
IMDb member since April 2020
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Supreme Justice with Judge Karen

Please, can we get Judge Joe Brown and Alex out of Retirement??
Let me start by saying I'm an admitted TV court room show junkie (I don't watch drama detective CSI type shows, dislike talk shows) Been watching them since early 2000s. Back in the golden era of a slew of GOOD shows to watch: Judge Judy, Judge Alex, Judge Joe, Judge Mathis, Brown, People's Court, original Divorce Court, I watched and admired almost all (Judge Mathis is unwatchable for the past 4-5 years, too damn mean and angry). So, with my background, I feel qualified in saying this has to be one of the worst in recent years(there've been others but they were cancelled long ago). For one "litigants" seem so scripted and poised even with contentious cases, as if they are there mainly there to play along and get their fee for appearing. But the episode I watched yesterday annoyed me so much, I had to write review. The case centered around a botched landscape job, the defendant refused to pay because the plaintiff supposedly did a bad job on topiary sculpture of two swans. The defendant showed photos, and as I'm half watching, I'm waiting for the camera to show the TV audience the main cruxt of the case: the photos of those botched swans. Judge Karen spends at least 3 minutes pointing to the photos, as I'm waiting for court room tv monitor to display the image being referred to, I'm like, does the damn production of this crappy charade realize this is a televised show. Lol, worst directed tv court show out there in recent year.

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