
IMDb member since March 2020
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    4 years, 3 months


Johnny Dangerously

Exactly what comedies are supposed to be!
When you just want to laugh out loud from start to finish with some of the funniest actors/actresses ever assembled. Michael Keaton has certainly proven he can handle any role, but I will always admire him most for his comedic skills. In this day and age, we don't need Academy Award-winning dramas....we need 90 minutes of laughter and forgetting our troubles & stress. And besides Disney animated classics, there is hardly anything a family can watch together at home or in theaters, and that is a shame. It's been almost 40 years since this movie came out and I can still remember coming out of the theater with tears in my eyes and my friends and I talking about our favorite quotes.

Burn Your Maps

Grief - Every Mind Matters
Just as everyone experiences happiness differently, so do they experience grief. This movie tenderly reminds us of that. You don't have to agree all the time, but at least understand that what is best is what's best for YOU. This was beautifully acted and Jacob Tremblay certainly has a future ahead of him.

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