
IMDb member since March 2020
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    4 years, 3 months



Fascinating how it's rating 6.5
It puzzles me how productions such as this get funded. Plots don't have to be that original, but you can drive trucks through the holes in this one. Scripts don't have to be brilliant, but this one seems like a film school class in how not to write one. We can forgive weak points in acting, but much of the acting in this would be embarassing in a junior high school. Watching it through was as fascinating as a slow motion train wreck.

Reservation Dogs

Rare balancing act
I tried getting my teenage sons to watch this. They left the room too early and I didn't think it would resonate with me so I put it aside. A few weeks and review readings later, my partner and I couldn't stop watching. At times it looked like it would lurch a little too far into farce or slapstick, such as the goofy spirit guide. His and others' sharp self-awareness, coupled with other characters wincing on our behalf, allowed us as viewers to stay in tune with the authentic concurrent under- and overtones.

Somehow, without pulling punches, we can endure the elements of daily despair and tragedy because of the courage, resilience and above all, the pervasive wry humour that stops us getting overwhelmed or giving up hope. The creators have struck a very rare balance in portraying the toughest, most sensitive stories in ways that respect subjects and viewers alike. I'd love to learn more about the intercultural dynamics and achievements that must have been at play during its development and production. Pretty much a breakthrough, I feel safe to say, in both process and product.


Artistically impressive, reality checking needed
The cinematography and general artistry were impressive and no doubt majorly influenced such positive reviews. I was a little disappointed with the two leads' acting. It seemed overcooked quite often, almost slapstick, which didn't resonate with the film's otherwise ultrarealistic aspirations. A few other reality checks would also have improved the believability index. Examples: Soldiers have always been trained never to let go of their weapon, but this happened too easily. Also leaving his helmet behind even as ordinance and danger intensified. Beautiful and purposeful as the forest a capella ballad scene is, would an exhausted stumbling combatant manage to infiltrate a military division at the front line, unnoticed much less unchecked, sit down and enjoy the stirring performance as portrayed? To tweak these issues would have increased engagement, without compromising essential artistic licence. The tone would be more smoothly maintained and enhanced. Maybe the passing off WWI survivors has left a gap in the veteran consultancy industry.

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