
IMDb member since March 2020
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SAD AND DISAPPOINTING - Billie is in need of Therapy
I watched this show because of the 3 lead people and what I have seen them in prior, otherwise no way. The messages this show sent out into the universe was horrible. Of course people have fantasies about a lot of things, but acting on them at the cost of your spouses sanity, morals and values is to big of a price to pay, especially with two small children and Billie lost in her fantasies instead of taking care of what is real life important. I felt sad and sorry for Cooper, but considering an affair is not the answer to his real life problems with Billie. Billie's character, well educated, who falls into the same trap of "going Back" time and again to a broken person who she wants to fix, when fixing herself first would have been the right choice. Hot Sex does not make a strong, sustainable relationship with a life partner, obviously. Brad is a destructive broken spoiled ass! I personally cannot imagine leaving a good man like Cooper who had no idea what she wanted or needed, since she never told him or showed him. I hope this is not renewed, it is a waste of time.

A Teacher

Very Enjoyable - A Definite Watch
Regardless of personal opinion, the show is very well done and as a huge fan of Nick Robinson and Kate Mara, it made the show better, because they are versatile in their acting skills. Even though considered inappropriate due to age difference and student/teacher issues, the show is sexy and will remind us all of our deep down feelings growing up. Claire is lonely, unhappy about her home situation, husband gone all the time, she cannot get pregnant, she is getting older. I think most senior males would partake in what she is offering based on what I have seen and read, however; it also does emotional scars, because you know it is wrong and keeping such a huge secret and sneaking around causes a lot of guilt.

I would guess most people have been in a situation like this, whether the person being pursued or the pursuer. I personally have been on both sides in my life time, I am 60 years old. I have also been sexually harassed in the work place more than once during my career, which runs a fine line such as this. It is confusing, you question do I really want this, did I cause this, is this wrong, etc.? My 8th grade teacher asked to kiss me at a dance, he was 24 and I did not let him, but I wanted him to, we all had a crush on him, he was very hot. At least he asked and I said no, I had a boyfriend.

It is worth watching, I am anxious to see all of the episodes,

The 100

I Thought Season 5 Was Bad....
Season 7 is sadly lacking a good story, it is pretty bad and I have been a loyal follower of the 100. With Bob Morley the show simply does not work. No one is strong enough to carry the show, and it is all over the place. The reason for so many people to watch was the connection between Clarke and Bellamy, it is what made it work. I am sad to see it go out this way, and I find it hard to believe Bob Morley is returning, they just keep saying that for us to continue watching it, to not loose fan base to be The 100 with a 100 shows. I loved this show and have read all the books, so dissapointing.

The 100: Blood Giant
Episode 13, Season 7

So much worse than the whole season of Blood Reigna! I have loyally watched each and every episode, and had previously read all the books, which where not followed. The books were so much better than the show, much better writing. This was so awful and hurtful that after all the "Together, Head and Heart, blah, blah, blah" that Clarke kill's Bellamy, what were the writers thinking? Besides not being okay or with the flow of their relationship, it was all out stupid. Poorly written, poorly produced, rushed in that scene, awful! Shame on Jason, shame on the writers, producers, so completely disappointing. I wasted 7 years on this crap for what? The show never came back from how great the first season was.

The 100

I Thought Season 5 Was Bad....
Season 7 is sadly lacking a good story, it is pretty bad and I have been a loyal follower of the 100. With Bob Morley the show simply does not work. No one is strong enough to carry the show, and it is all over the place. The reason for so many people to watch was the connection between Clarke and Bellamy, it is what made it work. I am sad to see it go out this way, and I find it hard to believe Bob Morley is returning, they just keep saying that for us to continue watching it, to not loose fan base to be The 100 with a 100 shows. I loved this show and have read all the books, so dissapointing.

The Good Doctor

This show never disappoints, it has an amazing cast. Freddie Highmore is a genius actor, who has done outstanding work since he was a small child. This role, OMG, I am in awe each show as he is completely believable and when I see him interviewed as himself and not Dr. Murphy, I am like, wow! He has done so much for his age, his folks must be so proud of him. This last show, the first of the part season finale was so good, I cannot wait for the episode on March 30th. It is a must see show I look forward to watching.

Good Girls

Disappointing Season
I have watched this show since it started, and it was so great. But this season, not so much! It has gotten too dark and unsavory, and the writers appear to have lost their touch with the scripts. Where is the laughs, the fun, and yes it is a serious show, but the first two seasons had a lot of comedy, you didn't really take the dark part. Rio was fun, now he isn't and I like Manny Montana, and I do not like the direction they have taken his character. Beth is such a whiner, never particularly cared for her character, but it has declined rapidly. I hope the writers have something planned to bring it back up to fun, funny and enjoyable again.

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