
IMDb member since April 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 1 month



Deserves a broader audience!
Movies like these with thrills and brilliant performances deserve more applause. Such a great cast with very good direction and storytelling! Recommended to people looking to watch good Indian action thrillers.


Deserves the 8 star rating
Don't know what some people are watching! The AARYA I watched was entertaining, not boring and not a 'copy' of any american TV Show. The performance of the cast is believable(you might come across some people complaining about actors not delivering their dialogues properly, lol, that is what contributes to the vulnerability of the characters!) I have watched my fair share of American/British TV shows, would recommend this "thriller".

South Park

Watching it on loop
This show might seem like a offensive, crude take on society (which it is) but it is genius in some parts. I love Cartman and Butters and Randyyyy... yayaya

Prison Break

What a ride with the Scofield brothers
This was the 1st thriller TV series which I watched on the web! And what a great series it turned out to be. The 1st season was so amazinggg!!!! Loved every minutes of it. And I would admit that in the later seasons it got a bit.... but gets 10 stars from me because of the masterpiece that Season 1 was.

Breaking Bad

Rated so highly but.....
Watching the show before finding out that it won so many awards helped as it leads to a perception being created. Better to watch it without so much of expectations. But after having watched it, I can say it deserves all the praise!!! My god I love every character's development. The makers really knew where they were taking. The cast was perfect for their respective roles. Just amazing performances, like they were meant to do their roles. Keeping it all spoiler free :) P.s- this is the first thing I have done after creating IMDB account, total fan.

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