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The Deep End of the Ocean

Ironic title as there was little depth
This film sadly didn't meet my expectations, especially given the cast.

The story felt very linear, with a sequence of events just happening instead of having multiple things going on. The pacing felt off at times, with little build up of emotions or characters or the relationships between them, and some things simply didn't make much sense.. There were some characters that were hardly needed, such as the girl. It was hard to become invested in any of them. Some of the dialogue felt very contrived and some attempts at humour falling flat. The whole film just felt weak and lacked any suspense or excitement. Even the music felt out of place at times, seeming too upbeat in serious situations. Definitely will not be watching again.

Pokemon konsheruju

A great, refreshing addition to the world of Pokemon
I had no idea what to expect from this show, but after watching the 4 episodes in one go I was really pleasantly surprised.

Firstly, the aesthetics were amazing. The sunny island was really brought to life with its colours and textures. It's a place you will desperately want to visit. I loved the fuzzy textures of some of the pokemon even if they perhaps felt a bit too toy-like at times. The animation overall was done really well.

What I also liked was that, while there were certainly some very cutesy and emotional scenes, it wasn't overdone and was interspersed with plenty of humour and everyday life. Some of the other series are so oversweet in that respect and I was worried I was going to get the same, but I was happy to see it was more balanced. It made me laugh and smile and shed a couple of tears. There were also some pearls of wisdom that I think a lot of people can benefit from.

I really hope we get more episodes in the future and I urge any pokemon fan to give it a go.

His Dark Materials

Overall a great adaptation
Having just binged the three seasons, I'm happy enough to come here and give it a positive review.

First and foremost I think the effects were really something. Everything felt quite immersive, there were rarely times that something felt too fake. Some of the imagery was exactly how I imagined from the books, for example the abyss and the mulefa world.

Some of the performances were amazing and award-worthy. My favourites were Ruth Wilson as Mrs Coulter, Will Keen as Father MacPhail. Simone Kirby as Mary and. Ruta Gedmintas as Serafina. They each really brought their characters to life, from the tensions of Coulter and MacPhail to the serenity of Serafina and the more ordinary yet inquisitive Mary.

Some other portrayals I was less keen on, including the two main characters, though I think they improved towards the end and delivered an impactful finale. I also wasn't completely sold on Asriel, perhaps just a bit too different from my personal image of him. My other gripe is that I felt there wasn't enough time for some characters to be properly fleshed out and felt for, which led to some scenes being less emotional than they could have been.

Regardless, this series overall did the books justice and I would definitely recommend it.

The Vicar of Dibley

My favourite British sitcom
This has always been my favourite sitcom. It has such a warm, cosy, colourful vibe and cast, a bunch of lovable village idiots that work so well together. A lot of the jokes are so original and memorable, delivered so well by the amazing actors that sadly have mostly left us now. Alice and Hugo's wedding will forever be my favourite episode, filled with non-stop gags that will have you laughing the whole way through, but all the other episodes are certainly worth a watch too. The theme tune is the icing on the cake, enveloping all that warmth, and I always get a bit teary whenever I listen to it, and that's coming from somebody who's not really religious. I can't say I've ever felt this exact way about any other show, so please do give it a go if you haven't.

Search Party

Some absolute gems of comedy
Binged this show for the last couple of weeks. Initially thought it was "ok", perhaps a bit slow getting started, but towards the end of the first season it got interesting and in season two it really kicked into gear, with some absolutely wonderful moments of comedy and acting.

My favourite character/actor would have to be Portia/Meredith Hagner, she steals every scene she's in and has incredible talent. She also has great chemistry with Elliot/John. Early and would happily watch a spin off with these two.

Things did get quite absurd in the later seasons, but if you have an open mind it still kinda works, and there are still moments of great comedy. It felt like they abandoned a few plotlines in the last season though and perhaps it deviated a bit too far, but I think the absurdity of it is kinda the point.

Overall , definitely worth a go.

Pobol y Cwm

Still has what the others have lost
In the past I've had my phases with Eastenders, Corrie and Neighbours. I found them all entertaining in the 00s but in the last 10 years or so I've found them all lacking soul, prioritising storylines over characterisation, having wooden dialogues instead of more dynamic scenes, and generally feeling serious and depressing.

About a year ago I was getting desperate for a soap fix, and suddenly remembered Pobol y Cwm. I'd never watched it properly, merely aware of it. I started by searching scenes on YouTube, and soon quite enjoyed the characters and the scenes. I then started watching it on iplayer and a year later I'm still a regular viewer.

What I like most about it is the breathing space they give the characters. A chance to be themselves in the pub, dabbling in petty dramas and generally being quite humorous. There is of course still real drama but it's well balanced and doesn't feel so oppressive. The acting is great and you can tell they enjoy doing it.

If there's any negatives I have to mention, it will probably be that some storylines seem to skip or be abandoned, for example some characters resolving tensions off-screen. But all in all a very enjoyable watch.

A Tale Dark & Grimm

Definitely worth a go
I was pleasantly surprised with this series, initially thinking it was another cheap Netflix animation and instead discovering a show full of soul. The story came together really well, with healthy doses of emotion and humour mixed in (including the odd joke for the adults).

Regarding how dark/gory it is, it's not nearly as bad as some commenting on here make out, and can only think that it's the result of kids tv and parents softening up in recent years. It's all dark humour which is palatable and I'm sure the majority of kids over 5 would be fine.

Really the only thing I didn't like in the whole series was the female raven, who seemed to be wholly aimed at the younger audience as I simply found her annoying, but everything else was great.

Ninja Express

Quite funny
Gave this a go last night even though I'm not exactly its target audience, but I enjoy animations and believe the decent ones can be enjoyable for all ages. It didn't disappoint, with some witty wacky humour and snappy pace which can be detrimental to some cartoons but absolutely works with this one. Each episode is only ten minutes or so, so give it a go; suitable for all ages.

Karigurashi no Arietti

Becomes more of a favourite after every watch
I have seen this Ghibli four times now I think, the latest being last night, and it gains more respect from me each time.

The amount of detail is astonishing, which really brings you into the borrowers' world, though it also brings you the perspective of the humans from time to time.

I love the soundtrack fronted by Cecile Corbel, I've been playing the main theme a lot for years but last night I enjoyed the other songs more and enhances a pleasant Sunday evening watch.

The ending is bittersweet and beautiful and leaves somewhat of a lasting impression. Overall I think this is a wonderfully made adaptation and would urge anyone to give it a try. It is certainly now among my favourite Ghiblis.


Not even a fragment of what it used to be
This used to be a good watch up until about ten years ago, with good characters, pacing and editing. It felt like a wholesome soap with a good balance of drama and humour/general breathing space.

Then something started to change around the start of the 2010s, with new characters that I couldn't find myself caring about and far less humour. None of it felt convincing or immersive, and eventually the boredom won out and I switched off.

Recently, I decided to check in on it and see where it's at, and oh my word somehow it's become even worse. Everything feels so wooden and strange, from the acting, writing and general production; even the lighting feels very unnatural. I might forgive the first one to an extent as I reckon the actors are being given poor scripts and direction. It feels like the whole crew are fresh out of uni and have no idea what they're doing or what made the show so good back in the day. None of it feels believable or lively or dynamic, it's just boring storyline-focussed drivel that someone would have to pay me to watch. It really is such a shame that this once much-loved show has fallen so far, and I sincerely hope someone comes along and turns it around before it's too late.

The Patrick Star Show

I only found out about this abomination today whilst browsing Youtube comments. I gave it a go and couldn't last five minutes. The "humour" is very basic, cringe-worthy and nowhere near the level of original Spongebob. There are parts that seem to want to be edgy like Ren and Stimpy but just don't work nearly as well. Overall It's just a cheap spin-off with no soul. Do not watch if you want to avoid disappointment.


This troupe is keeping comedy alive
After being introduced to Horrible Histories a month or so ago, I thought I'd check out Ghosts last night; ended up binging the whole first series, and possibly the second tonight.

It really is so well written, has really good gags at a good pace and is generally a good enjoyable viewing experience. Before discovering this troupe I don't know when the last time I laughed so much at British comedy was, and it gives me hope for the future of the genre.

Snake Island

Just bad
This film committed many cinematic sins, yet not enough to be hilariously bad; just bad.

My main gripe was the lack of build up and tension. There were scenes that just went nowhere, and then there were scenes that happened too quickly, and often delivered no proper conclusion. Towards the end there was very sudden hysteria, again with no proper build-up or explanation, especially as everyone was being bonked off without the knowledge of everyone else. There were moments where they seemed to be taking the piss out of themselves, but as this didn't happen throughout the entire movie, it didn't really work.

There were other things like shoddy dialogue, long pauses, and not even understanding what some were saying (the fair-haired woman comes to mind). I suspect they were trying for a more natural feel to it, but it absolutely didn't work. Yet, as I said at the start, it's not so bad that it's good, it really is just bad and a good example of everything a film shouldn't be.


Mixed bag
I wanted to like this film more than I did, as the general story, theme and atmosphere were quite nice, but there were some flaws that I can't get away from and have to take into account for my rating.

I'd say the biggest one for me was the animation. Quite a bit of it felt quite jerky and unnatural, and the emotions in the human faces were lacking. A lot of the time it felt like I was watching video game cutscenes rather than a film. The words even seemed to be quite out of sync a lot of the time. Fortunately there was quite a bit more emotion coming from White Fang.

The other main criticism I have is that some things just didn't make much sense. The only example I'll mention is when Maggie is suddenly anxious when she apparently forgets that she left White Fang with the chickens, only a couple of minutes after she was talking about it with her husband. It may seem minor but it can still affect the viewing experience.

Overall I'd say it was a nice Friday evening watch but I'll probably not watch it again.

Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru

Amazing visuals, mediocre story
I'd just like to echo what some others have said.

The visuals were absolutely stunning and they're really what kept me watching for the whole hour. I probably will keep it and watch it again because of them, and hope to see other films like it.

The storyline, however, was just...meh. I'm trying to give it some leeway in terms of target audience and culture, recognising that a lot of Japanese films and books are particularly sentimental. Perhaps another viewing will make me appreciate the poetry of it a bit more. But I feel that given the length, a bit more complexity wouldn't have hurt, and if it wasn't for the animation, I might not have finished it.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Meh. Aimed at a young audience?
Me and my mum decided to watch it last night and our thoughts were exactly the same - meh. It felt like it would appeal to a young audience as a lot of it was just watching the beasts do their thing.

I did think Redmayne was amazing at portraying a wildlife enthusiast; as one myself, I recognised the subtle quirks and thought his performance was spot on. The beasts were cool, though nothing hysterical or ground-breaking really happened. One of my main gripes is that I don't think the film allowed time for us to become invested in the characters, which meant that when it came to a couple of farewells at the end, the emotional impact wasn't really there. I especially think more could have been done with Kowalski, because his presence just wasn't that established. I don't blame the actor for that at all, we just didn't get to see enough of him or get to find him doing or saying anything wildly amusing or likeable.

I'm glad I finally got round to seeing this film and ticking it off the list. It was a nice watch to fill in a Saturday evening, but I won't be in a rush to see it again.

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