
IMDb member since May 2001
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    23 years


That's Life

Well-crafted program
I came to this website to see if I could find out what happened to this show...I haven't seen it in the listings for awhile and hope it has survived. I didn't watch the pilot, but tuned in a week or so later while channel surfing. I was impressed with what I saw. The characters are very real, and situations are quirky and interesting. The character interaction particularly interests me. In one episode, Lydia is having financial difficulties but doesn't want to ask her father for help, even though she knows he would give it to her. She's fighting to remain independent. Towards the end of the show she takes her laundry to her parents house, telling her mom not to do it...she'll take care of it.

Mom complains about all the money she's always finding in with Lydia's clothes. After Lydia goes upstairs w/her mom, dad sneaks into the laundry room and adds some bills to the clothes in the dryer. A simple thing, but made quite poignant in the way its acted out. There's alot said in this show that's "between the lines", but done in such a way that you can't miss it. Special show.

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