
IMDb member since February 2020
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    4 years, 3 months



Kids in movies with dialogue....
.... Make it stop.

I'm not ashamed to say it. Children can't act. This film was marred by poor acting and facial expressions that I would probably deliver. And I'm unemployed.

There was a scene when the baddie girl was climbing a ladder and the green screen was laughable. Took me out of the movie.

I had no idea what the bad guy's motivation was. Plus, how he motivated anybody to serve him is pretty laughable.

No idea how a Hispanic woman could have a totally white child either. But hey, she's a nurse and tired and the real hero of the movie.... It's the 'message' again. (((Sighs))).

Two out of ten.

Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed

I'm giggling as I type this
I'll be honest. I used to be into all this kinda stuff. It was a guilty pleasure at the time. I didn't realise I could be feeling breasts and learning to cook extraordinary meals. You know, living life?

This wasn't very good. I had to check my spectacles still worked, cos I rarely saw in the bad photos, what I was being told it was. Either my eyes don't work, or the people in this shambolic show, are in need of an eye test and psychological evaluation. Maybe both.

Furthermore, so what eh? Who cares? Are they, or aren't they? Who cares? Does it help? Does it encourage free thought? Do we develop as a civilisation? Who cares? Why speculate on what's not real and ignore issues that are?

Who cares?

If there are aliens, maybe they should just send a text? What? They have mile wide cannons, but no mobile phones? Sound like a bunch of cretins to me who are millions of yrs in advance, but still need satellite dishes so they can get SKY TV.

Just give over.

People should not be allowed to waste film like this.

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