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The X Files: Redux II
Episode 2, Season 5

I'm here as a friend.
Great episode that answers many lingering questions.

Was great to see another side of CSM a man in light of mulders death he seemed to change his attitude towards mulder. He becomes somewhat of a father figure. He reveals many mysteries to mulder to gain his trust. But mulder refuses to submit and it seems CSM paid the price for his outreach with a sniper bullet. I think he survived and will pop up later in the season.

Would love to hear more about Rousch and how deep it runs with the syndicates plan and how many more fbi/Dod members it had in their payroll. Also who runs the company? I'm assuming it's the first elder who gave the order for CSM to be shot. Looking forward to see how the plan unfolds.

Scully can now attribute her cancer healing to either the trip or prayer. I think she'll go with the prayer reason as science and religion are the only lenses she can perceive the world through.

I'm surprised mulder took a wild guess on the FBI Rousch and was right :S. It seemed to have taken right off the hook. Not sure how mulder will casually bounce back though let's see.

Overall great episode that continues the main arc of the story.

The X Files: Redux
Episode 1, Season 5

FBI vs Mulder and Scully.
So many more questions than answers in this episode.

Why did CSM alert mulder go ?

How did scully conveniently faint as she was going to provide evidence of the alien human hybrid experimentation that caused her cancer?

What's Skinners role in all of this ?

Why was just water stored in the filing cabinets in the DOD?

How did they not revoke the keycard of a dead man?

How long will scully's lies hold up for ?

Overall a great episode that is leading up to some big reveals. It seems the alien propaganda was just a front allowing the government to do tests right in the DoD killing then in the process.

Skinners seems so on edge I wonder what he's protecting. His allegiances has always bounced between CSM and his direct reports.

The X Files: Gethsemane
Episode 24, Season 4

Mulders wouldn't Epstein himself
What a bombshell of an episode.

Scully seems to priorities herself in the FBI hearing and systematically disproves mulders beliefs, after all she's seen and been through? One thing that is certain though is that the syndicates lies run very deep and each lie has its own truth seeker perpetuating that very lie by seeking it.

How will he ever know the truth must have been mulders thoughts when watching Carl Sagan. I really don't think mulders dead though, he may have staged it so he could use the veil of death to go under the radar and discover higher truths.

One last thing Scullys inclination to believe CSM's agents over mulder is concerning. It seems she just wants a scientific rational explanation for everything and that often isn't clear in any of the cases they pursue. I'm just in shock that a she still thinks this way after all the paranormal activity she's witnessed.

The X Files: Demons
Episode 23, Season 4

Your demons lead to your truth.
This was a mulder centric episode as he explores his memories via a ketamine fueled procedure bough on by a crazy psychiatrist. He remembers so much that he demands his mother validate his memories at she is apart of all the trauma his family face with his sister and CSM.

Mulder does scream to his mother "who's my real father" it wasn't clear whether he saw something that triggered that in his flashbacks. Nevertheless this was a risky decision taken by mulder as he witness multiple people kill themselves under this drug. Thank god scully prevented him from doing so himself.

It seems eveytine Mulder gets closer to the truth he's presented with more obstacles and questions.

The X Files: Elegy
Episode 22, Season 4

Call ghostbusters
Elegy is a average episode. It explores ghost of the recent dead person appearing to another person who will die soon. An autistic bowling alley assistant is at the core of suspicious in this episode, but I some how winds up to me a sadistic career who's the real villain.

One of the reasons this was a weak episode was the story telling. There was more emphasis on scully and her doomed future than the unravelling of the prime suspect. And the suspect was only found by scully by chance.

I didn't understand who scully didn't tell mulder about the ghost much earlier on, he would have probably solved the case much sooner.

But hey. It was an ok episode.

The X Files: Zero Sum
Episode 21, Season 4

The darkness looks back into skinner
Bombshell of an episode that reveals some great plot developments. Scully is back in hospital and skinner has made a deal with the devil to heal scully. Skinners unwise decisions is catching up with him as we see his detective prowess deduce that there's something sinister going on with small pox and bees.

Mulder also is using his powers to find out who is at the centre of the cover up and it leads right back to skinner. It seems CSM man is toying with mulder his superiors and information sources. At this rate mulder has no chance to heal scully and find out the centre of elaborate conspiracy that the syndicate is running.

The X Files: Small Potatoes
Episode 20, Season 4

Beautifully written episode.
The x files writers explore a shape shifting tail bender. Who uses his special muscles to woo the ladies under the guise of a man they trust and hold close.

Absolutely love this episode ,from the beginning it seemed the there was a mystery mutant impregnating as many women as possible for some alien government programme. But it was all the muse of Eddie van blundth or however you spell it. His character development was excellent and his trickery was next level. Although mulders whit and intuition defeated him on multiple occasions.

Would have love to see scully be fully seduced by Eddie but mulder saves the day. And now hold a hint of subtle jealously as Ed brands mulder a loser just like him.

The X Files: Synchrony
Episode 19, Season 4

time travelling to stop time travel!
The future is inevitable...

Great episode that explores time travel on the x files. Although the science isnt always clear and a the antagonist disappearance towards the end being mysterious. The plot it self was captivating and as always, mulders intuitions and scullys materialistic scepticism create a great case solving dynamic.

Was great to see the concept of someone coming back from time and killing himself to stop a grave future where "there is no hope"it seems a grave future awaits all of us if we stop at a particular point. If anything this old man's pursuit makes me think we should enjoy the present as much as possible and work to change out future as the past offers us nothing but pain and sorrow.

The X Files: Max
Episode 18, Season 4

Max & Pendrell will not die in vein
Great end to a two part series which ends in a massive cover up. But a win for the opossing aliens that retrieve the technology that secret agencies where willing to kill hundreds on passengers for.

I feel as though the secret service man in this episode was quite brazen and took no precautions in finding the equipment max and his accomplis stole. It was a shame that agent Pendrel was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It seems all those who are close enough to Scully and Mulder meet some terrible fate as a result their search for the truth.

Rip Max Fenig too. From his video recordings he seemed to be very knowledgable on the military industrial complex and syndicate. I wish we could see him tag team with Mulder expose the syndicate.

It seems Mudler wont fid his definitive evidence in Max's device he has no memory of what happened to it. Only thing he knows is he lost 9 minutes of time.

The X Files: Tempus Fugit
Episode 17, Season 4

Scullys birthday Mulders underwater present
Great set up episode for a hopefully epic reveal.

Mulder and scully are investigating a crash that a repeat abductee was on seemingly carrying something the secret government or aliens wanted so much they were willing to crash two aircraft's to get it.

This episode really a scratched the surface of what really is going on.

Why was max fenig on a commercial flight? What was he carrying? Why was the flight intercepted? Who was trying to assassinate fenig? Why did the same me try to assassinate the air traffic controllers?

I hope all gets answered in the next episode. Also mulder has now seen so many dead aliens that his faith must be unwavering.

The X Files: Unrequited
Episode 16, Season 4

Now you see me now you don't.
I enjoyed this episode as it touches on skinners past and the governments war lies to its own people. This story is centred about a captured green berry of the Vietnam war who has come out of captivity and is going after the men who covered up his death all to push a victory narrative.

Ge manages to dispatch two high ranking generals before mulder and his quick thinking manages to learn his secret about hiding in plain sight.

I enjoyed the touch this story had to each of the characters back stories. Skinners story of being a Vietnam pow and Mulders passion to uncover the truth.

But yet again the secret policy makers cover up the evidence with more lies and make dead ends of all evidence.

The X Files: Kaddish
Episode 15, Season 4

Jewish Golems are coming for you.
Decent well paced episode detailing the revenge of a dead jewish man bought to life by jewish mysticism hell bent on finding his enemies. Only to return to the mid he was made from.

This episode had limited character development of scully or mulder. But did show Scullys normal personality traits of rationalising the unknown. How could you explain a book spontaneously combusting with aresnic traces in the ground. Cmon Scully.

Not sure how they worded this case in their field report. I'm sure skinned wouldn't be impressed with golem fiancé who was killed by nazi's comes back to life to kill nazi's and his bride to be's disapproving father.

Nevertheless this was a good filler episode that explored Jewish mysticism and Neo nazi's two extreme sides of the same coin.

The X Files: Memento Mori
Episode 14, Season 4

The cancer man speads his cancer
Mulder and scully get desperate as scully now sees her cancer looming over her. Mulder refuses to beileuve there is no treatment and Scully goes for traditional scientific treatment and makes a great friend in the process.

Mulder does find out the scullys genetic material is used to make clones whilst digging deeper into the MUFCON origins. These clones are trying to save their mother whilst being hunted by the secret cabal hitmen.

Mulder doe his best to find the cure but is unable too whilst but figures out the doctors treating scully is just y her death. Whilst scully decides she is going to work to her last breath.

A great episode with a weak ending. Scully is going through a lot and a lot of it is edited out. In favour of mulder breaking into a lab to find more secrets of the human hybrid programme. Would love too see when and if mulder finds a cure and if cancer man complies and uses that leverage over skinner and co.

The X Files: Never Again
Episode 13, Season 4

Scully the rebel
Scully is now coming to terms with inner rebel in this episode. It's almost like she is re living her teenage years. I'm sure all teenage girls liked dangerous guys and got random tattoos that may cause auditory hallucinations.

Mulder was forced to take some time off this episode but still was in the weeds of any investigations. Can't believe the guy didn't take any time off for the last 4 years. Not when his dad died, not when he caught multiple infectious alien diseases, Not when he got shot etc. This obviously breeds some plot holes here.

Scully has come so close to death multiple times and miraculously got out of it last minute it's astounding. She was seconds away from being burnt to a crisp but managed to save herself somehow.

Nevertheless this was an okay episode. That gave some character development and shun a light on scullys slow decline.

The X Files: Leonard Betts
Episode 12, Season 4

Leonard Betts will give cancer man a run for his money.
Will the real Leonard Betts stand up

Would have loved to know more about Leonard. How did he aquire his abilities and remain under the radar for so long? What did he do to his mom ? And is this the last we'll see of him?

Brilliant episode. I really enjoyed the plot and some of the scientific explanations provided by mulder was a feat of brilliant writing along side the ordinary denial and whit of scully. Charles Darwin would have definitely rolled in his grave for this episode.

Scully has something the cancer man needs, does this mean scully has cancer? The very thing she's been denying after all these episodes. Hard pill to swallow. I would love to see the group of women who had the same implant meet with her again so she can face her demons.

The X Files: El Mundo Gira
Episode 11, Season 4

Mulder Lets Investigate This Mould
Good premise but not so great execution. Parts of the plot felt cliche and rushed. Nevertheless it was a entertaining story that highlighted to me that every legend has part truth and part exaggeration.

The Agents go out to investigate a migrant worker who has been struck from the sky with a deadly fungus that kills his brothers love Maria. The locals now rand this migrant worker (Buentes) as El chupacapra a legendary creature in mexican folklore that sucks the blood of goats. In this episode the legends origins are explored.

The Brothers seems to share resistance against the fungus that kills all in its path and they roam Mexico under the mystery of nobody caring for them.

I found the ending to be under whelming. Im shocked two alien looking brothers can freely exist in this world of cameras, social media and US military surveillance but i guess the episode needed to end somehow.

The X Files: Paper Hearts
Episode 10, Season 4

An Emotional Journey for us and Mulder
John lee Roach the antagnist in this Xfiles case which has been previously closed has come into light as Mulder gets a tip off in his dreams on the body of a missing child.

Mulder pulls out all stops of for this case as he monster John actually spoke to his father and was eyeing up his sister for capture. This leaves mulder in search for answers from John and manages to get him out of prison somehow. John uses this opportunity to escape and search for a fresh victim using mulders credentials.

Mulder allowed this peadophile to get inside his head, he believes him and the killer have some psychic connection. Hence how john knew about his sister kidnapping and linked it to the final paper heart.

This leaves an unopened question for the viewers was Mulders sister captured by John or aliens?. Well the clones of his sister in previous episodes says otherwise.

The X Files: Terma
Episode 9, Season 4

Wake the Russian bear and it will find who's stolen it's honey.
Russia has caught onto exposure of their black oil experiments and somehow the syndicate has corrupted "Honourable men". The focus on this episode is the location of mulder to stop him from uncovering the truth about the alike black oil virus.

Meanwhile mulder has escaped Russian prison and somehow found his way home. Whilst krycek has found new allies and seems to have gotten was he deserves.

I enjoyed the meeting of CSM and well manicured man in the shadows it seems CSM aid unaware of krycek and his orchestration of the black oil investigation nevertheless he has great oversight in the situation.

Overall a great episode, that allows men in power to say unaccountable whilst evidence is destroyed.

The X Files: Tunguska
Episode 8, Season 4

The return of Krycek
Excellent episode that starts of with Krycek tipping of mulder about a bomb a group of extremist stole from government sites.

He becomes useful to mulder to uncover potential bombs on to her locations. But it's seems other parties are interested in Mr krycek so he needs or be safe. All whilst the Alien cancer is loose. In the FBI labs.

I'm happy to see kychek again as he is one of my favourite antagonist. He seems to be able to get out of the most precarious situations unharmed. Nevertheless the story about how he got out those bunker silos is full of holes.

I like how the other characters treat him like a low life but he's almost unkillable as he posses valuable intel in most episodes he featured in.

Mulder is now on search for the origins of the black slime, he's tracked in down to Russia via his united nation source, which is proving more and more useful to him as episodes go by.

He goes there with kychek as he finds he can speak Russian. But inevitably Krycek stabs him in the back and mulder is tested on with alien slime. How will he get out of this one!

The X Files: Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man
Episode 7, Season 4

Brilliant side episode.
I really enjoyed this episode. Nice to see x files try something different and give us fans some character development on one of the most mysterious antagonists.

I particularly enjoyed how CSM tried to turn his life around but gave up on the first writers hurdle. What a shame he seems to posses exceptional writing skill. Unfortunately, his skills as a sniper have made him more prolific and dangerous as the years went by in the multiple stories told.

We finally saw the man behind the cigarette and got a glimpse about his past that foretold dark future.

CSM's chocolate monologue was an excellent metaphor to how he felt his life was going and showed his excellent vocabulary at full range.

I'm glad they shun a light on CSM, I hope more of the mystery unveils in following episodes.

The X Files: Sanguinarium
Episode 6, Season 4

Beauty comes at great cost.
The anatganoist on this episode was one of favourites and one of the most powerful in x files history. How he uses his victims to live forever is amazing.

I never suspected the board member to be the villain, I always thought it was the strange lady. Turns out she was trying to save future patients by drawing pentagrams on them and laying in a bathtub of blood, I assume for her protection from his powerful magic.

Mulder really did his research on this case and cracked the pentagram code just in time. He really showed his brilliance on this one. Scully was just lagging behind him trying to use science to explain how surgical tools ended up in someone's intestines.

Overall a great episode.

The X Files: The Field Where I Died
Episode 5, Season 4

An okay episode with lots of deep meaning that likely went over my head. Kudos to the brilliant achieving from Mellisa and her other personalities. That was really entertaining to watch her switch from person to person.

Would have love to learn more about her background rather than her past and life and history with mulder.

Cancer man is likened to Gestapo on this episode which I found funny. As he's likely the person running the FBI which could be considered as the secret police.

I didn't understand why the church members had to die and why they so willingly drank poison. They must of really had a absolute faith in their leader.

Overall an okay episode that I won't be watching again.

The X Files: Unruhe
Episode 4, Season 4

Howlers are coming
Tense episode that explores the life of a schizophrenic killer who wants to take away the pain of the howlers from young women. They casted the perfect person for Gerry with the cross eyes he fitting the role beautifully. This antagonist was one of the best in x files for me.

Gerry really seemed to hate sigmund frued. I guess he learned about him during his mental asylum break. It was strange how he used his power and managed to escape out of policy custody then capture an FBI agent. He was really good at his craft. Leaving nothing but pictures of his mind behind.

Kudos to mulder for deciphering the mental maze of a monster and tracking him down just in time before scully became the last victim he "saved"

The X Files: Teliko
Episode 3, Season 4

I feed on your darkness
Decent monster of the week episode. Showing a African native that needs to drain peoples melanin to survive. Mulder calls upon his new source post Mr X's death. And she helps points him into the right direction.

The antagonist here seems to come from African myth as told by the ambassador but he has now found a way into America but grows hungry day by day.

This episode does remind me of eugene tooms monster of the week. He seems to have similar mannerisms as him. As they both are acting on the need to consume something whether it be liver or melanin.

Scullys end explanation was classical scully exploring the situation through the lenses of science after all she's been through.

The X Files: Home
Episode 2, Season 4

A wrong turn
Not my favourite episode but was entertaining and good enough story on its own. The Peacocks who are the main characters of the investigation have been exposed for their child dumping and now are killing those who are investigating their crime.

Lots of foreshadowing in this episode linking scully to motherhood oddly. I wonder if they'll bring this to the light in future episodes. I'm surprised the brothers went on a killing spree of officers, they brought a lot of unseeded attention to their peaceful home.

Was annoyed to see the mom and dad get away in the end. With hopes of starting a new monstrous family that they can be proud off.

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