
IMDb member since March 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 2 months


Spirits in the Dark

Eerie movie
I liked the story, the eerie cinematography, and the ending, and the director does a good job immersing his audience in the creepiness of the film. Well done!

A Swingin' Trio

Funny and sexy
This movie took me for a wild ride with some turns that I wasn't expecting. The film is a good mix of drama, comedy, sex, and music (I particularly enjoy the infusion of jazz interludes during the more intense moments). I enjoyed Johnny Walter's performance as Homer; he's frustrated, intense, and funny to the point of being eccentric. Homer's antics help carry the tone of the movie.

A Slice of Life on Barcelona

Good movie!
This isn't the Barcelona that Rick Steves tells you about. This Barcelona is real, wild, and dangerous, and this movie tells the story of people who do what they can to feel good and the consequences that result. It's a dark film with lots of drama and if you have a dark sense of humor, you may even find a little comedy here and there, and the story plays out well with outstanding performances from the cast. Good movie!

A Place of Truth

Beautiful documentary
Everybody has a story, some more unconventional than others. Everybody has their "truth", something that is real, meaningful, challenging, and inspiring for them. Abi Mott's story is brave and beautiful. "A Place of Truth" is a well-produced documentary telling that story with a lot of hope, inspiration, and authenticity. Nicely done!

A Normal Life

Very good movie!
"A Normal Life" is a beautiful, touching, and thought-provoking film with family and brotherhood at the center of the story. I'm the eldest of five siblings and I've always considered myself to be a type of liaison between my mother and my younger brother and sisters, so I understand both the fears of the mother in this movie as well as the struggles of the oldest son. It's one of those stories that breaks your heart a little but then tugs on your heart strings at the same time. The cast was phenomenal. Very good movie!

A Night Without Armor

Great movie!
It's very interesting that 99% of this movie is literally one scene: it's one conversation between two people with two different life perspectives (it's a man and a woman, you can't get any more different than that, right?). I loved how the dialogue starts off casual and progresses to a sort of exchange between hope and hopelessness. It's a beautiful film about two human beings who in one conversation challenge each other and at the same time inspire each other. Jacob Fishel and Pepper Binkley put on outstanding performances.

A Lesson in Cruelty

Dark and wild!
"A Lesson in Cruelty" is dark, wild, and funny! The main character is one that you don't feel guilty for hating. Seeing the antics in the film play out made me think of how much I'd love seeing a performance of this movie live in a theatrical production, but the movie in and of itself is rather entertaining and well-produced. Nicely done!

A Host of Sparrows

Well-produced film
"A Host of Sparrows" is an interesting story translated well into a well-produced film. The movie takes the viewer on lots of twists and turns with plenty of suspense, drama, and thrills. Solid performances from the cast as well!

A Guidebook to Killing Your Ex

Good film
If you're looking for a disturbing film to watch, this is the one. The picture that this movie paints isn't pretty. It's dark with some horrifying moments with some odd comical moments thrown in there. I was captivated by the lunacy of the main character; it's one of those scenarios that's so ugly that you can't turn away. I figure that was the director's objective and he pulled it off in expert fashion. Good film!

A Fiend's Love

Mystical drama
I enjoy seeing indie films venture into sci-fi and fantasy. "A Fiend's Love" does just that. It's a contemporary mystical drama with some thrills, violence, and special effects, but it's the disturbing nature of the antagonist in the film that establishes the eerie tone of the film. Nicely done!

A Devil's Game

Suspense and intrigue
"A Devil's Game" is full of suspense and intrigue with a story that kept me watching. At first, the line between good guy and bad guy is blurred as you're trying to figure out which players play for which side, but there are certain characters that stand out as villains that you love to hate. Throw in some girl power and you have a good thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

A Deeper Shade of Blue

I can probably be classified as the antithesis of your stereotypical surfer, but there's something to learn from just about everybody, and this film was enlightening. I was unaware of the long, rich history of surfing before watching this documentary. That culture is broader and a bit more diverse than what I (or even society) knew. I enjoyed it!

A Beautiful Belly

Good movie!
This is the type of movie that I hope men and women watch and notice the clear differences between the sexes for understanding. "A Beautiful Belly" did a fantastic job exhibiting how husbands and wives handle complicated scenarios. This film is very dramatic and emotional and it's very human. Fine performances from the cast as well.

9 Full Moons

Nice film!
Two things I really enjoyed about this movie: For starters, it's not a fairytale love story. It's real and that means it gets pretty dramatic and nightmarish, which happens when you get two damaged people together that only have their pain to pull from when they're trying to build something meaningful, but I'll save that for another counseling session. I also enjoyed the musical backdrop of the film. Being a musician and songwriter myself, I appreciated that the story highlighted some of the creative and professional struggles faced by aspiring performers and songwriters. Nice film!

8 Remains

Chilling concept
I love sci-fi films and I love thrills, and this movie combines them both with an intriguing story and plenty of mystery. And talk about a chilling concept! The scenarios that the main character finds herself facing are bizarre and frightening. I was engaged watching everything unfold. Good movie!

6 Dynamic Laws for Success (in Life, Love & Money)

Good Dark Comedy!
I love a good dark comedy! "6 Dynamic Laws..." is funny, twisted, and dramatic with an interesting story and beautiful cinematography. The witty writing is priceless and Travis Swartz is fantastic as Ulysses T. Lovin. This is a must-see for fans of dark comedy films!

His Father's Voice

Touching story with beautiful cultural expression
I enjoyed this movie immensely. It's a finely-produced film with a touching story about the struggles with human imperfection, and the cultural elements intrigued me. I'm a musician and a dancer, so watching the unique and intricate coordination of the dances and musical interludes in the movie was educating and fascinating. Fantastic work!

42 Seconds of Happiness

Authentic and effective
I loved the balance of authenticity and chaos in this movie. It's wild and dramatic while also being thought-provoking and effective.


Well done
"30-love" is dramatic, touching, and sometimes funny with the cutest baby ever in its cast. I can appreciate that it's not a happy story; it's real-life and it's a story that perhaps needs to be told for the sake of those that reach for the stars but feel such a struggle to get off the ground even on their best days.

3:13 Three Thirteen

This film is a grim reminder of the devastating results of American economic recession in 2008. It incorporates expert storytelling from the perspective of the most disadvantaged Americans of that time. "3:13" an emotional and heart-breaking portrayal of the misfortune still present for some over a decade later.

3 of a Kind

Intrigue, danger, revenge
Intrigue, danger, revenge, and a wild surprise twist. What more can you ask for?


Raw and intense
"2eleven" is not for the faint of heart. It's an intense story detailing the unchanging reality of warzone-like urban living in Detroit with perspectives from both ends-those who work to achieve a better life and those who believe that a better life is beyond their reach. The film throws a twist that catches you by surprise, but the story's reality leaves you heartbroken given that it's still the experience of so many American men, women, and children.

29 to Life

Funny and heartwarming
I love wit and sarcasm and this movie has plenty of them. "29 to Life" is a believe-in-yourself inspirational story without coming across as such and that's because main character Barnaby is zany in all the right ways and real where it counts.

24 Hours in My Council Flat

Real and gripping
As a natural introvert, this film made even me feel uncomfortable, but I think that's the intention. It's very human and it offers a real and gripping perspective of the proverbial life under a rock.

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