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Doctor Who: Midnight
Episode 10, Season 4

Solid. Excellent buildup, tense even
As I watched this episode I noticed myself waiting/no wanting a break in the tension. VERY simple set, very simple setup and a bit of ambiguity.

This episode is more about what is not resolved rather than was is resolved. I got it, it built well, it showed "human nature" under stress and how group-think can lead to Very Bad Decisions.

It also showed how having a descending and unpopular vote can elicit wrath - which, while it does not I think reference the last 7.5 years of the US presidency - can certainly be seen as a general commentary of what can happen when we give in to fear.

An excellent episode where the resolution was satisfying to me in the lack of explanation; that wasn't the point, I think.

Doctor Who: Turn Left
Episode 11, Season 4

Wow, what a tie-in
There are only weak spoilers here because I make a few vague references to the 4 new seasons as well as other tie ins and a few rumors and such.

This episode brings back material from all 4 of the new seasons. This is another episode from a different character's perspective...and it works. As the name implies, we see what would happen if one event changed just a little bit. Seems simple enough, but as with many seemingly innocuous events...little did s/he (want to keep the sex of the character out so I'm making it ambiguous) that that upon that one decision would hang the fate of the universe...

You'll get more out of this episode if you've watched all 4 seasons. You'll also get more if you have followed Torchwood as there is another tie in. Something from the first season that I felt was left hanging is brought back to finally bear fruit.

If you go searching on the net for rumors and summaries and such, and you listen to interviews with D.T., it really leads to a possible multi-year cliffhanger - that's a guess, I really don't know as of this writing.

I don't want to write any more because I would hate to give it away anything that would ruin your experience, but bravo.

I have the next two episodes to watch and I really need to go to bed, and I'm only just going to manage.

Neil Young: Heart of Gold

Next best thing to a concert (spoilers?)
Do you like Neil Young? If so, this concert-movie is worth seeing in the theater. After a very brief introduction of the band and a few other people, we jump right in to the live music.

He covers most (if not all) of his current album, Prairie Wind. Prairie Wind is a decent album, I'm still warming up to it. However, the recorded live sound on this movie is simply amazing.

The closeups of Neil and the general cinematography is very good.

OK, here's the bad news. When my wife and I showed up, we had the theater to ourselves at 8 PM on a Friday evening (one other person arrived about 15 minutes late). I don't think this one is going to stay in theaters for more than a week.

Second, the tempo of the concert is pretty excellent throughout though it slows down in the final three songs. I would have liked to see a few more up-tempo songs to end. That's really my only complaint.

Finally, I think the sound of the songs are better here that the Prairie Wind recordings released on CD. I'll probably get this DVD when it comes out just to listen to it.

Spider-Man 2

Amazing ride, worth a midnight showing.
I happened to go to Fahrenheit 9/11, which ended about 5 minutes before the midnight showing of S2. While I'll be tired in the morning, it was worth the loss of sleep.

<minor spoilers (if you have not seen a preview)> Tobey Maguire plays an excellent but torn hero. He really gets the emotional s*&t kicked out of him and does it well. When he decides his fate, it takes time and a key moment from a preview to make it come together.

Kirsten Dunst is also amazing showing complex and conflicting emotions very well.

The chemistry between them is wonderful and there are some powerful moments between then where nothing is said.

There are some intense moments in the movie and during my show there were several people crying.

I rated it a 10/10. While there are at least a few minor plot problems, the overall movie is excellent.

<Slightly bigger spoiler> The ending should have happened at the dock, I think it would have been more powerful. As it is, things seem to get wrapped up a bit much for my liking (though not enough to remove the excellent rating). There will be an S3.

Bubba Ho-Tep

Elvis and JFK save the day, it works
This is mostly a character movie, and a good one. The beginning sets the atmosphere and background. It feels like a slow start but it works overall.

Bruce Campbell and Ossie Davis are both in good form. I think I actually like Ossie Davis' character a touch better, but Bruce Campbell plays a convincing Elvis.

There are several places where I and the group I watched the movie with openly laughed loudly. I think the resolution happened just a bit too quickly/easily (in a sense I guess), but no major complaints.

If you though Elvis and JFK were dead, think again. They are alive and well and saving old people everywhere from evil, soul sucking mummies.

Lost in Translation

Excellent movie with realistic relationships
  • minor spoilers -

There are 3 relationships in this movie: Bob and Charlotte, Bob and his wife, Charlotte and her husband. Each is quite different and I was able to connect to parts of each one.

The tension between Bob and Charlotte has a nice, natural feeling progression. I can feel myself acting in the same way Bob is towards Charlotte. I have done this in my life.

The relationship between Charlotte and her husband is something I can appreciate as well. I went to England for 6 months and brought my (now ex) wife. She went through much of what Charlotte experienced and it helped me to better appreciate at least a little of what she was going through while we were in England.

The relationship between Bob and his wife also strikes a chord with me. It has the feeling of the end of my marriage with my wife.

Maybe I saw this at the right time (2 weeks after my divorce was actually finalized). Even so, this move touched me in many ways.

I highly recommend this movie. I even recommended it to my ex wife.

The Matrix Reloaded

Excellent action, plot twist leaves me wondering
  • no spoilers -

I had worked on lowering my expectations so that I would not be disappointed. I predicted that the second installment would be akin to Highlander II (OK, I don't think anything could be that bad).

There was one slow part near the beginning. I think it could have been shorter but there were some relevant allusions so I can forgive it. It also tied up things a bit.

There were some places where I noticed the CGI, but overall all the action was wonderful and the fight scenes were wonderfully choreographed.

Some of the revelations were expected; they explained some things from the first movie as well. Near the end we find out more about what "the one" is meant to do. Or do we? That's to be determined. Regardless, the plot development from the middle to the end was solid. Some of the dialog could have been better but it was NOWHERE near as bad as the most recent Star Wars.

Is this movie better than the first? The shock value of the world being a simulation was not there, but you already knew that. The action sequences were bigger, but you already knew that. The plot development was good, I though better than the first. However, I'm a software developer and I suspect that has a bit to do with why I liked the plot development so much.

I'll see it again, but you already knew that.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Visuals 8.2, Plot 7.4, Acting 4.5, Dialog 4.1
(No spoilers) The summary says it all. I read another review where someone said they will go back and watch the movie while listening to some music so he won't have to hear the dialog. That's a great idea.

The visuals are quite good. I don't think they are better than Lord of the Rings but they are quite good. There are several good action sequences. One near the end is amazing.

I think the whole story line ties in well with the future episodes, gives a very good story/history and there's some excellent irony (not the literal kind but the kind that people normally us the word for) in what happens throughout the movie.

There are some scenes where you can almost read on the face of the actors "Do I really have to say this line coming up?" There are several scenes where the direction given to the actors does not seem congruent with the situation. Adding to this is the fact that several characters are mostly/entirely computer animated, so the eyes don't line up (either in the real actors or the animated actors).

I think they used some previous characters well, if not a bit forced. Unfortunately, some of the jokes/puns were so very, very bad I literally heard my wife saying (quietly) "they did not just say that."

It's the start of the summer movies. This one is OK. I went in with moderate expectations. I was somewhat disappointed. I won't rush back to see this one again.

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