyone.

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