
IMDb member since July 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


A Place in Hell

Worst Movie EVER!
So my dad bought this movie at Wal-Mart and I wish I could sue Wal-Mart for selling this piece of garbage. There is, literally, not a single redeeming aspect to this movie. Heck, the only reason I'm taking the time to review this monstrosity is to prevent other people from throwing away their hard earned money and/or their valuable time. I don't know if this movie is actually based on a real serial killer, but if so, they should sue for slander or something. DON'T NOT BUY OR WATCH THIS MOVIE!

The Bye Bye Man

SPOILERS: Don't think it, don't say it, don't watch it.
I was forced by IMDb's regulations to give this one when I wanted to give it zero. Now, I know there are a great many reviews on here that blather on about what was so awful about this garbage film so I won't go into unnecessary detail.

So what did I find so horrid about the Bye Bye Man? In short, everything. The acting was terrible, the writing was bad, the story wasn't thought through, and, most importantly, the bad guy's backstory was not explained at all (thus leaving the audience confused in addition to angry that they wasted their money.) Even the movie's editing was choppy and jarring. There is not a single redeemable feature to this movie and trust me, I wanted to find one.

The Bye Bye Man? Should have been called the Shouldn't Have Been Made Man.

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