
IMDb member since April 2020
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    4 years, 1 month


Motherland: Fort Salem

love it
I don't know why people are so negative about this show. I'm absolutely in love with the plot and the characters. also the fact that it's an entirely new take on witches which I haven't seen before. other than the writing being good and the characters being very interesting, it is also awesome to see a show run by females and have good representation. overal it's definitely a show i'd recommand to everyone who enjoys some supernatural.

Utopia Falls

a great show
Honestly one of the best shows i've watched in the last 2 years. The first two episodes are a bit less than the rest of the season, but still very good. Not only is the writing good and the plot interesting, but also the amount of diversity in the characters. This show is something else and I can't wait to see where they take it in season two.

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