
IMDb member since April 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 1 month


Blackmail, Lies and Murder

Strangers on a lame.
This seems like it is a lifetime movie version of Strangers on a Train and definitely would fall under the, "we have Strangers on a Train at home" meme.

I usually love the cheesiness of lifetime movies and can ignore the bad acting and predictable plot, but this one was just terrible. I did not feel any sympathy for the characters and I was just ready for the movie to be over. I did entertain myself by annoying my son. The Simpsons did a treehouse of horror take on Strangers on a Train, Bart kept saying "cross cross" to Lisa. I, of course, kept saying criss cross to my son. For this reason alone, I gave this movie an extra two stars.

Heart to Heart

Entertaining like most lifetime movies
The movie mostly followed the basic lifetime script: crazy person tries to ruin someone's life, Vera just went crazy quicker than usual. I usually have empathy for the protagonist victims, but this couple sucked. I have to admit, I was kind of cheering for Vera. They were so hateful and just terrible people. That is why I gave six stars, because the 'victims' sucked so much.

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