
IMDb member since May 2001
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Doctor Who: The End of Time: Part Two
Laughed, cried, and cheered.

Everyone who loves The Doctor has an actor who endeared this character to them. I could never get on board with The Doctor as a kid due to the poor production value but once I heard it was coming back with today's technology I couldn't wait. We can argue back and forth about Who's the best (pun intended) but it will always be a subjective battle of personal experience and opinion. My first was and will always be David Tennant. Christopher was great, no question, but David took us with him... It pains me to know he is now in Hollywood among the average and over-rated. I wish you luck there (as you deserve more than waiting rooms and screen tests) and hope your past will help you through the cold reality of Los Angeles and its executives who still think Who was your characters last name... At the very least, you'll be able to afford to learn to surf in your spare time! David, to me, you were, and always will be the actor who brought The Doctor to life for me, job well done sir....

As soon as the final episode was over I took a breath, a short leak, and started watching it again. Thank you Mr. Davies, you have made my imagination find whole new worlds and given me the most amazing television escape of my life to date...I know this sounds a little over-board and over zealous but in my opinion you and your staff have done the stories proud...

For all the haters out there, I challenge you to equal the journey that these men carried us over the past few years. Sure, there were lows, but we live in a time where more people know Paris Hilton than where Paris, France is so kudos to you for staying the course and keeping the fire burning...

Now if only I had kids so that I could make it through Seasons Two and Three of Sarah Jane to fill in the story gaps of my mind...

The Fix

very well done short film...feels like a feature! great production value, well written, acted, and directed. the director obviously cares about every facet of this production and it shows! I am really looking forward to seeing more for this director. had a dark, gritty feel, reminiscent of taxi driver or midnight cowboy and manages to reel the viewer in within a short period of time. Travis is electric while Robert plays the father with a commanding performance...he no longer deserves any references to the T2 movie we first met him in, he has grown so much as an actor and Kane does a great job of using this actor in his best light...everyone in this short film is very real and the story therefore impacts the viewer intensely...

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